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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 03:30:57

At 12/10/08 02:05 AM, Thomas wrote: This is my shoe. The same exact one. Except dirty.

Wow how did you manage to do that? Ebay?

I don't like Nike

Yeah me neither, but I'm picky about shoes... I had the same blue new balances for two years before I got some adidas.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 04:12:08

At 12/10/08 03:30 AM, Coaly wrote: Wow how did you manage to do that? Ebay?

Well I mean that type of pair. I kind of misworded that post...Tis my 3rd pair of Adios.


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 04:19:46

At 12/10/08 02:05 AM, Thomas wrote: This is my shoe. The same exact one. Except dirty.
I don't like Nike

I don't really care too much about shoes, as long as they look good.. those look awesome.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 05:02:34

At 12/10/08 04:12 AM, Thomas wrote:
At 12/10/08 03:30 AM, Coaly wrote: Wow how did you manage to do that? Ebay?
Well I mean that type of pair. I kind of misworded that post...Tis my 3rd pair of Adios.

I was jk >_>

Why is your site called knoxius media? Makes me think of knox the claymation guy.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 05:47:28

At 12/10/08 02:18 AM, Rudy wrote: I made a video expressing my thoughts. Check it out.
What's the Deal with Fred?

Thanks for ruining my day by bringing that... person to my attention. I've never understood YouTube and I think I never will. I mean, I see the fun in checking a movie on YT every now and then, I just don't understand people who use it as their personal diary/weblog... What's the fun in putting your personal shit on the web? I can actually understand why people would do that in a blog because it's somewhat anonymous, but a video... It boggles my mind. That Fred dude is just making an ass out of himself and that's just plain sad...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:05:47

At 12/10/08 05:47 AM, Xeptic wrote: That Fred dude is just making an ass out of himself and that's just plain sad...

Apparently he has made "six figures' worth of income from ad revenue and sponsorship deals this year" (ref) so I doubt he cares that some people thinks it's sad and instead laughs all the way to the bank.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:12:00

Wow, so many shoes. What's wrong with wearing a thongs (as in, flipflops or jandels)?

australia's weird words
At 12/10/08 02:42 AM, Thomas wrote: Speaking of YouTube, I have a picture of TheBaldy taken from a YouTube video. I paused the video and this is the face I happened to catch. In the video, he yells "Oh my god Chris Crocker!". It is now a motivational poster.

Saved it for my *chan /b/rousing.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:14:14

At 12/10/08 06:05 AM, hesselbom wrote:
At 12/10/08 05:47 AM, Xeptic wrote: That Fred dude is just making an ass out of himself and that's just plain sad...
Apparently he has made "six figures' worth of income from ad revenue and sponsorship deals this year" (ref) so I doubt he cares that some people thinks it's sad and instead laughs all the way to the bank.

I figured as much, but not every YouTube attention whore has that big of a status. I reckon only a select few are popular enough to actually make a solid income with it, the rest is just sad. But that's my personal opinion I suppose, whatever floats your boat...

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:20:42

At 12/10/08 06:12 AM, Penboy wrote: Wow, so many shoes. What's wrong with wearing a thongs (as in, flipflops or jandels)?
australia's weird words

I actually hate flipflops lmao... i have this 'thing' where i cant stand the sound they make.. *clack clop* *clack clop*... its like the equivalent of running your nails down a blackboard... other sounds i hate include the sound of clipping nails with a nailclipper.. its kind of gross.. like hearing chips of your body snapping off ...

I think the reason i hate flip flops is because my first boss as a graphic designer was this dickhead white guy who wore nothing but flip flops all day.. and i had to look at his fucking nasty toes... and i could hear him coming and shit... im forever biased against that footwear now.

In regards to my fashion sense... I do like stripes.. alot of my shoes and shirts have stripes on them... maybe in my alternate life i yearn to be a zebra or something


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:22:16

At 12/10/08 06:20 AM, Luis wrote: I think the reason i hate flip flops is because my first boss as a graphic designer was this dickhead white guy who wore nothing but flip flops all day..

err i dont mean he walked around naked... i meant he wore flip flops no matter what the weather was... rain snow sleet.. dont mattah.. he was gonna wear flip flops.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 06:45:11

At 12/10/08 06:20 AM, Luis wrote: other sounds i hate include the sound of clipping nails with a nailclipper.. its kind of gross.. like hearing chips of your body snapping off ...

Lol that's a really funny way of putting it, what an unlikely thing to dislike.

In regards to my fashion sense... I do like stripes.. alot of my shoes and shirts have stripes on them... maybe in my alternate life i yearn to be a zebra or something

And then maybe in your alternate alternate life you actually are a zebra.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 08:10:47

Tangent to Youtube: Commenters
I use Youtube as my music player at work. And so I've been recently listening to some songs from the new GnR album up there before I choose to buy it or not (signs point to yes. I do like me some Buckethead solos...).

However, I do end up getting exposed to Youtube commenters. All the 'videos' (stills with the music in the backdrop), are covered with people demanding that GnR reform to thier original line up and acidly complaining how the new stuff just isn't the same, with the kind of zeal that makes it sound like they were there for the original release of Appetite for Destruction.

I was two when that was released. I'm twenty three.

Are these people really telling me that they were old enough to have an understanding of music and what the music meant (which, being fair, requires someone to be at least twelve... making each commenter there at least thirty-two years old), and still feel its best to express themselves as they do on Youtube? Obviously not, so why the hell do kids think they're going to look credible claiming that Chinese Democracy would sound better with Slash or Izzy back in the band while trying to sound like lifelong GnR fans?

Its the same with everything. Every Nightwish video becomes a debate over whether Annete is a good substitute for Tarja, every Offspring video has half the videos claiming "they peaked at Smash"... where does this energy for pretending to be an expert come from and why does it get leaked, of all places, onto Youtube, which is now mostly composed of a billion copies of music videos or entire songs being played over the album cover?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 09:56:08

At 12/10/08 08:10 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: "they peaked at Smash"..

I think "You're gonna go far kid" and "Hammerhead" are awesome, the former being one of my favourite songs atm.. I too use youtube as a music player, there's everything I want plus more to discover all without feeling bad about stealing (bands I listen to a lot are the sort of bands I don't mind supporting, thus I buy their CDs and not just DL their stuff).

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 10:09:15

Youtube Stars

N0VAROKU is gonna be hugh

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 10:09:38

At 12/10/08 10:09 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Youtube Stars

N0VAROKU is gonna be hugh


The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 10:25:10

In other news, Pepsi Sweden currently has Guitar Hero in Flash in Papervision on thier site.
Are we all feeling a little outclassed yet?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 10:33:07

At 12/10/08 10:25 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: In other news, Pepsi Sweden currently has Guitar Hero in Flash in Papervision on thier site.
Are we all feeling a little outclassed yet?

Might just be this computer, but that lagged like a motherfucker.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 10:56:52

The air jordan VI was the show I coveted, and still do, if I had a pair of these my life would be complete:

The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 12:17:25

Congrats on getting the tablet Rudy!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 12:47:01

At 12/10/08 12:37 PM, 25272D wrote: I watched 56 seconds of it and now I hate you. Video logs, or whatever the fuck those shit are, on youtube, are the worst heap of gay ever.

When no-one else wants to listen - put it on youtube.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 12:49:08

Also. Music was my first loooove and it will be my laaaast. Music of the fuuuuuuture and music of the paaaast.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 14:20:14

At 12/10/08 12:47 PM, SweetSkater wrote:EX

When no-one else wants to listen - put it on youtube.


Oh and by the way, I wonz a tabletz

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 14:20:58

At 12/10/08 02:20 PM, Rudy wrote: Oh and by the way, I wonz a tabletz

Grats Rudy! Enjoy the tablet!

|- I'm on a Boat - Collab -|- List -|- AS3 -|- Game Poll -|

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 14:34:54

At 12/10/08 02:20 PM, Rudy wrote: Oh and by the way, I wonz a tabletz

Congratulations =]

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 14:52:34

Grats, Rudy! :]

Hey, if anybody knows,
Just how many tablets is Tom going to give away?
Is he seriously going to give one away every day until Christmas?

That's a LOT of tablets. :]


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 15:11:01

At 12/10/08 10:33 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Might just be this computer, but that lagged like a motherfucker.

I got a ton of lag as well. These types of games are super tough to pull off in flash because they rely so much on a lag free experience. I hate it on xbox when its not propperly calibrated for instance.

also LMAO at the Jordans BoMmy


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 15:22:53

At 12/10/08 02:52 PM, K-Guare wrote: Grats, Rudy! :]

Yer Congrats

Tom's giving out 20 isnt he?


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 15:51:16

At 12/10/08 03:22 PM, adman1993 wrote: Tom's giving out 20 isnt he?

Nope. He's going up until christmas. And I think he said he might give some out after that as well.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 15:58:14

At 12/10/08 03:51 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Nope. He's going up until christmas. And I think he said he might give some out after that as well.

I'm pretty sure he said he was gonna get more in 2009, but wasn't specific. Can't remember though.. but still, it's awesome.

I think I got a throat infection starting, and I have work to do.. but.. but.. fuck I'm gonna get pissed tonight. Onyx (one of the larger clubs here) student night, and it's the last one before term ends so it's gonna be packed. Rapetastic :D

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-12-10 16:00:26

At 12/10/08 03:58 PM, liaaaam wrote:
I think I got a throat infection starting, and I have work to do..

I just got over the flu myself. At least I thought it was the flu (more like a 24 hour bug). Either way, there's something going round.