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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 11:09:40

At 11/13/08 12:17 AM, Lalo wrote: I'm listening to Koop, song called Koop Island Blues TEEHEE

I'm listening to the Unicorns. >everything

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 11:58:04

At 11/13/08 07:20 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: It's not fun working out what happened, the less the you remember, the bigger the twat you made of yourself. Fact.
Digital cameras are a major risk on nights out. Literally in about 95% of the photos of me on facebook I'm completely smashed.

True dat on both those counts. I was embarassed that time i had my birthday over in London. I do blame Kirk for that actually but i never intend to get that drunk again. I wasnt violent, but i did get my ass booted out of the pub, and i started throwing money around. Im still embarassed about it cuase its totally not how i am or want people to remember me as lmao.

Im a fairly quiet, mellow person and being older than most people i like to show a bit of class and maturity. kind of.... maybe... ok once in a blue moon.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 12:19:42

At 11/13/08 11:58 AM, Luis wrote: and i started throwing money around


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 12:43:12

At 11/13/08 11:58 AM, Luis wrote: True dat on both those counts. I was embarassed that time i had my birthday over in London. I do blame Kirk for that actually


i never intend to get that drunk again.

I'll see you January, sailor.

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 13:21:20

There's nothing wrong with cider, you racists.

I'm also a bit confused, though I remember all of what happened last night, but that adds to the confusion quite a bit. I'm aching all over (possibly dancing? but I didn't dance that much) and I feel like I bruised my chest, but theres no physical marks.. so I feel like I had a fight, but I know I didn't. Unless it was in my halls, I can barely remember anything after leaving my mates halls at 4:30am but that's 2 minutes from my halls so I'm sure I didn't do anything there.

Now I'm fucking hungry and I don't wanna get a takeaway cos I have had takeaway all week, partly because I've been out pretty much all week but also because I have no food in. Btw Keith, you were right about GiGis. Fucking-A :P

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 13:40:16

At 11/12/08 03:38 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: Football Season is Over-Bring Me The Horizon

For Stevie Wonder's eyes only - BMTH

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 16:05:11

At 11/13/08 01:40 PM, UnknownFury wrote:
At 11/12/08 03:38 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: Football Season is Over-Bring Me The Horizon
For Stevie Wonder's eyes only - BMTH

... I think I love you.

That song rules.

Oh and amazing hardcore song, Crank That- I Set My Friends On Fire if anyone cares.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 16:33:46

At 11/13/08 04:05 PM, Alpharius120 wrote: That song rules.

It's one of their better songs, with pray for plagues, tell slater not to wash his dick, rawwwrr.
I don't like all of their songs though and also think they're pretty over-rated. Mostly because its what wannabe fags listen to. Same goes for crank dat cover.

Anyone know of any decent sites like Root this box seeing as its unconviently down. I've learnt a shit load of security stuff over the last week and its hot. I've completed a hell of a lot of challenges on hellboundhackers.org with minimal hints. I've had to use 1 or 2, just to nudge me in the right direction. Any of you guys have a HBH account?

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 17:19:37

At 11/13/08 04:33 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Anyone know of any decent sites like Root this box seeing as its unconviently down. I've learnt a shit load of security stuff over the last week and its hot. I've completed a hell of a lot of challenges on hellboundhackers.org with minimal hints. I've had to use 1 or 2, just to nudge me in the right direction. Any of you guys have a HBH account?

I had a HBH account for the challenges, it's pretty cool. That was about 2 years ago.. forgot the login and don't really mind :P

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 19:48:44

Go purchase a NG 2009 calendar. You won't regret it:


Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 19:51:13

At 11/13/08 07:48 PM, BoMToons wrote: Go purchase a NG 2009 calendar. You won't regret it:


I need money .. :(
Also, does the store accept PayPal? I heard it doesn't, but I would like to make sure.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 19:53:16

Hey guys what are the specifics on putting ads in your flash submissions, as far as how you do it and what you get? Like is it per view or what?

I remember vaguely but was not sure and felt like it must be common knowledge here so I was asking.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 20:03:40

At 11/13/08 07:48 PM, BoMToons wrote: Go purchase a NG 2009 calendar. You won't regret it:


Finally :p I've wanted an explosion t-shirt for weeks but I've been waiting til the calender was available so i could get both at once. Hurrah.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 20:23:13

At 11/13/08 07:51 PM, Wurmy wrote: does the store accept PayPal?

I just bought a calendar, and there was no option for paypal.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 21:17:03

At 11/13/08 11:58 AM, Luis wrote: and i started throwing money around.

I'm gonna lawl, lawl, lawl all the way home, all the way home.

At 11/13/08 06:25 AM, Paranoia wrote: How I spent my Wednesday evening

Ahaha. Be sure to tell us any more things you find out happened and be sure to show us some pictures also :D.

I would include my drunken story but I've never been drunk :'(. Only high.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-13 22:39:10

Sup guys! I'm back.
I just needed a break, coz if i'm on NG, I never get any studying done.
Although I still have exam studying to do :(

Oh, and I don't have flash on my new comp :(
Does anyone know how much CS4 is for a student?
Year 12 next year, if age makes a difference.

At 11/13/08 09:37 PM, SpamBurger wrote: CoD5: WaW Zombie Mode = Best thing ever.

Hey, it CoD5 any good? I mean, with the 'ol school guns and stuff.
I love CoD4, but not a fan of CoD2.
I'm just not sure I'll like the old school guns, compared to my beloved SMG.

At 11/12/08 01:09 PM, Luis wrote: Song Breaaaak
What r u listenin to right now?

Reach - The Butterfly Effect
They're pretty awesome. I found out about them from a friend.

Also, I've kinda grown out of BMTH. I like some screamer music, but you can only take so much before its not even music. Awesome guitar though.

My Art Thread! || Flash Reg Lounge! || CTSG Collab! :'( //

"And the science gets done, and you make a neat gun, for the people who are still alive..."

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 07:29:39

Art Project

At work with just moved office, and the powers that be have decided that the walls are too plain, so they've given everyone a canvas to whip up a masterpiece. Now I'm no artist, so I'm shitting myself right about now, as I've got 20x20cm (8x8inch) canvas to fill up by this time next week. Anyone got any ideas of something cool, yet simple I can do? And can anyone recommend so good paint/art supplies?

The water in Majorca don't taste like what it oughta.

| AS3: Main | AS2: Main | Flash Tutorials |

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 08:52:00

At 11/14/08 07:29 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Art Project

At work with just moved office, and the powers that be have decided that the walls are too plain, so they've given everyone a canvas to whip up a masterpiece. Now I'm no artist, so I'm shitting myself right about now, as I've got 20x20cm (8x8inch) canvas to fill up by this time next week. Anyone got any ideas of something cool, yet simple I can do? And can anyone recommend so good paint/art supplies?

How about a big angry faic. Nothing boosts work morale and tells you to get back to work like an angry emoticon.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 12:02:57

At 11/14/08 07:29 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: At work with just moved office, and the powers that be have decided that the walls are too plain, so they've given everyone a canvas to whip up a masterpiece. Now I'm no artist, so I'm shitting myself right about now, as I've got 20x20cm (8x8inch) canvas to fill up by this time next week. Anyone got any ideas of something cool, yet simple I can do? And can anyone recommend so good paint/art supplies?

That's fucking awesome. Draw a brick wall, then cover it in graffiti style slang ("I did your mum", "JON IS A NOB", etc). Make your office street, yo!

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 12:20:25

At 11/14/08 12:02 PM, liaaaam wrote: That's fucking awesome. Draw a brick wall, then cover it in graffiti style slang ("I did your mum", "JON IS A NOB", etc). Make your office street, yo!

I concur. Get yoself some street cred and pimp up the shiz. Fo shure. If you don't want to do that, i also think an angreh face would be good, nothing motivates like an angry yellow emotion >:(.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 17:08:02

WE HAS AN EMERGENCY! AN AWESOME MOVIE JUST CAME OUT OF THE JUDGEMENT AREA WITH A LOW SCORE!! Go and watch it and tell me you don't agree that it deserves a higher score...

The Throwback Collab, get on it!

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 17:17:02

Awesome I'm finally ordering my new pc parts. I can't wait till I play crysis on it, it's gonna be so sweet. I'll probably buy RA3 soon if i got spare money, if you guys have it I'd love to play co-op with someone. I didn't manage selling my old pc but im giving it to my brother who lives in israel so it's all good.

As for flash matters, I haven't done anything in quite a while but I still want to finish my project which involves a 2D shooter where you gotta cut people's limbs off to stop them from attacking you. no one else but me seems to be really into it but im not giving up lol

In school nothing has changed much. I'm pretty disappointed by my math teacher because he never wants to talk to me about things that are normally studied in later courses, like one time i asked him about matrixes (equivalent of arrays in flash, basically) and he said it's not even studied in high school and he wants me to concentrate on what we're studying in class instead, which is uber lame and easy. I have pretty bad grades in many subjects, especially french. I think that my writing style is good, and I make very few spelling mistakes, but unfortunately here school mostly grades you on how much you work in class and at home, not on how good you are; and since it's very hard for me to work on things by which I'm not interested, i get lots of bad grades for books i didn't read or essays i didn't write.

update on toast's life, brought to you by.. toast.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 18:46:04

At 11/14/08 05:17 PM, Toast wrote: Awesome I'm finally ordering my new pc parts. I can't wait till I play crysis on it, it's gonna be so sweet. I'll probably buy RA3 soon if i got spare money, if you guys have it I'd love to play co-op with someone. I didn't manage selling my old pc but im giving it to my brother who lives in israel so it's all good.

Crysis is a great game when you can play it that is :). I'm not so sure about RA3, i like something with a bit more strategy (Eg, Comapny of Heroes, amazing game), RA3 seems to be build up arms, rush, build up, rush etc.

As for flash matters, I haven't done anything in quite a while but I still want to finish my project which involves a 2D shooter where you gotta cut people's limbs off to stop them from attacking you. no one else but me seems to be really into it but im not giving up lol

Sounds great. Can we get a demo? Or is it still just a concept?

In school nothing has changed much. I'm pretty disappointed by my math teacher because he never wants to talk to me about things that are normally studied in later courses, like one time i asked him about matrixes (equivalent of arrays in flash, basically) and he said it's not even studied in high school and he wants me to concentrate on what we're studying in class instead, which is uber lame and easy. I have pretty bad grades in many subjects, especially french. I think that my writing style is good, and I make very few spelling mistakes, but unfortunately here school mostly grades you on how much you work in class and at home, not on how good you are; and since it's very hard for me to work on things by which I'm not interested, i get lots of bad grades for books i didn't read or essays i didn't write.

On the subject of french, what are the lessons like over there? For example, french here would be learning the vocabulary and learning to create sentances and speak fluently :P. However english is more in depth about language techniques and methods. So is french over there indepth language (anylsing text etc) or do you have a seperate lesson for all that stuff?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 19:02:46

At 11/14/08 12:20 PM, Depredation wrote: i also think an angreh face would be good, nothing motivates like an angry yellow emotion >:(.

Or make people incredibly angry, to match the expression of the emoticon =D


really happy about that, website is up tonight, we have a few bugs to fix and then i'll be posting the link (i has it now but the final version isn't uploaded so..yeah..)

Chapt 3 probobly next week or so, its just riveting =D

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 19:24:01

At 11/14/08 07:29 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: At work with just moved office, and the powers that be have decided that the walls are too plain, so they've given everyone a canvas to whip up a masterpiece. Now I'm no artist and I've got 20x20cm canvas to fill up by this time next week. Anyone got any ideas of something cool, yet simple I can do?

Paint it the colour of the wall.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 19:58:53

:Top Three Things I Hate About Animating:

1. Frame Math (ie. If I make a 7 frame walk loop and I have 36 frames left in a symbol that loops every 123 frames...)

2. Looking up things in the Library (I used to rename every object in the library for quick assess, but naming each symbol took longer than just going by the Tween and Symbol numbers--not that that's a quick process either)

3. Audio repeats. (Jokes might be funny the first time you hear them, but when your animating a long joke/series of jokes you the hear the audio so many times that the humor can die pretty fast :3 ).

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 21:15:18

At 11/14/08 07:29 AM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: Art Project

Anyone got any ideas of something cool, yet simple I can do?

menstruate on it.

I'm cool now... Right guys?... Guys?

Art Thread So I don't Lose It >:(

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-14 21:37:48

At 11/14/08 07:58 PM, Skaijo wrote:
Top Three Things I Hate About Animating:
1. Frame Math (ie. If I make a 7 frame walk loop and I have 36 frames left in a symbol that loops every 123 frames...)

Maths are easy.

2. Looking up things in the Library (I used to rename every object in the library for quick assess, but naming each symbol took longer than just going by the Tween and Symbol numbers--not that that's a quick process either)

Why not just name the objects ad you make them? Also you might want to try and use folders if you're using so many symbols you lose track of where they all are. Having tween or symbol 1-50 is probably not the best way to organize.

3. Audio repeats. (Jokes might be funny the first time you hear them, but when your animating a long joke/series of jokes you the hear the audio so many times that the humor can die pretty fast :3 ).

Yea the same thing happens with games I think, as I'm making something the luster is slowly lost to me, I usually pin it on what I'm making, instead of the fact that I've been around it so much.

Also boogley, that anim was sweet, hope tom frontpages it, maybe we should all pm the link to him.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-15 01:20:03

Derrick Comedy

I don't know if any of you guys have heard about this comedy group, Derrick Comedy, from New York but they're hilarious. Well watching their videos I stumbled across a short film made by them. It's called Checkout and I highly reccomend it. It's about 20 minutes of hilariousness.

At least to me.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-11-15 01:22:42

Just saw Quantum of Solace. They gave Bond some superhuman strength, like he flips over a motorcycle with a guy on it... with one hand.

Action scenes were good but the plot really was kinda confusing