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New Username Standards

124,734 Views | 741 Replies
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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:39:39

find the person that has the name Evan, because they have no BBS posts and no movies or games. And I want that name.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:40:02

Just a small question about the force changing. Are you going to replace the underscores in names with hyphens, or will you just remove the underscore flat out?

(can I be special and keep my underscore, pretty please with sugar on top)

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:41:01

Ah well. I sent you a PM.

I'll start thinking of some alternative names if you don't want to delete that inactive "miniman" account

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:41:05

Is this name ok now?

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:42:12

But Why? Why are you making these new name requirements??? So what if other sites use them newgrounds isn't those other sites.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:43:11

At 9/9/06 12:38 PM, Stamper wrote: Be arab-freak and GET OVER IT. It's not the end of the world, and the benefits to everyone conforming to a cleaner method are far more rewarding than an underscore.

Lol, i suppose :D.I just noticed, but how come you don't have shiny writing Stamper?

Get pink writing :D.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:43:52

At 9/9/06 12:29 PM, BobbyJenkins wrote: I feel dirty :(

I heard douchebags help with that. ; )

Also, I'm glad I changed my name to ZombieSquirrel from Zombie_Squirrel.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:44:43

At 9/9/06 12:07 PM, TomFulp wrote:
Names can also no longer include underscores, so both names such as "Super_Joe" or "_SuperJoe_" are no longer valid.

Are you kidding me?! I always have my name. People recognizes me as Dark_Volcano_Sam, and you are saying that I should change my name? My name is always displayed in some sites, like Sheezyart.

Okay, I will change my name, but you are not the boss of my life!

Sonic Wii Preloader!

Pro-Pokemon Club/TJPPC - Where I love Mew and members know it!

My art - I do art well, you twirps!

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:47:15

No underscores? I could see your hyphen rule, but underscores are as traditional to the internet as spaces. If you don't allow spaces, you have to allow underscores.

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:47:57

I ain't mad, because my alias has never had an underscore in it.

But I did have to change my emergency name-holding alt Slash_Firestorm to SlashFirestorm23. Ah, well. If this change will make things easier, it's for the best.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:48:09

But I love being last on the user list all the time.
Plus, "Owsley" is already taken.
I've never even seen that dude before.


PM sent. I'll think of something if I can't be helped.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:48:22

agggh FatherTime is already taken now I'm stuck with Father-Time which I think looks stupid.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:50:40

I sent you a PM. I wanna be regular Evan. Pleeeeease =[

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:50:50

:D Thank you!

I've been wanting to have miniman as my name for years.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:52:34

I can undrstand the no hyphens on the ends thing, but why no underscores?

...oh well.
I shouldn't care. I like being LostFox. No hyphens or underscores.

Sigs are overrated.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:53:14

I works! It finally works! Thanks Tom! Thank you for everything!




BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:54:25

Woo! After the name change, I was motivated to make a new sig, and it rocks.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:55:08

At 9/9/06 12:07 PM, TomFulp wrote: Names can also no longer include underscores, so both names such as "Super_Joe" or "_SuperJoe_" are no longer valid.

Damn, I have to change my name which I've had for nearly my whole time here.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:56:08

At 9/9/06 12:53 PM, Scribble wrote:
If the name is in white, it means it doesn't have a profile.
If the person doesn't have a profile, it most likely means they're inactive.

Owsley's is white.
Does this mean I have a good chance of getting my rightful name?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:56:30

At 9/9/06 12:40 PM, ornery_scotsman wrote: Just a small question about the force changing. Are you going to replace the underscores in names with hyphens, or will you just remove the underscore flat out?

(can I be special and keep my underscore, pretty please with sugar on top)

If the hyphenated name is available, most likely it will auto-convert to the hyphenated form.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:58:16

Thanks for changin it

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:58:41

ok so i always wanted the name "christine"

and the person who has that name right now is completely inactive

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 12:59:51

i hate this idead i love my name, it makes me...me!!

'( curse you

I be down with Mozart mother fucker! I've been banging out jives since I was a dickworm

Slags and hoes.

Oh shit king kong what are you going

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:00:26

At 9/9/06 12:59 PM, Scribble wrote:
At 9/9/06 12:58 PM, LittleMissPrissy wrote: ok so i always wanted the name "christine"

and the person who has that name right now is completely inactive
Yeah, you'll most likely get it.

hey was i talking to you

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:00:42

Best change ever. Now allow spaces.

"My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. " - Unknown

[ FluxBB developer | Quickmarks 0.5.1 | Strings & Ints - my blog ]

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:00:48

At 9/9/06 12:56 PM, TomFulp wrote: If the hyphenated name is available, most likely it will auto-convert to the hyphenated form.

Ok, i guess ornery-scotsman aint so bad, im gonna hold on to my underscore for as long as possible though.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:01:25

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:02:56


thank you so much!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:03:26

woh damN!!!!!!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 13:03:36

At 9/9/06 12:15 PM, TomFulp wrote: An example of a force change might be "-Joe-" becoming "Joe2" or something.

You're trying to tell me something, aren't you?

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature