At 2/25/09 12:53 PM, jmtb02 wrote:
This thread just got really weird.
I like weird. :3
I need a new pic for my account page too. >:C
Older then a month is too old for me.
The Toon - Game push
I find myself falling back and fourth between makin' games and makin' toons. One week I'll spend a hour or so brainstorming ideas for scripts, shots, characters, and situations for toons and another week it'll be me going through old game docuements or taking notes for new ones. I use to have an old goal to pump out one Duder short a month at least so I could say I get somethin' done every month and have some level of "productiveness".
If I ask myself honestly right now - I want to make a game, I totally can use things from old games for the programming and it's easy enough to find AS tuts on that AS Main thread. However in a few days it may switch and I may wanna make a toon instead.
My only options are finding a way to balance the two or just go with the flow and not make, but work on games when I got the push to make games, and work on toons when I got the push to make toons.
I got a few old unfinished toons - two or three. Still waiting for MTC(bloody drunk) to do the voices for it though. Maybe I'll finished the unfinished ones next time I'm in toon mode.
But ya, anyone else ever get stuck on a hill and fall back and fourth between games and toons in short periods? In a week I was into makin' games one day, toons a few days, games a couple days, and toons one harsh night. The patterns unpredictable. :P
Either way too I'm also workin' on flash so this ain't a problem cause wheither its a game or toon it's still The Duders and it's still shit gettin' done... and I gotta get-her-done!
Wisdom teeth
Got mine pulled out. All 3 - was cool to see all the lights and doctor masks and metal tools of torture.
SUPER sucks being screwed up on T3's and anti-inflammitories, and other junk they gave me. I spend months with mushrooms and the world flows under me - I spend a week on pharmasoticals and I'm dumping my cereal into a glass accidently instead of a bowl. Legal drugs are nuts! The other day I tried explaining something to a friend and was caught in a loop saying the same thing over just in different ways... I look forward to when I'm off these pain killers and able to think and act in the norm for me.
Also this was my first time with stitches and OUCH strings in your gums are both painful and annoying when eating.
Fallout 3 and why it rocks
I've boughten a few new games over the last few months. I got me a pile of PS3 games on my TV now. The funny thing is no matter what game I buy I always find myself going back to Fallout 3. I've started a new file many times - got files with over 30 and 40 hours of gameplay. Know the game very well and all its secrets, and everytime I play I do basically the same thing which is raid and kill every town and be super evil using Big Guns and Exposives. >:3
I love fallout 3. Nothing makes me smile more then seeing my character in the ghoul mask, with the leader of slavers red suit, and the sheriffs from megatons cowboy hat. He stands their with his big mini-gun or missile launcher and unleashes death upon the entire town - then I get to eat every corspe I kill. :D