At 1/22/09 08:03 AM, ArthurGhostly wrote: But I have no idea what a pipe is.
Do tell?
Yahoo Pipes, as well as Google Mashups and MS Popfly are part of that oh so fun line of toys that form part of the mashup scene. Mashups are a trendy way of saying "data collection and repackaging". Its the type of technology used to do silly things like tell Google Maps to plot a hundred points on a map based on two XML feeds and to automatically scour Flickr for all images of destinations listed in the feeds.
Anyway. The feed I put up there takes the RSS feed to the Weekly Awards, Daily Awards and 20 Most Recent Submissions, and compares the name in one of the fields to the list of names you input, and only displays the ones that match. Currently I'm building a bizarre one for my site that rips news articles and journal entries and Twitter and a few other sources to make a ticker news feed