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Level Icons

108,362 Views | 1,482 Replies

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:36:20

You won't ever get the level 60 icon if you don't deposit every day of your life, mate.

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:36:42

At 8/8/06 04:36 AM, -Ecko- wrote: You won't ever get the level 60 icon if you don't deposit every day of your life, mate.

and even then.....

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:38:38

Hah, aye. When your 90, though..?

BBS Signature

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:38:56

At 8/8/06 04:36 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
At 8/8/06 04:36 AM, -Ecko- wrote: You won't ever get the level 60 icon if you don't deposit every day of your life, mate.
and even then.....

True, although it may make those level 20 - 30 ones atleast within a dream now.

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:39:05

I can't wait for these shiny new icons!!

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:40:18

Turely Talent people Tom!

Nice job guys!

I just had to say that again!

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:42:11

At 8/8/06 04:38 AM, -TheFaces wrote:
At 8/8/06 04:36 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
At 8/8/06 04:36 AM, -Ecko- wrote: You won't ever get the level 60 icon if you don't deposit every day of your life, mate.
and even then.....
True, although it may make those level 20 - 30 ones atleast within a dream now.

Yeah and for us level 10+ guys maybe een level 40 will be within reach with the new exp system at works (or so I hear of a new depositing EXP amont change)

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-08 04:42:58

Has their been a set date posted as to when this will be put into effect yet? I've been looking and I can't find anything.

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 08:34:43

At 8/7/06 11:07 AM, -wwwyzzerdd- wrote: Wow, I cannot wait to see the new lolipop icon!

Dammit the new icons are not taking over the old ones they are just for level 31 to level 60.

Oh yeah and one thing I wish Ngrounds would have done before coming out with these new icons is make the levels easier to get b/c let's face it...if you're not level 20 or above you've got no chance. Oh, and they should also make it so the level (60) people can't keep raising the bar b/c PIMP probably will just do it so no one else can be level 60. Newgrounds is the best site I've ever visited in my life...but if leveling doesn't get any easier than what's the point right? Sure it'll get easier to get to levels as in you raise two in the time it takes to raise by one...but that just means that we'll have up to 60 levels to conquer...which will never happen for 99% of NG.

Please Tom Fulp...Help US!!

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 08:37:26

yer fly guys right!

Xbox360 Gamertag : xXGrimwormXx

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 08:41:12

Need.. more... information..

I like it.

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 09:26:46

At 8/7/06 05:13 AM, -Shorty- wrote:
At 8/3/06 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: 1) Yes, there will be 60 level icons. The current levels will be adjusted to cover the spread from 1-60 instead of 1-30, with the current level 30 becoming level 60.
What about PIMP take him down halfway the ladder.

Tom Said "With The Current Level 30 Becoming Level 60" So we are all still Pimp's Slaves

' (


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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 09:44:18

hey when is this gunna start taking place?

I AM the new Antichrist

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 09:53:09

really nice!!! cant wait to see them on NG!


Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 09:56:35

Spam much?

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 09:57:54

I must say, I do like the new icons.

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 10:01:45

This is why Tom is the good admin, and Wade is a horrible dictator son of a bitch.


BBS Signature

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 10:01:50

THe clever is really my favorite! I also really liek the blue aura :D


Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 10:08:42

At 8/9/06 08:34 AM, FlyGuy101 wrote: Dammit the new icons are not taking over the old ones they are just for level 31 to level 60.

Wrong, they are redesiging the ones 1-30 but not changing the icon. Just making them look nicer

BBS Signature

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 10:52:38

Sweet Icons!!!

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 18:00:53

after veewing these new icons my life is pretty much complete

I mizzed diz shit.

BBS Signature

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 18:02:32

At 8/9/06 10:01 AM, -Hierophant- wrote: This is why Tom is the good admin, and Wade is a horrible dictator son of a bitch.

aww. Wade is just being the responsible one.

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-09 23:33:46

no perple? oh well those things are awsome

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 09:40:23

How about a monkey icon?

Level Icons

Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 10:31:23

I made a couple.

Level Icons

You want somethin' done right you gotta dooooooooooooit yourself!

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 10:58:08


Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 14:38:41

man i wish Tom would say when the new icons will come out

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 14:57:06

They look pretty amazing, when are they going to be put into use?

cos shotgun bullets are bad for yo health.



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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 15:07:46

Wow, I need to start getting levels and voting.

I use smileys when im clinically depressed =3

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Response to Level Icons 2006-08-10 15:12:46

At 8/5/06 05:27 AM, -_-Psycho-Simple-_- wrote: i want this as a lvl pic fo no reason
posts a pic of a duck: :

shoulda checked my profile picture ;)

sorry its so poorly made, did it all in flash in a rush :P

Level Icons


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