Alright, big(ish) request incoming.
So, ive had this sig that you see here for over a few years now, and while its quite terribly good(if I do say so myself), I think its finally time for a change.
So while my current sig is based of off Kirby Return to Dreamland's super abilities, I'd like a new sig based off of Kirby Planet Robobot's mech powers. So here's what i'd like:
I'd like this image on the right hand side, this image on the left hand side, and this image in the middle (as much as you can of the images, its okay if its not the entirety of them)
And then i'd like my name somewhere in the middle, as long as its not covering up a majority of the Kirby picture(like you can see in my current sig), and, if possible, i'd like it in a metallic sort of texture, kinda like how the words "planet robobot" appear in this picture. And then any background space i'll leave up to you to fill however best you think. Look to my current sig if you need any inspiration, or any starting idea on how to go about this
I know this is a lot to ask, but I know you artists here at NG are amazing, so im sure one of you can do this. I'd be super grateful if you did!