I'm probably not truly ready or deserving of modship yet. Even though I've posted in this thread before. I want to be a mod, but I would need at least till September to be sure I was ready. I do have some rather moddable qualities.
-I'm always improving post quality
-I admit to attempting to enforce the rules, even though I don't have the power.
- I've been level 10, and I'm still climbing.
- Almost 5K posts now.
-dont spel noobish liek dis!
-Am capable of enforcing rules on anyone, no matter if they're a best friend or worst enemy, the punishment is fair. Will only be stepped up if absolutely necessary and would discuss with other mods/admins beforehand.
- I don't think this one counts for much, but I'm a likable guy, so conflict is easily avoidable.
-Am not part of any flash crew, so basically, I'm not associated with spamming.
I can probably think of other stuff too. I don't know if I'm going to far here, but I'm a worthy investment/interst for the future, should mods be needed later. Not just yet, but soon I will be ready, and would gladly accept the position. It is my hope that if you need mods in the future, that you will call upon me, because as I said before, I would gladly accept.