Google Chrome is officially out of beta now for those who cares.
Google Chrome is officially out of beta now for those who cares.
At 12/11/08 03:14 PM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Only one person I've run into in my parts dislikes The Beatles and he was from Ontario and was a metal head. But yeah... Beatles are great to listen to in almost any situation.
I don't think anyone REALLY dislikes The Beatles. I mean, they're not really my sort of thing but I could still listen to them and appreciate that they are talented artists and wrote good songs, even if they're not my cuppa-tea. I really only like music from like 2000 onwards though :P
New Layout
I hate my screen. I can only see half of the background.
Oh, how much of a twat I am for taking it. Worst subject ever. First, the people in the class are absolute shit. As in they lack common sense/logic and are wayyy to easily distracted. But I suppose this wouldn't be too bad with a teacher who actually knew what they were talking about as he would quickly be able to answer the pointless questions and move on. There are hundreds of examples I could give you on how little he knows but I'll use todays. We've been doing web design for a few lessons now, basic html/css. So really I just listen to my ipod and play about in flash. After a few questions he couldn't answer about basic css we moved on to practical work (I didn't bother). Then he thought he'd try to explain classes in css. The code in the booklet was something like:
.class1 {
color: red;
<div class="class1">This text is red</div>
But he didn't even know what the div tag did. Come on.. how can you teach it without even knowing that? I swear he just does a 5minute google before each lesson. Not only that the booklet was poor as hell, teaching those new to HTML all sorts of bad practices. It didn't close any tags. Instead of, for example, <br /> it would do <br />. With the exception of the meta tags which were probably just copied and pasted by the looks of them. Gahhhhhhh.
End rant
At 12/11/08 03:17 PM, Blackfang wrote: Sorry double post, buuut:
New Layout
I love it so much. I wish they would keep these awesome side things there all the time. My resolution is 1440 x 900 so it looks awesome, especially on my userpage. The picture will probably get fucked, but look!
I agree, my monitor is not the widest but i still see it and its like WOOT!
Question: on the right hand side what does it say on the furnace? "Newgrounds somethingorother"
the 2nd word confuses me :P
At 12/11/08 10:34 PM, Duchednier wrote: I agree, my monitor is not the widest but i still see it and its like WOOT!
Question: on the right hand side what does it say on the furnace? "Newgrounds somethingorother"
the 2nd word confuses me :P
It say "Newgrounds" and below it "Est. 1999"
At 12/11/08 10:34 PM, Duchednier wrote: the 2nd word confuses me :P
At 12/11/08 03:36 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Computing
But he didn't even know what the div tag did. Come on.. how can you teach it without even knowing that? I swear he just does a 5minute google before each lesson. Not only that the booklet was poor as hell, teaching those new to HTML all sorts of bad practices. It didn't close any tags. Instead of, for example, <br /> it would do <br />. With the exception of the meta tags which were probably just copied and pasted by the looks of them. Gahhhhhhh.
Are you sure you're not exaggerating a bit? A computing teacher who doesn't know what div is? :/ Damn that must really suck, I see many people here on the reg lounge talked about just listening to music and messing around with flash during computing classes because it's so crap.
I hear liam took a c++ course in college, how is that compared to computing classes in school?
At 12/11/08 03:36 PM, UnknownFury wrote: rant
Wow, web design is included in computing now? That's ridiculous :p I did both Computing and ICT at college (because I'm ubernerd) and computing was very shit, the teacher trying to teach us BASIC with only a basic grasp of the crappy language himself.. the lessons might have been ok if the teacher wasn't so bad >.> ICT was awesome because the 2 teachers I had were awesome, the 1st (1st year) just told us what to do and then let us get on with it, asking for help if we need it but generally just playing flash games on his pc and sticking films on the projector, and in the 2nd year that teacher had a less relaxed approach but was still a cool guy and we all had fun in lessons. The web design aspect of ICT was good, everyone walking past me "soo liam... about flash.. sex 4 achtunskript?"
At 12/12/08 06:21 AM, Toast wrote: I hear liam took a c++ course in college, how is that compared to computing classes in school?
It's at uni, and video game programming.. we just get taught C++ as the main language and we have other modules (hardware, etc) too. It's not bad, a bit slow for me because I know 98% of what we've been taught so far, but it has definitely helped me improve. The whole uni experience (work wise) is awesome compared to college.. so much more relaxed, I love that :) Problem is for some it's too much of a drastic change (personally I was totally unmotivated in college so it's actually a step up here) that they suck balls here. So many people sucking ass at doing a simple console based connect 4 game in C++, blaming it on them knowing BASIC, PASCAL, etc when really it's because they're too fucking stupid to pick up C++. I know several languages and I know it's easier to pick up another programming language after already knowing one >.> And C++ is an easy one to pick up.
Sup, bitches :)
At 12/12/08 08:06 AM, 25272D wrote:
:To be a teacher in britain, you don't need anything. I've been doing web development in my freetime for maybe 2 years now, my "Skills" (lmao) outstrip my teacher easily. It makes sense though; technology is ever evolving, my teacher is ~40, when he got his degree and what not, web development was nothing of what it is today, which is why ALL IT teacher suck. We had one in high school, he actually knew his shit, but the school system here is wank so he left and now teaches in Switzerland for loads more money :D
Sounds way to much like my high years in IT there. I actually taught the grade 12 class from time to time. I'm so glad my tech school isn't that bullshit again haha.
At 12/12/08 06:21 AM, Toast wrote: Are you sure you're not exaggerating a bit? A computing teacher who doesn't know what div is?
Nope, no exaggeration whatsoever. He even said "if anyone gets a chance between now and next lesson maybe you can find out what it is and tell me next lesson", or something to that effect. I've given up putting my hand up or anything now though. The only good thing about computing is learning all the theory and hardware sort of stuff. Although the teacher doesn't really teach me anything (as I don't trust what he says at all), the book which we fill in has headings and stuff and I'll just read through the textbook to ensure I know everything on the sylabus, then if I want to know more go on the internet.
At 12/12/08 08:06 AM, 25272D wrote: It's a joke really, they teacher such bad practices, UPPER CASE tags and they encourage the use of WYSIWYG, my teacher is only there for the money, by his own admission.
Hey i got a joke for you, and all the other programmers.
What did the nerdy programmer say to the girls at the beach
who were marveling over other guys' tanned six packs?
"Hey, i got atan2!"
Congrats to Rudy and now Corey Griffin for getting tablets!
At 12/12/08 03:56 PM, BoMToons wrote: Congrats to Rudy and now Corey Griffin for getting tablets!
And Night-Mare >:C
At 12/12/08 03:56 PM, BoMToons wrote: Congrats to Rudy and now Corey Griffin for getting tablets!
Thanks :) i checked from my phone (since i was at school) and i started running around yelling :D i couldn't believe it.
Made a new game.
Shameless advertisin' to friends.
I can't believe it's done... I haven't got somethin' done in so long. :O
Pardon me as I order myself a victory pizza.
Tip of the Day
Never invite your guy friend over, and a girl friend over that like one another and have a few beers. I face the consequences of them being all over each other, and making out in my bed as I sit here typing this. I suppose it's better than fucking each other but still, it's only the beginning and it's 8 o'clock, we got until 12 o'clock -- Oh god.
Wish me luck.
At 12/12/08 07:50 PM, Rudy wrote: Wish me luck.
Shan! You're own fault really :P
any of you guys hear about the virus that was developed for mac pc's?
unlucky mac users!
lmao but srsly, i found out at college today and the masterminds hit apple themselves first to test it out and got through the fire walls
and my whole department at college is run on macs...
yay more software to slow the crappy things down even more...
extra padded virus software, i bet the technicians will go overboard and installl like 2 or 3 anti-virus softwares to the server, JUST IN CASE, yeah...
anyone else hear of this new virus?
i myself am quite happy that now all the smug bastards who use mac and say "were virus free" have now been infected (or have the potential to be infencted)
welcome to the world of corrupt system32 :3
At 12/12/08 07:53 PM, dELtaluca wrote:At 12/12/08 07:50 PM, Rudy wrote: Wish me luck.Shan! You're own fault really :P
News update: They're moaning, and I think he fingered her, and she gave him a hand job. Okay, I kicked them out.
At 12/12/08 09:38 PM, Rudy wrote: News update: They're moaning, and I think he fingered her, and she gave him a hand job. Okay, I kicked them out.
pics plox :P
also sup guys..
At 12/12/08 07:55 PM, 2006Neon2006 wrote: anyone else hear of this new virus?
A link would be nice. Shouldn't be too hard to prevent one virus
it's not like i'm trying to prevent millions or anything)
At 12/12/08 10:01 PM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:At 12/12/08 07:55 PM, 2006Neon2006 wrote: anyone else hear of this new virus?A link would be nice. Shouldn't be too hard to prevent one virus
it's not like i'm trying to prevent millions or anything)
Sounds like rudy's night.
Sounds like a bad night Rudy. >=(.
I'm extremly tired, and can't sleep. I'm in the process of boiling some coffee.
At 12/12/08 12:30 AM, BoMToons wrote:At 12/11/08 10:34 PM, Duchednier wrote: the 2nd word confuses me :PEstablished
Shhh, its kinda blurry.... thank you for clearing it up :P
At 12/12/08 05:36 PM, Nuggs wrote: College
YAY!!! I just accepted to University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering early decision. Penn is only 10 miles from the NG HQ so maybe next year I will go visit Tom. Anyone on ng go to penn?
Congrats Nuggs. College parties ftw!
At 12/13/08 12:55 AM, Penboy wrote:At 12/12/08 05:36 PM, Nuggs wrote: CollegeCongrats Nuggs. College parties ftw!
YAY!!! I just accepted to University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering early decision. Penn is only 10 miles from the NG HQ so maybe next year I will go visit Tom. Anyone on ng go to penn?
Hooray for experimentation with drugs, alcohol and unprotected sex!!! YAY
What branch on engineering will you be studying?
At 12/12/08 05:36 PM, Nuggs wrote: College
YAY!!! I just accepted to University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering early decision. Penn is only 10 miles from the NG HQ so maybe next year I will go visit Tom. Anyone on ng go to penn?
kewel im movin up to philly next yr....
Im heartbroken because i gotta sell my car next month :***(
At 12/13/08 01:22 AM, Luis wrote: Im heartbroken because i gotta sell my car next month :***(