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Review Bans - Lifted!

5,595 Views | 72 Replies

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:25:28

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote: I have lifted ALL review bans. All 1,475 of them...

Wow, that's nice of you, if I where an admin I wouldn't...

Be sure to review our rules for submitting reviews! I'm sure some of you don't want to be banned again and have to wait months and months to review again.

They probably won't.

So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?


Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:28:29

At 7/27/06 12:23 AM, The-Sun wrote: It doesn't break any rules whatsoever... and yet , these people massflagged it only cause it's made by him .

If you could please take a look at this problem and solve it ... it would be much appreciated

Wade: These entries have been flagged rightfully. They are spamming up the portal every day.

They ruin the credibility of the NG Flash portal, and offend people. These are as bad, if not worse than the spam on the BBS.

Please keep the integrity of the portal and deal with these entries.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:28:56

Well here comes Kwasikick.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:31:03

You've unleashed the hounds of Hell.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:36:30

wait so the bans aren't automatically lifted meaning people could have been waiting for months? Ha

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:39:00

I see you unbanned KWAS71KCK. That won't be any good.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:39:29

At 7/27/06 12:28 AM, GamesCool wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:23 AM, The-Sun wrote:

They ruin the credibility of the NG Flash portal, and offend people. These are as bad, if not worse than the spam on the BBS.

Please keep the integrity of the portal and deal with these entries.

ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Credibility and Integrity of the portal?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?
If you think that you are doing Wade or anyone else a favor by MASSFLAGGING entries that have passed the portal judgement ... you are not ... you are actually giving Wade more work with your stupidity ... thanks to people like you , Wade Fulp and the staff now have to sort out a shitload of flagged entries that don't BREAK any of the RULES from those that do break THE RULES .

What you are doing is MASSVOTING on people just because you don't like them . You are breaking the rules by impeding those entries from obtaining judgement from the portal!
If those entries pass , it's because the people have voted and they came up higher than 1.60!

It's not in your right to CHEAT the system by MASSFLAGGING the authors!

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:43:26

At 7/27/06 12:39 AM, The-Sun wrote: It's not in your right to CHEAT the system by MASSFLAGGING the authors!

You're pathetic. They were obviously reviewed by an admin. Think about it. Afro_Stud contacted Wade right when it happend. They are STILL flagged. There's obviously is a reason. Don't tell me Wade hasn't gotten to the message yet because I know that can't be true.

Anyway, I refuse to believe that Wade would embrase that spam and condem the portal of the site he works so hard to help.

Think about it. If wade says "OK, the hitler portal spam is OK" That opens the door to anyone who wants to submit 100 crappy flashes to Newgrounds. If you have all these 100 flash authors submitting crappy spam flashes, like foamy confession and hitler around the world, the portal becomes flooded.

Look at the issue in hand. If you say yes to these spam flash series, then it just opens the door for more.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:49:38

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote:
So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?

Who ever says no is a communist.

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Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:54:09

At 7/27/06 12:43 AM, GamesCool wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:39 AM, The-Sun wrote: It's not in your right to CHEAT the system by MASSFLAGGING the authors!
You're pathetic. They were obviously reviewed by an admin. Think about it. Afro_Stud contacted Wade right when it happend. They are STILL flagged. There's obviously is a reason. Don't tell me Wade hasn't gotten to the message yet because I know that can't be true.

No , you are pathetic . Wade Fulp has thousands of flagged flashes to look at ... you're just adding to the pile ... you fucking MORON !!! There's no rules that says that Spam is not allowed... and even so ... how the fuck would you define spam?! Everyone has their own definition as to

Anyway, I refuse to believe that Wade would embrase that spam and condem the portal of the site he works so hard to help.

WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE, PUNK? You have no rights in deciding the fate of a submission after you blam or protect it! If you don't like it , BLAM it and be done with it!
The flagging system was not put in place for what you are doing ! If you want to stop spam or crappy entries... YOU VOTE 0 on them! That's the system to stop them! YOU ARE FUCKING MISUSING THE SYSTEM! YOU FUCKING MORON!

Think about it. If wade says "OK, the hitler portal spam is OK" That opens the door to anyone who wants to submit 100 crappy flashes to Newgrounds. If you have all these 100 flash authors submitting crappy spam flashes, like foamy confession and hitler around the world, the portal becomes flooded.


Look at the issue in hand. If you say yes to these spam flash series, then it just opens the door for more.

The issue in hand is that you are MASSFLAGGING which is just as bad as MASSVOTING !

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 00:59:32

At 7/27/06 12:54 AM, The-Sun wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:43 AM, GamesCool wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:39 AM, The-Sun wrote: It's not in your right to CHEAT the system by MASSFLAGGING the authors!
You're pathetic. They were obviously reviewed by an admin. Think about it. Afro_Stud contacted Wade right when it happend. They are STILL flagged. There's obviously is a reason. Don't tell me Wade hasn't gotten to the message yet because I know that can't be true.
No , you are pathetic . Wade Fulp has thousands of flagged flashes to look at ... you're just adding to the pile ... you fucking MORON !!! There's no rules that says that Spam is not allowed... and even so ... how the fuck would you define spam?! Everyone has their own definition as to

I don't think you understand english. Afro_Stud send Wade a MESSAGE right when it got flagged. Recently, I've send Wade a MESSAGE. He responded within about an hour. Now use your brain. That means Wade READ his MESSAGE. That means he LOOKED at the Flash. That means he did NOT unflag it.

Also, stop cursing me out. It just makes you look like a huge idiot.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 01:06:27

At 7/27/06 12:59 AM, GamesCool wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:54 AM, The-Sun wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:43 AM, GamesCool wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:39 AM, The-Sun wrote:
I don't think you understand english. Afro_Stud send Wade a MESSAGE right when it got flagged. Recently, I've send Wade a MESSAGE. He responded within about an hour. Now use your brain. That means Wade READ his MESSAGE. That means he LOOKED at the Flash. That means he did NOT unflag it.

No . You are assuming things here . Only cause he responded to your message doesn't mean he didn't check Afro Stud's message .

Also, stop cursing me out. It just makes you look like a huge idiot.



Q: What can I blow the whistle on?

A: The original purpose of the whistle was to allow users to flag Portal submissions that violated our guidelines. Users that view new, "Under Judgment" Portal submissions have the ability to blow the whistle on entries that violate our guidelines. There are three different options to choose from:

"This movie is stolen" Use this option if you are certain an entry has been submitted by someone other than the creator. After blowing the whistle, you will be asked to enter a comment. Use this opportunity to tell us who and where the entry was stolen from. Provide links if possible.

"This movie is malicious (e.g. auto-spawns pop-up windows, multiple submission)" Use this option if an entry has malicious intent, such as spawning pop-ups to other sites automatically, trying to run a script or interact with your computer in a malicious way, or was submitted repeatedly after being BLAMMED with no effort made to improve the entry. After blowing this whistle you will also be asked to leave a comment describing what malicious acts the entry committed.

"This movie is unsuitable (e.g. hardcore adult, porn slideshow, hateful, illegal)" Use this flag if you feel an entry goes beyond what is appropriate for Newgrounds.com. While Newgrounds.com hosts a lot of extreme content, we do not want content that is racist, hateful, or illegal. Examples of illegal content would be child pornography and bestiality. Hardcore adult content would be real photos and videos of hardcore adult acts (ie penetration). We don't want entries that are nothing but a porn video, or a series of pornographic images in a slide show. If someone throws something hardcore into a Flash entry in a humorous way, but it isn't the bulk of the entry's content and the author rated the submission accordingly, it can be acceptable to remain on the site. This flag can also be used if the entry contains videos or images of people or animals being killed, tortured, mutilated, etc. Again, you will be asked to leave a comment describing what you found to be unsuitable.

If enough users blow the whistle on an entry it will be pulled from the Portal until we have had a chance to review it. Upon review, if we decide the entry is in violation of our guidelines we will delete it and those who blew the whistle will receive positive whistle points. If we find it is not a violation of our guidelines we will release it back into the Portal and those users who blew the whistle will receive negative whistle points.

The other function that can give, or take away, whistle points is flagging reviews as being abusive. If you are logged in and reading reviews, you will see "0/0 people found this review helpful. Did you? [YES] | [NO] | [ABUSIVE]" below each review. If you find the review violates our review guidelines we encourage you to click the "abusive" link. If enough users click the "abusive" link the review will be flagged for our review. If we delete the review you will be rewarded with positive whistle points. If we clear the flags and leave the review those who flagged it will receive negative whistle points

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 01:08:19


Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 01:10:51

RAWR! I am an agreh BBS user!

flames Maus for no discernible reason

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 01:11:11

At 7/27/06 01:06 AM, The-Sun wrote: No . You are assuming things here . Only cause he responded to your message doesn't mean he didn't check Afro Stud's message .

Yeah, Wade only responds to my messages. No one elses.

STOP posting the rules. Again, it makes you look like a big idiot.

First of all, when people see Hitler, they can sometimes find it offensive. It doesn't matter what context. Do I think it's offensive, no. 80 flashes featuring Adolf Hitler, yes.

Not everything that you can't do is listed in the rules. You are not allowed to continualy submit things with little to no changes.

So just stop. If Wade's OK with it, then fine. I just can't see Wade embrassing the spamming of the portal with crap, especialy series with 80 crap flashes. Sooner or later it will become out of control like the general forum became before Wade dealt with that.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 01:12:29


Sorry about that. I wont talk about these flashes again.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:17:22

Eventually review mods will have the ability to delete reviews themselves. Right now when I lift a ban, if a review hasn't been marked abusive by enough people, it will show back up. The review you speak of may have some abusive flags already and I may delete it as I get farther down the list of abusive reviews. The list starts with the reviews with the most abusive flags. The list was up to about 18,000 abusive reviews last night. I got it down to around 15,000 I think. I'll continue hacking away at it today.

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Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:18:59

Even though I dont review that much Wade, thanks for lifting bans on many people I don't know. And an OH! SNAP! topic would be very nice to have.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:20:27

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote: I have lifted ALL review bans. All 1,475 of them...

Wow we have a lot of rule breakers.

So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?



BBS Signature

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:21:36

That was nice of you, Wade. 1000 Newgrounders are crying out in joy.

Hey, I think I can hear them.

Oh, and yes, another Oh Snap would be much appreciated, thankees.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:22:18

Sorry, what's an 'OH SNAP!' thread? Wade (or anyone else) could you (NICELY) enlighten me?

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:22:56

At 7/27/06 11:17 AM, WadeFulp wrote: The list was up to about 18,000 abusive reviews last night. I got it down to around 15,000 I think. I'll continue hacking away at it today.

18000 abusive reviews? Wow, such a hell lot of reviews. Too bad I've probably only flagged around 500 of them. For the review bans lifted, it's good for those that have learned their lesson, but not those that will still be stupid and still write abusive reviews. :|

At 7/27/06 12:39 AM, DashNCrash wrote: I see you unbanned KWAS71KCK. That won't be any good.

I agree, that won't be any good at all unless he starts writing very long reviews now, which is unlikely.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:25:00

At 7/27/06 12:09 AM, Jim_God wrote:
At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote: So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?
Me, I miss all the bugs.

Then get Windows 95

bring back Oh Snap

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:25:06


Maus has spoken. Stop arguing guys. We are supposed to be talking about review bans and the likes.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:30:43

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote: So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?

Hey, let's clear up the BBS of spam, guys!

lmao hypocrite

Seriously, regardless of whatever bug or mouse you post, it just becomes an excuse for people to post mindless crap in an admins thread.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:30:44

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote:
So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?

I don't. It just results in more cocksucking and groveling, but I guess that's what you're aiming for.

No more fucking moving .gifs? WHAT THE HELL. FUCK YOU.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:30:50

At 7/27/06 11:29 AM, k0mat0se wrote: HI WADE

For some reason I lol'd.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:32:01

At 7/27/06 12:06 AM, WadeFulp wrote: So who would like me to post a new OH SNAP! topic sometime?

Do it. Find something good too, I like the bug pictures.

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:34:19

Finally Goddamnit. D:

Just Kidding

Response to Review Bans - Lifted! 2006-07-27 11:34:51

Nice, very naic.

So how about the Photoshop forum? Why do you need to 'push it'? You mean you got to ask Tom?

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