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New Username Standards

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:21:29

At 9/10/06 02:11 PM, Silent_Rage wrote: So, how do I change my name?


Shit! Somebody took my name!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:27:24

Tom is a saint. Thanks for the alias!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:48:40

mmm....is ScubaMan an active user? I want to just have ScubaMan, pretty please?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:48:43

Tell me the truth now, do the hyphens make me look fat? I created this account in 2001 and thought Comic_Book_Guy was nice because it looked like spaces without the clutter HOWEVER of course being the popular charming fellow I am some one has already taken my name ComicBookGuy without spaces long after I signed up.


Well so long as you all know that I am the one true Comic book guy it matters not.

ComicBookGuy only slightly looks like my handsome charming self and I see how some many may be confused by his trickery. He is obviously the evil mirror universe version of me from another dimension. Except... O NO! I'm the one with the goatee. No! My faith in Star Trek has been rocked! :( Worse theft of name ever!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:53:24

This news does not bode well for me :(

Mitsubishi without hyphens has been taken.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 14:59:52

At 9/10/06 02:53 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Mitsubishi without hyphens has been taken.

Send Tom a PM. If the user with the name hasn't been active in a while, it's yours.

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:16:11

Thanks a lot for the name change, Tom!


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:24:19

At 9/10/06 02:59 PM, Pingu wrote: Send Tom a PM. If the user with the name hasn't been active in a while, it's yours.

Done and done. Quick work too! :P

Thanks Tom.

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:28:21

At 9/10/06 03:16 PM, Sarcasm wrote: Thanks a lot for the name change, Tom!

Is that sarcasm?

lol funneh

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:35:39

YES, YOU CHANGED IT!!! sorry for caps im just so darn happy.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:39:23

i just wanna say, thanks tom, for the best user name ever ^_^

gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:43:22

When will all you morons realize that the change isn't being done for cosmetic reasons??

It's being done now in order to make it easier to implement a certain system later.. I'm sure we'll all see it soon enough.

And thanks Tom for changing my name. I've wanted this name since the time I signed up.. NG is one of the only sites where it was taken already.

In conclusion: burn in hell assholes.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:48:03

Yep.. I fixed mine. Not happy about it but it's done. I don't really understand why The names need changed but I can't really worry. It needed to be done. Just as Tom has decreed.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:52:10

I have signed in as bobly1, don't tell me, I have to change it if so I will unles I get some notification from Tom or any of the other guys.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:54:43

At 9/10/06 03:52 PM, bobly1 wrote: I have signed in as bobly1, don't tell me, I have to change it if so I will unles I get some notification from Tom or any of the other guys.

You have nothing to worry about.


Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 15:57:10

At 9/10/06 03:39 PM, Muffin wrote: i just wanna say, thanks tom, for the best user name ever ^_^

blah muffin is a gay username. I wonder if I cant take a name like mostcommmonname without #'s or -'s.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:30:50

Don't wanna mess with Tom Fulp!!!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:35:54

At 9/10/06 04:30 PM, Dan-E-Jones wrote: Don't wanna mess with Tom Fulp!!!

Wade Fulp***


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:40:29

At 9/10/06 03:43 PM, ASSMAN wrote: When will all you morons realize that the change isn't being done for cosmetic reasons??

It's being done now in order to make it easier to implement a certain system later.. I'm sure we'll all see it soon enough.

It is indeed hilarious how many people (well, in the first 5 or so pages, which is all I read completely, though I read a bit here and there where I saw posts from liljim and Tom in their posthistories.... and of course I read this page) seem to think that the reason we're not allowed _s at all and -s on the starts/ends of names is some sort of persecution of those two symbols for purely objective, silly reasons.

The whole attitude of so many users who were affected and wanted to resist the change (though most seemed to realise there's not much point) appears to be "the admins have lost their minds.... but I guess we've no choice but to go along with it."

Though Tom didn't spell it out entirely in his first post in this topic, he did say that these username rules should have been in place a long time ago.

There are reasons usernames can't have characters like / and \ and now we're just adding _ and - to the list, except for single in-between-text dashes.

These are obviously, as ASSMAN and someone back on page 13 or 14 noted... can't remember who exactly.... changes for strictly coding/string-based reasons. _s and -s throw shit off.

Ever try to double-click usernames on NG to select the text so you can copy and paste the name?

I do this all the time when I add a new user to my pentalist. I was just doing it yesterday and today, in fact, while updating the September update.

Anyone with _s or -s in their name... I can't just doubleclick it. I have to click-drag over their entire name, and half the time I'm going to accidentally copy the ":" after their name (I get names from the "profile comment/message" section of the top of our profiles.

Anyone with a nice simple name like myself, ramagi, fixit, alexsmolik, etc. etc.... the name is easily doubleclicked and ctrl-c'ed, and that's all that needs to be done.

If no underscores and dashes makes MY life that much easier when I'm just making a simple, small list for my own enjoyment every month on this site...


But while reading through the first few pages, I noticed a hell of a lot of people who posted in this topic but still have illegal names, so... I hope you holdouts are just enjoying your current names as long as possible and do realise there are good reasons for this, which anyone should have been able to guess from the start. Like liljim said back in the middle of the topic... not being able to guess those reasons, or assuming they're cosmetic reasons, doesn't change the fact that the admins have GOOD REASONS. Don't assume you know everything.

In conclusion: burn in hell assholes.

I wouldn't have gone that far.... but maybe had I read ALL 27 pages before I made this post... I might have been much more tempted. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:45:18

At 9/10/06 04:40 PM, gfoxcook wrote: It is indeed hilarious how many people (well, in the first 5 or so pages, which is all I read completely, though I read a bit here and there where I saw posts from liljim and Tom in their posthistories.... and of course I read this page) seem to think that the reason we're not allowed _s at all and -s on the starts/ends of names is some sort of persecution of those two symbols for purely objective, silly reasons.

And of course my brain MEANT to type "subjective" there. #;-}>

At 9/10/06 03:48 PM, masterjoe9 wrote: Yep.. I fixed mine. Not happy about it but it's done. I don't really understand why The names need changed but I can't really worry. It needed to be done. Just as Tom has decreed.

(sigh) The above post is DIRECTLY underneath ASSMAN's post, which basically answers his question about not understanding the reasons for this.

People, don't think the admins are just ordering you around for no reason. I'm sure by the time page 28 rolls around, 99% of the noobs will have not read posts like mine and ASSMAN's, but I can only hope that SOME of you, even if only 1%, start to realise that there is more to this change than just an inconvenience to people who like to put symbols all over their usernames.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:48:27

Thanks for the name change! I wanted this one but it was tooken.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:52:54

Buh? Looks like I'll have to change then... 8|

It's a great move, but I thought it'd be something different.

Oh well, all for the better :)

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 16:58:41

At 9/9/06 12:11 PM, the_man_in_black_ wrote: oh my...

that kinda sucks



PSN Acc: tntbox


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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:00:27

At 9/10/06 03:39 PM, Muffin wrote: i just wanna say, thanks tom, for the best user name ever ^_^


The Muffin has lost his ROFL!

PS: Thanks for the name change and such.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:17:34

>>how do u do flash anmation and stuff?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:18:13

Hai guyz, wuts goin' on in dis here thread.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:29:52

At 9/10/06 05:00 PM, BinaryClock wrote: GASP

The Muffin has lost his ROFL!

no no! i still have my rofldisc! the rofl will never fade... i just think the name Muffin is quite awesome ^_^ allthough odds are i'll give it to a different person, because im sure theres several people (other than BBM) who wants this name :/ i'll do the nice thing (mebbe) and hand it over... and just go to plain old RoflMuffin.

but i love this alias so much, waaaa :'(

gimme a facial and make me a cupcake, braj.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:31:14

At 9/10/06 05:17 PM, Pirate_Ducky58 wrote: >>how do u do flash anmation and stuff?

there's some good tutorials right here.

(welcome to newgrounds, be sure to read the FAQ's!)


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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:41:34

At 9/10/06 05:36 PM, -Reedo11- wrote: Looks like I'll never update my profile ever again then.

But your name will still be changed eventually...

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-10 17:43:34

im not the happiest about this, someone has already taken the alias dELta, and thats the reason why i had mine as -dELta-, and tbh this guy has no flashes, and has never posted in the forums according to forum search, seems rather pointless his account is still existant, but nevermind, atleast dELta-Luca was not taken