Greatest game ever
I just started playing FFVII again (I seem to do it every time I leave a school :/), and I swear, forget MGS - it's the single greatest game ever created by anyone.
Everything about it reeks quality. The setting and soundtrack intermingle perfectly, creating a bleak, unforgiving world to play through. The characters are entertainingly diverse, yet despite having some of the biggest emos in gaming history, they somehow manage to not be annoying. The plot is perfect - you've got a fantastic triangle between your plucky group of terrorists, the cold, cynical corporation with stranglehold on the world, and the pure, unstoppable force of evil in Sephiroph.
Probably the biggest triumph in this game is its timing. It's perfect. More perfect than in any other game, film, book, poem, comedy - anything. Lots of games like to throw all of their concepts at you within five minutes of you sticking them in, incase some reviewer with ADD won't have the patience to get through the first ten hours or so without some big, impressive visuals. Not this game, though.
The first big section of gameplay takes place in a bleak, dystopian city, in eternal blackness due to the plate on which the richer folk live. Instead of ruining that feeling of oppression by showing you the game's full potential, it forces you to play through hour after hour of slum, factory and sewer. The end of this segment feels like a climax in itself, but then the game proper begins. You're shown the full world map for the first time, and having spent so long in the darkness to be able to roam this brightly lit planet is an indescribable feeling of liberation. And then the game plunges you into the true history of the main characters.
The way the story unfolds bit by bit is unbelievably epic. Indescribably epic. This is a game which doesn't even try to appeal to its imaginary audience of idiots - it doesn't shy away from sticking you in an hour long segment of pure story telling, or giving us a plethora of morally ambiguous characters and villains.
If you need final proof of how awesome this game truly is, look at the screenshot below. Look at the ugly, blocky, low-poly models, with their disproportioned limbs and their single-colour clothes. Imagine those ugly things picking up their massive swords out out of thin air, or walking into each other and disappearing when they move to form a group. Now, I guarantee that within ten seconds of gameplay, none of that will matter. The horribleness of those graphics will be a non-issue. If anything, it'll strike you as charming, even a good idea - letting your mind fill in the graphical blanks in a way which no ultra, XBox360GoldenCockEdition MegaProcessor with BigFuckingFins game of today ever could.
It's just that damn good of a game.
If you've got this game, get it out and start playing now. If you've never properly played it, look on eBay and pick yourself up a copy