At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote:
EXP Update #39 is now available!
Thanks for ze update!
At 6/26/11 11:11 AM, Bahamut wrote:
EXP Update #40 is now available!
Thanks for ze other update! (ooo, 1111!)
At 6/28/11 10:33 AM, Bahamut wrote:
3 year special EXP update is up!
Hello all and welcome to the 3 year special update. Once again we reflect how everyone has done over the last 12 months.
Ohhhhh... not so good. DIS IS BAD. ;_;
Enjoy the special update!
I will! ... kinda. :D
35 31,890 54 3,580 3 94.04% FireNWater +6
36 31,823 54 3,150 3 75.54% DrMSM
37 31,570 54 3,570 3 76.11% gfoxcook +6
38 31,530 54 2,200 2 92.74% Dopefish -8
39 31,528 54 3,540 3 82.40% Uniqueusername +5
Well, the +6 goes nicely with the 76.11% deposit rate and the #37 ranking. 31570 exp and 3570 exp change, heh.
At 7/24/11 11:28 AM, Bahamut wrote:
EXP update #41 is now available!
OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY, #42 = August! :D
32 32,515 55 000 84.39% DaFreak -2
33 32,510 55 270 91.76% Dethyl +1
34 32,451 55 140 83.51% poxpower -2
35 32,120 54 250 94.00% FireNWater
36 32,073 54 250 75.66% DrMSM
37 31,800 54 250 76.19% gfoxcook
38 31,758 54 250 82.45% Uniqueusername +1
39 31,610 54 120 95.70% Parasoul +1
40 31,550 54 160 83.55% The-Redeemer +1
DrMSM, you get back here RIGHT this instant, young man! ... WAIT UP! :D
Well, there seems to be some activity behind me, but fortunately everyone missed as many (or more) deposits than I did in the past few months (egad, so many misses...).
Poor ol' DaFreak. I passed him in the top 5 on ADGBC in "deposits" there, and now I'm gonna do the same on NG... and it looks like he'll be the way I get #36, unless poxpower misses a whole shitton of deposits more than he already has been.
Fitting enough, I s'pose. DaFreak, I appreciate it, buddy. ^_^
69 28,740 51 260 76.60% MPA
70 28,600 51 230 98.62% gfoxclock
Aw, MPA! Cough up that #69 spot, please.
372 19,360 42 000 72.43% gfox -12
lolol, #37 for main, #70 for alt, and #372 for altalt.
It's a good thing I've come to terms with 7s and 37s lately, Bahamut, or I might be upset right now. Whew. #;-}>
At 5/24/11 05:50 PM, Coop wrote:
At 5/22/11 08:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Oh come on. I remember when you had thousands more posts than me. Now, I've got almost 9k more than you and that lead is growing.
Yeah, and? I remember when you had thousands more chest hairs than me... BUT THEN I PLUCKED THEM ALL OUT, so now I have 20 more than you. :)
It's not because I post excessively, more like I post steadily and you... don't
Bahamut gotcha back right there. There will always be a bigger fish. :D
Oh yeah, that's the sort of Cooping that everyone likes.
Yes, it's far less a distinct kink and just generally sexy. Good show!
At 5/28/11 08:19 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 5/22/11 08:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Thanks for four updates while I was away. Only missed 2 in the pentalist topic and only 1 in the VP topic (!!!), but 4 here... egad. It's because I didn't catch up here in late Feb like I did those other two, I hadn't posted here since mid-Jan, jeeeez!
Hey, it's not as bad as I originally thought. I'll need to bug you on regular catch ups, though. :P
And hey, I'm only about 2 months absent from here. Way better than January-May, eh? :D
... too bad the exp list topic doesn't = all of Wi/Ht? I like to read and post in. :D
20k isn't looking that special anymore. I'd aim for top 100 before 30k but I just can't see that happening.
At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote:
EXP Update #38 is now available!
I love how you cut out the 37th update.
I wouldn't have. Now, I mean. :)
Mwahahahaha! Either you've got to fight through the 37th position or you miss deposits so you stay away from that rank as much as possible. :P
I'm going to enjoy the 37th position for as long as it lasts, because the holy land is beyond, and because I am a leveled up gfox. :)
lol. I might, but I've never had even 1 of them. My wife's had TWO, though. She got one via drop, and uncrated the other one. She immediately crafted the lower leveled one together with another dupe hat and got HEAVY SAMURAI/SUMO WRESTLER HAIR!
That was a great move!
'twas indeed.
Why you wanted a party? Why not?
I thought I wanted a plot twist, not a party. :::zones out:::
If 36,000 exp and level 55 were possible to have at the same time... I probably couldn't resist the urge. Or at the very least, gfoxclock would have one hell of a retirement exp amount AND level icon at the same time.
There should be some level swapping for the redesign. Keep the shurikens slightly apart from each other, make level 55 a higher level and scrap the bow entirely. The NG staff never wanted projectile weapons for their icons so WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS PIECE OF SHIT EVEN EXIST?!
That'll be interesting... but does that mean I might miss out on the level 55 sword if this redesign happens earlier than we all except? :::blinks slowly:::
Sorry, this is what happens.
Hmph. I never said it wasn't, just... you guys could be a bit more gentle in how you talk about my sad, sorry state of affairs on NG, stat-wise, is all. :)
Yeah, come on guys... this is the longest, most boring, most cliched action sequence I've ever seen in a movie. Can you guys please just get to whatever top xxx you're aiming for already? PLEASE? #;-}>
I could show you some Bahamut XXX action right here if it helps.
Fuck yeah! DRAGON PRON!
Admittedly, I am aiming for the top 10 posters which will take a while since I need around 27.5k posts to pass the person in 10th place.
Wait, 27.5k total or 27.5k MORE posts than in May? ... either way... absolutely insane. o_O
At 5/29/11 01:01 PM, jonthomson wrote:
so assuming none of stormwarden, dopefish, dafreak or dekathos come back, i should be able to hit the top 50 in about 18 months... bleh. at least in the old system i'd be a couple of weeks from the tom photos, can't even look forward to that lol.
aw. ;_;
At 6/1/11 06:57 PM, Vert wrote:
Haven't posted in such a long time, but just wanted to say a big thanks to Bahamut for keeping this going and that it's nice to see all the old regulars still at it, so many years after I last was here.
Guess you guys are just as insanely determined, masochisticly repetitive and gleefully insane as I am.
Eh, I've been missing plenty of deposits. Like 5-10 in the past year. (GASP)
And I'm still going to pass gfoxcook one day. Even it means waiting until he's 100.
I'm living till 136, so you'd best be ready to at least make it past... :::checks:: 130 or so. #;-}>
At 6/26/11 12:14 PM, Bahamut wrote:
By the way guys, point and laugh at gfox for being #37 in EXP!
Would have worked on 6/26, doesn't work now, mwahahaha! :D
At 6/26/11 05:45 PM, Coop wrote:
Ah, page 55. A nice page.
Is it me, or... it is! gfoxcook has ascended to 37th! Huzzah!
But one small step away from the holy land, my good man!
Aaw, I thought I was going to be the first to :( Damn.
At 7/23/11 11:17 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
I haven't missed a single deposit since I came back. The only place is go is up as long as I deposit every day.
Well, you can't go backwards, no.... but you could go sideways.
DoD, haven't you said about the same exact thing as the above post like once per month for the last half-decade? O_o