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The Flash 'Reg' Lounge

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Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 17:45:54

It's purely mechanical, so I think it has to be this complicated. It's a difference engine made in a videogame, I think it's very impressive. Probably took way too much time, and it has no real use, but it does show the potential the game has, I can imagine this was something not even the creators of the game thought about making. Anyway, sorry for posting so much, LBP gets me all excited. Leaving now. bye.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 17:57:33

At 10/9/08 02:49 PM, Kirk-Cocaine wrote: RE: CS4
I am. I spent most of yesterday looking into it (that and LBP). Check out this video if you already haven't. Manipulate bones at runtime through the click of a button? Well bugger me!

FUCKING HELL! I always THOUGHT CS4 was looking pretty slick, but I've never seen THAT video. Fucking runtime Inverse-kinematics BONE STRUCTURE CRAZYNESS. Bones was cool, but when he put them inside of the solid rectangle and it bends with the bones...fucking amazing. That stuff is brilliant. I can't wait. I hope my school decided to upgrade all of our systems to CS4 next year...

At 10/9/08 05:23 PM, x-factor11 wrote:
At 10/9/08 04:10 PM, Xeptic wrote: Never mind the link I just saw the level. That's awesome, imagine what you could end up with if you spend some more time on it. I wonder how customizable the gameplay is, and if there's some sort of limit on how big your levels can be. Someone actually made a working calculator with the beta :)
my god, that calculator is probably the most complex thing iv ever seen..

I could not agree more. At first, I thought, "NEAT, That doesn't look that complicated" and when it takes him like 2 minutes to fly up and look at all of the combination...holy shit. That was retarded. I love it.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 18:12:28


Finally back from my ban, which I suppose Luis gave to me.

I couldn't think of a name, sorry. But in school some kids get to go on the computers and play games when they are done with everything during study hall and stuff. Its funny seeing how old the games they play are and how much Newgrounds has put me ahead of them in that sense.

For example, one of their favorite games right now is Age of War. They think its all a new game and everything, but its been out for over a year.

Also, when I say that I talk with the people who made the games they play (or at least some of them) they don't believe me. They think you guys are like hardcore coders and stuff and could like make a video game. I find it kind of funny.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 18:19:02

At 10/9/08 06:12 PM, NG-Unit wrote: Untitled

Finally back from my ban, which I suppose Luis gave to me.
I couldn't think of a name, sorry. But in school some kids get to go on the computers and play games when they are done with everything during study hall and stuff. Its funny seeing how old the games they play are and how much Newgrounds has put me ahead of them in that sense.

For example, one of their favorite games right now is Age of War. They think its all a new game and everything, but its been out for over a year.

Also, when I say that I talk with the people who made the games they play (or at least some of them) they don't believe me. They think you guys are like hardcore coders and stuff and could like make a video game. I find it kind of funny.

lol, I sorta fall into that group and I always stretch the truth by saying I've talked to them. Leaving out the whole 'only through a forum' thing. I also directed Newgrounds 5 new users.

Tom Fulp should pay me 5 cents.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 21:42:48

OH FUCKS SAKE, 2 pages since I checked =[

Anyway I'll try to comment on what I give a shit about D=

LBP - Fucking awesome, the calculator is scarily genius and Utahs level was also fucking cool as pie. Can't wait for this. Also anyone with a PS3 should check out "Linger In Shadows" on the PSN, it's £2 and is basically a demo (as in demoscene not a game demo). You're all pretty artistic and appreciate cool things so I think you'll find it cool and think it's worth the £2 (it is). Plus theres some really easy trophies which you get just by completing it, which takes 10 minutes.. maybe 20 if you want all of them.

Hans is Gay - I dunno hans, but Toms comment on that page made me lol quite hardcore (as much as mindchambers post). Gay, straight or bi.. who cares. I made one of my friends quite scared today, she told me that one of our friends is bi and I'm like "WHAT? THE? FUCK? I'll never look at him the same way again.." and a lot of stereotypical homophobic crap, jokingly, because she's a lesbian. har!

Untitled - Age of War is a cool game though.. and yeah, it's cool that I talk to people that make noteworthy games (I'm thinking mostly of jmtb because his games pop up so regularly, but glaiel, luis, etc.. theres a lot of you).

South Park - NEW SERIES??! I've watched pretty much every episode at least once (on TV and online), I'll have to look online for the new episode. The new family guys are awesome too (well they may be old but only just appearing online, god knows).

My own snippet: some dude was telling me that you can get nazi lego. What the hell? Apparently it comes with an Indiana Jones set, but, fuck! I want some.. though I know for sure I'd make a lego concentration camp. Also I had a conversation that lasted at least 20 minutes with 6 people about different places to put shit, as practical jokes. One example, replacing the fluffing stuff from a pillow case and duvet and replacing it with shit. ALSOOOOO!!! I don't know how many of you read XKCD but those that do, remember the YouTube comment comic about a week or two ago? With a virus that reads comments out to users before they post them to see how retarded they are.. well, YouTube added an audio preview button to the comments box.. fucking awesome xD

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-09 21:53:40

At 10/9/08 09:42 PM, liaaaam wrote: Hans is Gay - I dunno hans, but Toms comment on that page made me lol quite hardcore (as much as mindchambers post). Gay, straight or bi.. who cares. I made one of my friends quite scared today, she told me that one of our friends is bi and I'm like "WHAT? THE? FUCK? I'll never look at him the same way again.." and a lot of stereotypical homophobic crap, jokingly, because she's a lesbian. har!

Although mean, I find this intensely hilarious, and I'm confused about why. But from what I've seen Hans is cool, so I don't give a rat's ass about his gayness.

South Park - NEW SERIES??! I've watched pretty much every episode at least once (on TV and online), I'll have to look online for the new episode. The new family guys are awesome too (well they may be old but only just appearing online, god knows).

Oh yeah, and they've actually gotten more racist and hilariously awful (as in content not quality).

My own snippet: some dude was telling me that you can get nazi lego. What the hell? Apparently it comes with an Indiana Jones set, but, fuck! I want some.. though I know for sure I'd make a lego concentration camp. Also I had a conversation that lasted at least 20 minutes with 6 people about different places to put shit, as practical jokes. One example, replacing the fluffing stuff from a pillow case and duvet and replacing it with shit. ALSOOOOO!!! I don't know how many of you read XKCD but those that do, remember the YouTube comment comic about a week or two ago? With a virus that reads comments out to users before they post them to see how retarded they are.. well, YouTube added an audio preview button to the comments box.. fucking awesome xD

heheheh and give the lego Jews big lego noses somehow? (I'm sorry reg Jewish people).

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 03:49:05

My friend installed Crysis on her OMGSEX-PC, which has 8gb ram, quad core processor, nvidia 9800gtx graphics card, etc.. and it couldn't even run Crysis smoothly at extra high =[ It even lagged a tiny bit on all high :P Sucks. But I'm really in the mood for a gaming PC now.. so I was looking around for cheap ones with good specs that I could customise to awesomeness.. I found a cool PC for £300 which had a good processor, 4gb ram + 500gb hdd.. all I would need is a graphics card. I need to get a job or make an awesome flash or something :p

Also, anyone know if SLi would work with 1 awesome graphics card and one really cheap one? That'd be fucking awesome lulz xD

Now I got lectures and I haven't slept but the C++ lectures are boring what do I do help omgz =[

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 04:30:54

At 10/10/08 03:49 AM, liaaaam wrote: My friend installed Crysis on her OMGSEX-PC, which has 8gb ram, quad core processor, nvidia 9800gtx graphics card, etc.. and it couldn't even run Crysis smoothly at extra high =[ It even lagged a tiny bit on all high :P

That's because those specs aren't so good. Quad-core sounds all fancy and shit but really it doesn't mean the processor is good. You could have a crappy 2.2ghz Q6600 processor (quad core) and it wouldn't run half as fast as a good quality Core 2 duo. Also, 8 GB is totally useless. Unless you use extremely heavy programs like high poly 3D modeling and shit, you should go for a > 800 Mhz 4 GB RAM (Corsair is my favorite) for maximum speed. 9800gtx is good though, but there's better.
Once again, I'll link to maxishine.com. He used a core 2 duo and 4 GB with two 280GTX v2 to run the crysis benchmark at >40 fps, highest resolution, x16 anti aliasing, full high settings.

Sucks. But I'm really in the mood for a gaming PC now.. so I was looking around for cheap ones with good specs that I could customise to awesomeness.. I found a cool PC for £300 which had a good processor, 4gb ram + 500gb hdd.. all I would need is a graphics card. I need to get a job or make an awesome flash or something :p

Hmm I don't know you can get good gaming PCs for 300 pounds, but I can definitely get you a cheap configuration that would run crysis very smoothly at normal (or even high) settings. If you don't wanna build a PC tho you can find relatively cheap ones with say, a 9600gt graphic card. I might be moving to england next year if I'm feelin crazy, or in 3 years when I finish high school. I could live in your garage and we could build PCs, make flash and play Crysis all day.
Meh I talk too much about moving to people's garages, but im being partially serious here.

Also, anyone know if SLi would work with 1 awesome graphics card and one really cheap one? That'd be fucking awesome lulz xD

I don't know if the cheap one would contribute much, but it's possible. Usually people who run SLi have several identical graphic cards, like a x3 9800gtx SLi config.

Now I got lectures and I haven't slept but the C++ lectures are boring what do I do help omgz =[

You get C++ lectures at college? I would kill for that. What else do you study?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 04:40:23

At 10/10/08 03:49 AM, liaaaam wrote: Now I got lectures and I haven't slept but the C++ lectures are boring what do I do help omgz =[

I see you're following my advice. :p


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 04:52:04

At 10/10/08 04:40 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: I see you're following my advice. :p

But we're not learning anything and he just goes over the same thing over and over again, what!!! :(

@Toast, yes move in my garage. I don't have one but you're free to.

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 04:58:03

If you want a real gaming PC you can't get better than this shit:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8600
SLi x3 Geforce 280GTX v2
Corsair TWIN3X 2Gb DDR3 CAS 7 Dominator

with a coolermaster case and at least 1000 - 1100W PSU cause it's gonna need a load of power

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 05:25:08

At 10/10/08 04:52 AM, liaaaam wrote: But we're not learning anything and he just goes over the same thing over and over again, what!!! :(

Part of my advice was that at University, Lecturers teach you shit all. :)

Super happy fun time with security flaws...
Ninja enabling your webcam and microphone by overlaying a Flash game over the Adobe Settings Manager...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 05:33:34

Suddenly I have the urge to make one that overlays over Facebook...

Install the app on your facebook, run the game, it pops up an IFrame over your window (or naviates to a new page with facebook in an iframe behind it...) button presses click you through to your account details... you enter your email twice in the flash window (which has actually only got a Key Listener putting text in the right place, but in actual fact you've clicked on Facebook's Change Password fields...)...

Suddently you've changed your password to your email address in your facebook account and sent that off to a server somewhere... Considering you log onto facebook with an email address already...

Hmm... Identity Theftolicious...


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 06:16:57

That's a really neat idea, someone should try it. I bet you could do a lot nastier things by clickjacking facebook though.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 06:39:28

At 10/10/08 06:16 AM, Toast wrote: That's a really neat idea, someone should try it. I bet you could do a lot nastier things by clickjacking facebook though.

Plenty of things possible. Adobe's working on a fix for it (I'm guessing it's along the lines of setting level0 to constantly treat any mouse events as a press event, blocking it from going through to the wrapper below), but to be fair, falling for these scams is a bit tough.

First of all, clicking in random points of the screen is hardly a game mechanic that people will sit through, or email to thier friends. User interfaces that have thier "enter your details here" messages in bizarre places should instantly send red flags, and clued in people should be spotting thier status bar communicating to the website below in thier status bar.

And anyone stupid enough to enter thier banking details into a Flash game would fall for scams much less intelligent than this.

A nice black hat money spinner would be clickjacking Google Ads. Set up a HTML page covered in google ads, and have the major interface areas directly over where the Google Ads are on your webpage. User plays the Flash game over the Google Ads, clicking your links occassionally. By the time they realise how many popups you're generating, you should have made a bit of cash off them. Technically it's not against anything in the Google T&C - you're hosting a webpage with ads on them, people are clicking on them, and if you're smart you're hosting this flash game elsewhere with the webpage in an iFrame and can deny knowledge of it when they call you up on it.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 06:46:20

Well obviously this hack can't go as far as getting people's bank accounts, unless they're really really stupid. However, you could try some elaborate techniques on facebook like, say, have a flash app on fb that gives you an image of your profile picture with funny drawings on it, and at the beginning it says "This app requires you to enter the email adress of your facebook account in order to retrieve information such as profile pictures". When you install a new app on fb it generally tells you that anyway and you always click "agree", so i guess a lot of people would fall for it.

On another subject:

Pick a number with 3 digits, such as 324. Then add that same number to the right of itself in a way that the result would be 324324 if you picked 324 (or xyzxyz for whatever number you picked). Then, divide it by 7. Divide the result of the last division by 13. And finally, divide the last result again by 11. What do you get? Why?

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 07:02:26

At 10/10/08 06:46 AM, Toast wrote: Pick a number with 3 digits, such as 324. Then add that same number to the right of itself in a way that the result would be 324324 if you picked 324 (or xyzxyz for whatever number you picked). Then, divide it by 7. Divide the result of the last division by 13. And finally, divide the last result again by 11. What do you get? Why?

If you multiply any number by 1001. It is effectively shifted three decimal places left and adds itself once.


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 09:15:07

At 10/10/08 05:25 AM, KaynSlamdyke wrote: Part of my advice was that at University, Lecturers teach you shit all. :)

Big sigh, but it wouldn't be as bad if the guy didn't actually annoy me. Like, I actually hate him. I don't know him but I hate him. I'm sure he can code very well, but his coding practices are completely retarded and he's passing them off to the students.. plus we spent 2 hours today going over things we were doing for 2 hours last week, who the fuck needs to spend 4 hours in a learning environment learning basic functions?

Sup, bitches :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 09:21:26

At 10/10/08 07:30 AM, citricsquid wrote: If I wouln't be caught so easily, I'd set up a page that says "Enter" but stick the google ads underneath, instant monies :D

If they see that you have a really high amount of clicks compared to the amount of page views they might check your site, and if they find out about your clickjacking you can get seriously pwned irl by their lawyers

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 09:26:00

At 10/10/08 09:15 AM, liaaaam wrote: Big sigh, but it wouldn't be as bad if the guy didn't actually annoy me. Like, I actually hate him. I don't know him but I hate him.

And this happens unfortunately. You end up hating or liking lecturers purely on instinct.
Just remember you have to do 80% of your learning off your own back. Oh, and that First Year counts for 0% of your final grade (second year 33%, 3rd Year 66%)


BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 13:52:02

Does newgrounds need to be fixed?

Answer: No.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 16:01:30

Mmmmmm... Reg lounge eh? Well I consider myself a reg, so SHOTGUN!

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 16:57:03

At 10/10/08 04:01 PM, DocSprite wrote: Mmmmmm... Reg lounge eh? Well I consider myself a reg, so SHOTGUN!

How are you a reg with less than 100 posts? Shoo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 16:59:52

At 10/10/08 04:57 PM, Depredation wrote:
At 10/10/08 04:01 PM, DocSprite wrote: Mmmmmm... Reg lounge eh? Well I consider myself a reg, so SHOTGUN!
How are you a reg with less than 100 posts? Shoo.

Not gonna lie, he has a point... mr. 86... but i don't care don't spam and start posting on all of the forums lots and then you might have a chance :P

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 17:09:05

At 10/10/08 04:57 PM, Depredation wrote:
At 10/10/08 04:01 PM, DocSprite wrote: Mmmmmm... Reg lounge eh? Well I consider myself a reg, so SHOTGUN!
How are you a reg with less than 100 posts? Shoo.

lol shoo. But yeah, I consider a reg like 600 or over posts. But whatever, don't spam and stuff, bladiddy bladiddy blah.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 17:31:25

Reg-ness has nothing to do with post count. The lounge is for people who are regulars to the flash scene, not only the forum. And more to the point - who gives a crap? As long as they don't spam and can contribute to this thread constructively all is well.

Enough talk about 'what makes a reg'

Anyone got any halloween games in the pipes? Or just any games infact? I have 5 ^^
1. Very nearly done. Levels just being finished off.
2. Engine nearly built, tweaks to do, then need artist.
3. Other one is slowly getting there, doing coding as i get artwork.
4. Engine done. Slow progress in level design as they're complicated
5. Just an idea.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 17:57:14

At 10/10/08 05:31 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Reg-ness has nothing to do with post count. The lounge is for people who are regulars to the flash scene, not only the forum. And more to the point - who gives a crap? As long as they don't spam and can contribute to this thread constructively all is well.

Enough talk about 'what makes a reg'

Oh yeah, good point, I forgot all about luis' ground rule things on page 1. Good call.

Anyone got any halloween games in the pipes? Or just any games infact? I have 5 ^^
1. Very nearly done. Levels just being finished off.
2. Engine nearly built, tweaks to do, then need artist.
3. Other one is slowly getting there, doing coding as i get artwork.
4. Engine done. Slow progress in level design as they're complicated
5. Just an idea.

I have a animation maybe kinda that I probably won't finish, but still it's about the cutest monsters you've ever seen ripping apart and mutilating everyone. I know... I'm strange.

Hey yo

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 17:59:17

At 10/10/08 05:31 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Anyone got any halloween games in the pipes? Or just any games infact? I have 5 ^^

I got no games, but I plan to make a little screamer. I hope it isn't too obvious.

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 18:04:12

At 10/10/08 05:59 PM, DocSprite wrote:
At 10/10/08 05:31 PM, UnknownFury wrote: Anyone got any halloween games in the pipes? Or just any games infact? I have 5 ^^
I got no games, but I plan to make a little screamer. I hope it isn't too obvious.

Rule #1 to surprises: don't tell us the surprise before we watched it (or in this case before you even made it)

you sir have failed.

But yea don't listen to those noobs. If you're a cool guy you can come here regardless of your post count. Unless you're not a cool guy, then we're gonna come to your house and beat you up, but if you are strong we will shoot you.

BBS Signature

Response to The Flash 'Reg' Lounge 2008-10-10 18:06:15

At 10/10/08 06:04 PM, Toast wrote: But yea don't listen to those noobs. If you're a cool guy you can come here regardless of your post count. Unless you're not a cool guy, then we're gonna come to your house and beat you up, but if you are strong we will shoot you.

I said I didn't care, but yes, we will use toast to beat you if you are not a cool guy. And by toast I mean the food, not you.

Hey yo