I plan to give a quick update for the special update later on. When it comes to getting stars for perfect depositing, you'll get your very first one when you've obtained it once. It will no longer go by consecutive perfect deposits. Anyone that falls into runner-up will get a forward slash symbol to suggest half-successful. If you get two of them, they will bump you up to a star.
At 6/24/12 12:58 PM, Knuckstrike wrote: Every time I'm somehow missing a few deposits. I need to make depositing a routine, so I don't forget it.
My advice: The very first thing you do on the internet for the day (possibly after checking your emails) is to deposit your damn experience. How is it I've done very well for almost 8 years now? :P
At 6/24/12 04:04 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote: Cool, I've deposited so much that the deposition rate got rounded up to 100%.
Also, I like how the list is updated the day before I level up.
The strange thing about you is that you've somehow gained more EXP than one usually can get within 28 days. I can understand +290 but when I see +300, I'm like "How? Magic? o_O"
At 6/28/12 05:05 PM, Nijsse wrote: Awesome update Bahamut, thanks a lot.
I too missed a deposit during the redesign, but most people did so I don't really mind. The main reason for my gold medal is that in stead of being screwed by unreliable friends I own a 'smartphone', so I can deposit whenever/wherever I want to, even when I'm on a trip in the middle of nowhere. Gotta love modern technology! =)
I've yet to upgrade myself to a smartphone. I should for various purposes but I'm so lazy to sort myself out. I can't fault my depositers at all since they've always been reliable and even on the one day when I couldn't go online at all, it was a relief to find out I was indeed deposited for that day.
At 6/29/12 01:59 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Awesome thank you. But I have found an error on my stats. You have listed me at 73.71% and it should be 93.71%.
172 gamejunkie 25,665 49 3,430 4 +45 73.71% 12/16/02172 gamejunkie 25,665 49 3,430 4 +45 93.71% 12/16/02 would look a lot better.
Actually, the deposit rate on the special updates is still the overall one and not one that considers the last 12 months. The 73.71% deposit rate is still accurate.
At 6/29/12 02:46 AM, Painbringer wrote:At 6/28/12 03:29 PM, Bahamut wrote: 4 year special update is now available!Should have waited just a little longer to update because Valfire just turned 60.
Too bad these updates are marked on a certain day of the year. Shit happens to us all for these updates.