At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Thanks for the update!
No rank gained for me this time. But at least a level up, heh.
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Thanks for the update!
No rank gained for me this time. But at least a level up, heh.
A Shafted Hotter Punk, Bahamut!
I always enjoy the EXP update, even though I haven't moved a bit for months now. I will be able to climb to #59 in three months, and there's always the off chance Patcoola will shut down (he usually misses 1 or 2 deposits a months). Still many years away from reaching the top 50, but I'm patient.
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Another month of perfect depositing as I continue to plow through these mediocre ranks. At least I should be in the top 1,500 by the next update. :\
Have any of you ever have one of your own alts pass you in exp? It's probably one of the most humiliating things that can ever happen to a statwhore. ;_; The account is no longer being deposited for, though, so it shouldn't be too long before I retake it.
Thanks for the update.
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Thanks for the update! Just three days from a level up. It's going well. :)
Ten deposits missed this month, the first I have missed in nearly half a year. But the trip to New York was well worth it, and it didn't cost me too much as I still gained another rank towards the top 200.
More deposits will be missed this coming month as well as I am off to Scotland towards the end of the month for a few days.
Sig by lebastic
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Thank you!
A truly prophetic sig...
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. I see I failed in reaching 85th before this came along. Oh well.
As for the rest of the stats, thank you to Mr-Trivia, for allowing me to Coop him. Inertius remains an infuriating 2 deposits ahead of me, but I'll catch him eventually. Who I can really focus on now is Myst (13 days to pass) and DaFreak (22 days to pass)
Oh, that and getting my hands on the golden chainsaw. Groovy.
thanks B.
only 873 and I went up 19 ranks from last month? is that any real sort of improvement?
At 3/3/13 11:32 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #61 is now available!
135 | Auz | 29,100 | 280 | +4 | 99.32%
Still smooth sailing on this list for me. Heck, at this rate I'll be in the top 100 around the end of the year.
There's now a line of (mostly) active depositors ahead of me though, so I don't expect such a jump on the next update. Maybe a +2 if I'm lucky.
Thanks for the update Bahamut!
EXP update #62 is now available!
Hello all and welcome to the 62nd EXP update as well as saying Happy Easter! Amazingly enough, this is the second time that the EXP updates have managed to fall on Easter. I've thrown a few easter eggs here and there. Have fun with them!
NEXT UPDATE: 28th April 2013
At 3/31/13 03:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #62 is now available!
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. Nice work, as always.
Looks like I'm up another two places, thanks to Myst and DaFreak, who have now been Cooped.
Who's on the horizon? Well, Inertius is still two deposits up the road from me, but with Xanadu32, joliet-jane and cristoff all missing some deposits as well, I can focus on them falling back a little and hopefully ending up in my clutches sooner than him. I'll get them, but I wonder how long it will take me to reach the top 50 from here...
Hell, I've not mentioned it for a while, I thought Bahamut could do with me stirring that ole chestnut back up again!
7 spots up and a level up, it's going well! :) Thanks for the update!
And Happy Easter!
At 3/31/13 03:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #62 is now available!
Still putting away 50+ ranks a month, though that probably wont continue for too much longer now... I'll be passed that damn alt I spoke of before by the next update (unless somebody decides to torture me and start depositing for it again just as I'm about to make the pass.) lol I also got a level up coming up here before the next update, so that's something else to look forward to. :)
Thanks for the update.
At 3/31/13 03:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #62 is now available!
Thanks for the update!
156 Haggard 28,260 51 290 +2 68.69% 12/25/01
Another two ranks. The user at #150 currently has 210 Exp more than me, but on the other hand, all users between me and spot 150 are more or less active. So, it will still take a while before I can enter the top 150.
I've thrown a few easter eggs here and there. Have fun with them!
I found one so far. But that was a really easy one, haha.
At 3/31/13 03:09 PM, Bahamut wrote: EXP update #62 is now available!
132 | Auz | 29,390 | 52 | 290 | +3 | 99.36% | 02/23/05
I thought I was only going to go two ranks up at best, but it turns out I gain three. Awesome! I'm now facing a 150 points gap though and reasonably active depositors on the other side. Maybe I'll gain a rank if NightfallOrchid slows down even further.
I've thrown a few easter eggs here and there. Have fun with them!
I've found three :)
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Oh, wow... I just passed gfoxcook. Never thought I'd see the day
Nice work again Bahamut. Now it's my turn to make a list...
I've found five so far. Is that a high score?
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
I know I was meant to do an update today. I've just been out of the house and felt really knackered by the time I got home. I even pulled the stats from yesterday and even then I still had stuff to do. I'll aim for tomorrow.
Thanks for your patience.
At 4/28/13 04:04 PM, FromADistance wrote: Thanks for your patience.
Better late than never.
Funny, I had a gut feeling that it would be late.
A truly prophetic sig...
I'm slowly pushing my way into the top 500. After 7 years WILL happen.
Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.
EXP update #63 is now available!
Hello all and welcome to the 63rd EXP update. Sorry it's a bit late but my life has been busy for the weekend which is a good thing. I had time to pull the stats on Saturday but Sunday I was really shattered after too little sleep. Still, I'm still fulfilling my promise here, unlike a certain girl who I know in the real world that broke all sorts of promises to me...
NEXT UPDATE: 26th May 2013 (there should be nothing going on that day)
At 4/29/13 07:58 AM, FromADistance wrote: EXP update #63 is now available!
Thanks for the update, FromADistance! Appreciated as always.
After many months of being ranked #61, I should be able to move up two ranks in just a matter of weeks. The top 50 is probably still years away, but I'm patient.
At 4/29/13 07:58 AM, FromADistance wrote: EXP update #63 is now available!
Another 45 ranks gained, with one of them being that alt account that had passed me. :D By my calculations I'm still 8+ months away from breaking the top 1,000. Just gotta keep up the consistency!
Thanks for the update.
At 4/29/13 07:58 AM, FromADistance wrote: EXP update #63 is now available!
131 | Auz | 29,650 | 52 | 260 | +1 | 99.33%
Still gained a rank apparently. I thought I might pass NightfallOrchid, but I passed Cesar-Barba instead which is fine by me as well. NightfallOrchid would be up next then. He's 80 points ahead of me and I gained 70 on him this update so it's going to be close. Further up is DjGurk with no gain, and it looks like I may be tied with him if I get all my 28 deposits in. So I'm not sure how much further up I'll climb next time, basically.
Thanks FromAmut!
At 4/29/13 07:58 AM, FromADistance wrote: EXP update #63 is now available!
154 Haggard 28,520 51 260 +2 68.87% 12/25/01
Slowly getting closer to the top 150. I might have missed a deposit lately, but we all slip from time to time. As long as I can keep the missed deposits a minimum, I should reach the top 150 in a few months.
At 4/29/13 12:27 AM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote: I'm slowly pushing my way into the top 500. After 7 years WILL happen.
Aww man
At 4/29/13 07:58 AM, FromADistance wrote: EXP update #63 is now available!
Thanks for the update, FromADistance... it feels weird.
Anyway, I have had the rug whipped out from beneath me, as I spotted that Ineritus had a phantom miss last month, so I am still two deposits behind him. At least Xanadu32 really did miss one, so I can focus on a rank up over the next month.
Getting there, slowly but surely. Perhaps even the top 80 is coming into view.
Still too early to talk about the top 50, though, isn't it?