Sorry for second post so was governors and eskos (not ingnored just simply not completed) wait your turn. They are busy enough look how much pages of requests they have recieved already.
Sorry for second post so was governors and eskos (not ingnored just simply not completed) wait your turn. They are busy enough look how much pages of requests they have recieved already.
At 7/28/06 09:22 PM, -Slasher- wrote: also, i made my first attempt at a grunge sig. comments?
well i think its pretty cool needs a cool font that goes with it though
well i don't know anything about brushes etc. i dont even have shop, so your outta luck there
At 7/28/06 09:25 PM, Imacow wrote:At 7/28/06 09:22 PM, -Slasher- wrote: also, i made my first attempt at a grunge sig. comments?well i think its pretty cool needs a cool font that goes with it though
suggestions?well i don't know anything about brushes etc. i dont even have shop, so your outta luck there
Yeah it's preety cool.
At 7/28/06 09:22 PM, -Slasher- wrote:At 7/28/06 09:19 PM, Schlupi wrote: random yourself, that kind of outburst can get you red-listed.
also, i made my first attempt at a grunge sig. comments? suggestions?
*lets out a weak cry* sorry. but when I requested my sig there were no others I seen that had to be done. then later someone else requested and got theirs done right away. NOw you guys are busy, but im still hoping you can squeeze mine in somewhere.
I need a new sig and stuff.
At 7/28/06 08:56 PM, StrangeBoy wrote:At 7/28/06 08:38 PM, Mad-Cow wrote:Can you make me a sig i want a sig with the Hitman character holding some gunsor a sniper and in black i want my name StrangeBoyAt 7/28/06 08:29 PM, -Slasher- wrote: also, is it just me or did korrupt- take a part out of someones sig they made for him, slap a bunch of guns in there and say he made it?Well that's kinda what we do in a way.
i say he should be red-listed, but thats just me.
We take an image of something, and make it look fancy :P
Maybe just a warning or sometihng? :[
there ya go,enjoy it and request anything else you need at: Russian Vampire Productions
So you make BBS sig here...If you have some time,I just wanted to have a sig with the theme of my favorite place in the world...QUEBEC!
I want it simple,like blue and white backround,the symbol of our flag(I have a picture in my account),a poutine in the corner(if you don't know what is a poutine,it's frenchfries with brown sauce and grain cheese)and the Montréal Canadien symbol in the other corner,I don't want to see red and I want you to write my account name and also ''This is my paradise''If you can't do this,just skip the part with the poutine and the canadien.
plz,I really want it...
I love ya all!!
can someone make me a sig of gohan powering upo to ss2 and have my name in the bottom.No backround color really,just a brown.Can this be animated too.Thanks in advanced!
Main Text: (large, usually name)
Jesus Christ, with a halo of the corner of the J, and the T on christ is a cross
Secondary Text: (quote of some sort)
The Big JC in the bottom right corner, tiny letters
Style: (explain the feel you want. Grunge/ abstract/ tech)
sort of a holy/happy feel, a green field with a blue sky and clouds in the backgrounds, preferabbly drawn/cartoon
Thanks alot guys!
At 7/28/06 09:58 PM, -JesusChrist- wrote:Main Text: (large, usually name)Jesus Christ, with a halo of the corner of the J, and the T on christ is a cross
Secondary Text: (quote of some sort)The Big JC in the bottom right corner, tiny letters
Style: (explain the feel you want. Grunge/ abstract/ tech)sort of a holy/happy feel, a green field with a blue sky and clouds in the backgrounds, preferabbly drawn/cartoon
Thanks alot guys!
i would but i do not wish to edit gods son in such a manner...sorry anything else i'd make. not gonna do christianity
At 7/28/06 09:58 PM, -Slasher- wrote:At 7/28/06 09:29 PM, Schlupi wrote: *lets out a weak cry* sorry. but when I requested my sig there were no others I seen that had to be done. then later someone else requested and got theirs done right away. NOw you guys are busy, but im still hoping you can squeeze mine in somewhere.happy now? :]
good, I like it. Thank you!
I need a new sig and stuff.
At 7/28/06 09:58 PM, -Slasher- wrote:At 7/28/06 09:29 PM, Schlupi wrote: *lets out a weak cry* sorry. but when I requested my sig there were no others I seen that had to be done. then later someone else requested and got theirs done right away. NOw you guys are busy, but im still hoping you can squeeze mine in somewhere.happy now? :]
sorry to bug you again, but the sig is too big to fit in the siggy thing. it needs to be fit to the NG requierements, etc. blah
I need a new sig and stuff.
At 7/28/06 10:08 PM, esko_man wrote:At 7/28/06 09:39 PM, russianvampire15 wrote:there ya go,enjoy it and request anything else you need at: Russian Vampire ProductionsFrom my experience back in the ASM, I would be ready to go ahead and PM him that you made him another one, because he's likely not to come back here for a few weeks when he wants another sig... Just a suggestion
indeed,i did just that,i was gonna just use it myself but i think slapping the RVP on the bottom was enough lol
Thanks guys both were awsome its gonna be a rough time decideing.
Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.
I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!
At 7/28/06 09:48 PM, Quebecboy wrote: So you make BBS sig here...If you have some time,I just wanted to have a sig with the theme of my favorite place in the world...QUEBEC!
How is this?
At 7/28/06 10:33 PM, -tkinney- wrote:At 7/28/06 09:48 PM, Quebecboy wrote: So you make BBS sig here...If you have some time,I just wanted to have a sig with the theme of my favorite place in the world...QUEBEC!How is this?
i like it
Ill make some MS PAINT and GIMP sigs if anybody wants, they're more simple but you may get a quicker response due to a lower demand.
What I lack in accuracy, I make up for in enthusiasm
At 7/28/06 10:16 PM, -Slasher- wrote:At 7/28/06 10:10 PM, Schlupi wrote: sorry to bug you again, but the sig is too big to fit in the siggy thing. it needs to be fit to the NG requierements, etc. blahfile size or height and width?
height and width
I need a new sig and stuff.
At 7/28/06 07:00 AM, Acid-Rain wrote: I disagree... I PMed him and he said he didn't know me...
Perhaps if you didn't use alternate accounts to PM me. >: (
So where are all the other original sig makers that I know are still around? All I see is Hoaders and Acid. WHAT THE FUCK MATE?!
At 7/28/06 09:04 AM, Rufus_Chamberlain wrote: LEARN ME >:(
So you know, just because I did a little bit of Vector works doesn't mean that I'm an expert on it. And asking me to teach someone something is like asking BonusStage to not be a creepy internet stalker.
At 7/28/06 07:19 AM, HoboPorn wrote: since 04' when we used to argue all the time..
Now I remember where I knew you from. I knew I knew you but I couldn't remember how I knew you. WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT OR SOMETHING, HUH?
At 7/28/06 09:55 PM, bluekirbylover wrote: can someone make me a sig of gohan powering upo to ss2 and have my name in the bottom.No backround color really,just a brown.Can this be animated too.Thanks in advanced!
Here you go, I decided to go with blue instead of brown, since it's in your name. Hope you like ^-^
At 7/28/06 04:47 PM, DarkRainbowStudios wrote:At 7/28/06 04:44 PM, superlunk wrote: This thread is growing very quickly...I'd say
Anyone who wants a sig should PM me.why don't they just request here.
Cuz I can't check this thread every 5 seconds......
At 7/28/06 05:57 PM, -JimmyDodger- wrote: Who wants to make me a sig? I've been using this one for ages, and although I love it, I'm kinda getting bored. People know me for this sig, but if any of you lovely people can make something MINDBLOWING!!111!!, then I'd probably use it.
Thanks in advanced.
here you like this?
can some 1 make me a animated sig of a dude drinking gasoline with my name next to it in flames thanks
Main Text: -mjolnir
Secondary Text:
Style: stormy
Picture/ Render: no picture
At 7/28/06 10:22 PM, -Slasher- wrote:At 7/28/06 10:14 PM, -Slasher- wrote: here you go... i decided to just add anime and a robot... and then more anime...damnit whats with me and forgetting borders today...
ahh well. im leaving for the night. later.
Thank you.
At 7/29/06 01:06 AM, Imacow wrote: ok nath is this good?
thanks alot :)
At 7/28/06 07:23 PM, Rokuro wrote:At 7/28/06 06:56 PM, Edward-XIII wrote:My bad, here it isRenderAt 7/28/06 06:53 PM, Rokuro wrote: Picture/ Render: RenderWhatever it is, it can't be hotlinked.
I think you got skipped
At 7/29/06 01:20 AM, DemonicScythe wrote:
I like to also chat with people in real time to get more information from them than what the usualy post here on the BBS
Rofl, you messed up on the fake quote at the end :)
Anyways, here's the sig we talked about