Flash Optimization
Why have I just found this now? This is why I love flash... their's always junk still to learn! Where do the tricks end!?
I'm going through all my current projects now seeing how much of a difference this makes. :3
Flash Optimization
Why have I just found this now? This is why I love flash... their's always junk still to learn! Where do the tricks end!?
I'm going through all my current projects now seeing how much of a difference this makes. :3
At 9/8/08 11:41 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Flash Optimization
I've knew about this for years :P
At 9/8/08 11:41 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Flash Optimization
Lawl, known this for years too... However it sometimes kinda screws up your drawings. :P And if you FBF, it makes it less consistant.
At least from experience.
At 9/8/08 11:44 AM, dELtaluca wrote:At 9/8/08 11:41 AM, TheCriminalDuder wrote: Flash OptimizationI've knew about this for years :P
Congratulations Glaiel-Gamer. :)
http://tigsource.com/articles/2008/09/08 /aether
You're on TiGSource! That's a pretty huge accomplishment for a flash game.
At 9/8/08 12:23 PM, Toast wrote: known.
whatever :P
Gratz Glaiel for your huge-screened wondergame.
Yeah, Just completed Aether.
Brilliant, brilliant game. Grats Glaiel.
Congratulations "Glaiel"
139/150 on my maths SAT. I'm fairly impressed with myself ^^ (I've decided to throw modesty out the window)
Just checked the London meet photos and looked like a good laugh. I would have came but I see no point if I'm only going to be around for a day. ( lack of 18ness means I can't LEGALLY drink so no point me staying for longer than that) I would come for the day if you went to the lakes (like Paranoia was saying in the General forum thread or whatever. That would mean a 5 minute car journey or a 30 minute jog.
Yeah someone should organise an NG camping trip ^^ The possibilities for disaster are endless :D
At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, tommattox wrote: The possibilities for disaster are endless :D
Camping trip would be great, we should deffinately do that :)
At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, dELtaluca wrote:At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, tommattox wrote: The possibilities for disaster are endless :DCamping trip would be great, we should deffinately do that :)
let's go to a place where there's wild tigers
At 9/8/08 02:42 PM, Toast wrote: let's go to a place where there's wild tigers
0o Might struggle to find any in the Lake District.
Tigers = NG colour scheme (Orange and black.) :D
At 9/8/08 02:42 PM, Toast wrote: let's go to a place where there's wild tigers
It's just hope they're not in for some Toast.
no pun intended.
well, ok, a little.
At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, tommattox wrote: ( lack of 18ness means I can't LEGALLY drink so no point me staying for longer than that)
lol that hadnt stopped delta the previous 2 meets...that little rebelious shit.
yeah age doesn't really matter. some people in my class regularly drink alchool already :s i actually really want to go to a ng meetup in london, but I don't think I can afford taking a plane just for that.
Also, I have a really long school rant and boast post in mind, can't decide whether to write it or not.
At 9/8/08 02:58 PM, Luis wrote: that little rebelious shit.
<3 you too
At 9/8/08 02:58 PM, Luis wrote:At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, tommattox wrote: ( lack of 18ness means I can't LEGALLY drink so no point me staying for longer than that)lol that hadnt stopped delta the previous 2 meets...that little rebelious shit.
I'd be alright at the flat or whatever just might not get served everywhere :(
Anyone up for a game of anything on XBL (Luis I still can't believe you booted me from your lobby for JPI >:( )
Castle crashers and Vegas 2 is all I can really be bothered to go on since I don't ave GH or Rockband.
At 9/8/08 03:01 PM, Toast wrote: yeah age doesn't really matter. some people in my class regularly drink alchool already :s i actually really want to go to a ng meetup in london, but I don't think I can afford taking a plane just for that.
I drink since i was 15, I can even buy it myself without any problem. But then again, Guatemala is one corrupt little shit <3 Hell, I even go to the real parties in the nighties on fridays when I can, and, still being 16 (17 in 7days!) :D
I don't find smoking cool, but i could if i wanted to.
At 9/8/08 02:58 PM, Luis wrote:At 9/8/08 02:35 PM, tommattox wrote: ( lack of 18ness means I can't LEGALLY drink so no point me staying for longer than that)lol that hadnt stopped delta the previous 2 meets...that little rebelious shit.
I might have to go to the London after next. AS LONG AS YOU HOST IT PAST 15th MARCH! My parents wouldn't let me go if I'm under 17, but if I'm 17 I may have a chance...
At 9/8/08 04:28 PM, Hoeloe wrote: 15th MARCH!
I'm assuming this means your birthday is 15th/16th ? probably 15th since you won't have thought that far ahead as to the exact meaning of your sentence; in which case this makes me exactly 2 years older than you.
Can anyone solve this? http://www.hesselboom.com/toast/lights%2 0out.swf
normal size is 550x400 btw
click on a tile to change the colors of the tiles touching it and the tile itself. the goal is to make all the tiles red. do you think it's worth to add more levels and submit it to ng with better graphics, and a proper menu and stuff? I also thought of making a level builder which stocks all the levels in xml files so that everyone can play other people's levels. however, it's not as easy as it seems to make good levels :/ most of the levels i make are impossible or too hard to solve.
this is the first project of my potential puzzle game site. I coded the game engine in 40 minutes last week, but for some reason it hasn't changed much this week :P
school sux !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ull get a full school rant post later dont worry
Hey all, sorry i've been basically out for the last few days, and probobly will be again for about 6 weeks ish. When i left it was an "exchange' program, so now i have a japanese kid living with me for the next 6 weeks, i must entertain him through the art of grand theft auto 4... :P and lego starwars, we've gotta beat it! (just started yesterday)
either way... congrats glaiel (is that spelt right?) game looks good ^_^
At 9/8/08 04:52 PM, Toast wrote: Can anyone solve this? http://www.hesselboom.com/toast/lights%2 0out.swf
normal size is 550x400 btw
click on a tile to change the colors of the tiles touching it and the tile itself. the goal is to make all the tiles red. do you think it's worth to add more levels and submit it to ng with better graphics, and a proper menu and stuff? I also thought of making a level builder which stocks all the levels in xml files so that everyone can play other people's levels. however, it's not as easy as it seems to make good levels :/ most of the levels i make are impossible or too hard to solve.
this is the first project of my potential puzzle game site. I coded the game engine in 40 minutes last week, but for some reason it hasn't changed much this week :P
school sux !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ull get a full school rant post later dont worry
Is it supposed to be all red or all blue? Cause I got all red.
School Rant
I get into high school, and after 4 hours I hated it. My backpack weighed at least 10-15 pounds after today, and yet I don't have alot of homework. My german teacher has a microphone but still finds it nescesary (sp?) to scream into it.
We're learning about Spongebob in Science, I mean what the hell?! American Government and Law are right next to each other period wise but the school found it nescesary (sp?) to put my Law on the opposite side of Government (and this is a big school).
I have another week of Running in gym, that's two weeks in a row. And thanks to that I've realized how out of shape I've become because of Summer. I have yet to hear anything English related in Honors English.
I've realized that I despise everybody in my Algebra 1 class. I can't understand my teacher either. She has that accent of those people you talk to for, like, Microsoft technical help.
Wow... That felt good.
you need to make them all red. on a 4x4 scale, you win anyway if they're all blue because then you just need to click [2,1] [4,2] [1,3] [3,4] and you win. it's pretty much the easiest level i could come up with.
also, why are you complaining about school if you got no homework? I don't want to boast but I think that im gonna have the worst school year out of all the regs
At 9/8/08 05:10 PM, Toast wrote: I don't want to boast but I think that im gonna have the worst school year out of all the regs
How so, toastie?
At 9/8/08 05:10 PM, Toast wrote: you need to make them all red. on a 4x4 scale, you win anyway if they're all blue because then you just need to click [2,1] [4,2] [1,3] [3,4] and you win. it's pretty much the easiest level i could come up with.
also, why are you complaining about school if you got no homework? I don't want to boast but I think that im gonna have the worst school year out of all the regs
Well I have homework, and alot of it, but the amount of homework I have doesn't equal what the weight of my bag should be. Like four of my assignments are in one book.
At 9/8/08 04:29 PM, dELtaluca wrote:At 9/8/08 04:28 PM, Hoeloe wrote: 15th MARCH!I'm assuming this means your birthday is 15th/16th ? probably 15th since you won't have thought that far ahead as to the exact meaning of your sentence; in which case this makes me exactly 2 years older than you.
And exactly 4 years older than my sister
At 9/8/08 05:13 PM, Blaze wrote:At 9/8/08 05:10 PM, Toast wrote: I don't want to boast but I think that im gonna have the worst school year out of all the regsHow so, toastie?
ill do it tomorrow, gotta sleep now :(
and speaking of sleep, it really fucking annoys me to have to be in bed early so i go to sleep at 1:00 at night like a retard and wake up like a zombie. i fucking hate school
At 9/8/08 05:23 PM, Toast wrote: setInterval(toast.rant(),68400000);
You lazy piece of bread, you.
Rant I say!
and speaking of sleep, it really fucking annoys me to have to be in bed early so i go to sleep at 1:00 at night like a retard and wake up like a zombie. i fucking hate school
Yaeh :P Sleeping at 1 AM and waking early makes for zombie toast!
Sorry to jump in from no where but I couldnt help it with you guys complaining about school
At sixth form, on a monday morning, i have 4 straight hours of further maths. No break or anything since the teachers a prat. Next time your sad about your 15 pound backpack, thing about 4 straight hours of further maths.
Well Im off to join the army see you in a bit