At 12/8/08 08:35 AM, Luis wrote: I'd assume that in some cases that would take longer than just starting over in your own code. Maybe not, I'm not a coder. I dont really know if its like art where your 'style' has its own personality to it. I assume coding can have its own personality as well. u tell me.
I think the main problem with cohesion is that most flash game coders here aren't going to be commenting there code in any way that would make things accessible to a second coder if they think they're going to do it alone. Also there's so much room for variation in flash game coding, so the way one person would structure something is probably pretty different than the next person. As far as personality, I guess that emerges as you learn how to program things just like art style emerges as you learn how to draw things, like the way you draw ears or eyes can be the way a coder sets up a for loop or names variables.
Random but appropriate side fact, morse code operators actually develop personalities that can be recognized. I think it was in ww2 that allied operators would listen in on the enemy transmissions, and though they couldn't decode it, just recognizing the operator that was sending the signal, they could track the movement of the enemy operators. So even in tapping a transmitter, people develop personalities.