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Top 2,000 Exp Users

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-01 16:19:59

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

Thanks for the update, Bahamut, great stuff

Looks like I also owe thanks to Zenxin, Yume and carmehadinosaur, for allowing me to Coop them.

I think I've only got one viable target this month, which would be life. I need one.

Seriously though, he's dropped deposits with regularity over the past few months and now I'm within 4 deposits of him, so I've got a chance and it's up to me to take it.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-01 17:27:05

Thank you for the update, Bahamut! I always look forward to them, even though I'm not going to pass anyone in the next couple of months.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-01 20:00:47

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 38th Top EXP Update.

Thanks for the update Bahamut. And once again, Congrats on your NG UOTY award.

226 gamejunkie 21,645 45 270 +3 70.78% 12/16/02

+3 and no days missed yet again. Not to shabby. Quite a few inactives ahead, a possible jump of 6 spots for the next update.

NEXT UPDATE: 29th May 2011

I have nothing better to do than wait, so wait I shall.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-01 20:35:13

thanks for the update Bahamut!

526 | Powerage | 17,120 | 290 | +6 | 85.47%

Six ranks gained. judging by who is ahead of me, i forsee a slightly bigger gain than for the next month, and i predict that i will hit top 500 sometime in July.

1,407 | Egarewop | 10,820 | 290 | +43 | 56.06%

43 ranks gained on the alt, which is pretty good. looking at the list, i predict a larger gain for next month on this account also, and am also looking to pass 11k experience.

well, thanks again Bahamut and see you next month!

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-02 00:35:47

LittleWashu 14,930 37 280 +23 68.42% 05/10/05

Looks like 23 more people have become guinea pigs for my experiments. Let's see where the next update takes me.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-05 12:42:21

Whew. The next quarter looks good for some passage. I might make my goal of top 100 by 2012 yet! If I'm REALLY lucky, maybe even before the fall.

Really though... I hope this pesky guy who's been tied with me for months but signed up 5 days earlier would miss one.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-22 08:20:20

Thanks for four updates while I was away. Only missed 2 in the pentalist topic and only 1 in the VP topic (!!!), but 4 here... egad. It's because I didn't catch up here in late Feb like I did those other two, I hadn't posted here since mid-Jan, jeeeez!

At 2/6/11 01:05 PM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #35 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 35th Top EXP Update. For this update we have our third ranked EXP user oblivion reaching level 60 so congratulations to him on reaching the last level (assuming level 61 is a gimmick). This year should be seeing a few other level 60 users with Mike27112, Narcissus, NeMeSiSM66 and Junon all less than 3,000 EXP away from the final level.

Excellent work, oblivion. CONGRATS! I always knew you'd be a better Pimp to Pimp than Pimp was a Pimp to humantarget52.... er... whoa.

Oh, and congrats to bomb as well. I don't think I ever gave him any. ;_;

40) 30,210 +280 75.41% gfoxcook

30210... 321... nice. :D

A good +280, too. I like that. MOAR.

Oh, and I don't think I ever noticed going over 75%, though I'd been looking forward to it for some time now. AT LAST!

At 3/6/11 10:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #36 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 36th Top EXP Update. Hey, it's gfox's lucky number and American date format says 3/6/2011. What a nice co-incidence.

Very nice. :D

40) 30,480 +270 75.56% gfoxcook

30480, also a very nice number! Though it means I missed a deposit, I suppose, with that +270 there. Still, you keep updating the list right as I'm at cool exp amounts. Gotta love 30,000+ numbers in general, too. They can only mean 36,000 is on the way. #;-}>

At 4/3/11 02:03 PM, Bahamut wrote:


39) 30,760 280 75.73% gfoxcook +1
40) 30,728 270 82.16% Uniqueusername +1
41) 30,650 240 83.65% The-Redeemer +1
42) 30,629 __0 76.27% Stormwarden -4

Well, 40 was already top 40, and 39's nothing too special to me (or too bad, either)... it was a pity passing Stormwarden on the VP list, but since it brought me from #11 to #10, I was personally happy about it... but passing him here just makes me sad. He really needs to resume depositing. I mean, to get any higher within the top 50, I gotta pass SOMEone, but... ol' Stormwarden. ;_;

His % is still higher than mine, though. lolz. And while he got TRIPLE-PASSED, he got to sit on #42 for at least one update, so there is that. Nice. #;-}>

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 38th Top EXP Update.

"Congratulations to: Level 51: gfoxclock, MPA, MrTrivia, Patcoola, Ppk3000"

Why thank ye!

35) 31,530 __0 94.34% Dopefish -2
36) 31,343 230 75.43% DrMSM
37) 31,310 270 93.94% FireNWater
38) 31,040 230 96.43% Parasoul
39) 31,030 270 75.87% gfoxcook

Hm. First off, always cool to notice people with around my %. Hi there, DrMSM. :D Second off... holy shit, Dopefish is not depositing, and he's a 90%+er. A) what's wrong with him. B) yay, a +1... C) I've passed Parasoul since this update, so I'm 38 now, not 39, and +1 means..... OH SHIT.

Must find a way to pass Dopefish AND DrMSM or FireNWater at the same time. I wonder how much I'd need to bribe either of them to miss just the right number of deposits.... hmmmmm....

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-22 08:54:41

At 1/22/11 06:23 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 1/17/11 08:57 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Less people to pass in a year is the surest sign you're getting high in the exp ranks, so take heart. #;-}>
But it's not getting me to the top 100 fast enough. D:

Nothing ever does but patience and dedication, I'm afraid.

Yes, so thank god I never made that bet! #;-}>
Come on, you can easily delete a Trophy Belt. JUST A MERE TROPHY BELT!

lol. I might, but I've never had even 1 of them. My wife's had TWO, though. She got one via drop, and uncrated the other one. She immediately crafted the lower leveled one together with another dupe hat and got HEAVY SAMURAI/SUMO WRESTLER HAIR! It's not the greatest hat for heavy (hell, it might be one of the worst, though it's better than hitler hair, that's for sure)... but she had 0 heavy hats, and it remains her only one, so it'll have to do. Heavy was the last class she didn't have a hat for, too. COLLECTION COMPLETE!... ish.

Already traded away my description tags as well as those shitty duel mini-games. One guy I know wants as much duel mini-games as possible so I'll happily hand them over to him. As for description tags, whoever wants them.

Hahah, I was trading a hat for a hat with Trickster last night, and he wanted to get rid of descrip tags, name tags, paint, and dueling minigames. I only took 2 name tags and a few duels (I can always trade 'em if I don't use 'em). But I can't think of a good way to use descrip tags and I have enough paint already (and more to come from crates at some point, I'm sure).

And just earlier in the evening I was swapping hats with Wiggles as well, and he wanted to toss me 2 crates and a paint. I declined them all. I have a new "no extra crates" policy, Valve gives me enough as it is. #;-}>

You didn't have to poop all over my party there....
Well there's no plot twist, alright?

Very well. I don't even remember why I wanted one anymore, anyway. :D

At 2/7/11 07:10 AM, Food123 wrote: This is good

Damn fucking straight it is!

At 2/7/11 04:21 PM, Cootie wrote: 9,850 30 280 +82 58.81%

Not bad. Once again I didn't miss a single deposit between updates unlike all of the other users that were once close to me in the rankings. I still can't believe that even though I haven't missed a deposition in months I only have a 58.81% deposit rate.

That break I took a few years back really killed me.

When I really got into NG in early 2003, I inherited a very very very poor-in-stats-by-my-later-standards account... FROM MYSELF... that I'd made in 2000 but neglected quite horribly. I had around 950 exp out of a possible 10,500ish at that time. I began depositing every day, and didn't miss a deposit till like 2005 or 2006, and since then I've missed no more than 1, 2, maybe 3 per year.

My % when I started truly being a NG statwhore in early 2003 was 9.05%.

My % now is nearly 76%.

That took over 8 years to do. We do indeed pay a heavy price for our past stat-neglecting sins.

But take heart, my 9 to 76% rise should illustrate that anything is possible in NG statland, given enough time. :D

At 2/9/11 09:34 AM, jonthomson wrote: god, getting into the top 50 is going to take forever

"TELL ME ABOUT IT." -everyone and their mothers

You can doooo eeeeet, though. I knows it. #;-}>

At 2/11/11 11:03 PM, Evark wrote: Well... maybe after I hit level 56. Because... so badass.

Eh, if you like studded/spiked skull maces that are... golden for some reason, sure.

I'll take my level 55 sword and I'll like it, damnit!

level 55.... next best thing to level 42... so tempting to just stop depositing once I get there.

If 36,000 exp and level 55 were possible to have at the same time... I probably couldn't resist the urge. Or at the very least, gfoxclock would have one hell of a retirement exp amount AND level icon at the same time.

At 2/12/11 01:37 PM, Bahamut wrote: I feel taking 10 1/2 years to reach the last level is enough. I'm hoping they can keep 60 levels as it is. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd rather have new B/P ranks than new EXP levels.

I'd rather have neither, but... yeah, the 60 level system is relatively fresh still, no need to fuck with it for a few more years, at least.

At 2/6/11 04:22 PM, Coop wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut and congratulations to oblivion for reaching level 60.Perhaps we'll have an active user of the forums at some point, that lives at Level 60.
From the looks of things, that'll be poxpower followed by gfox... If he's considered active on the forums to you. :P


At 2/9/11 09:34 AM, jonthomson wrote: god, getting into the top 50 is going to take forever
At least you're only a mere five ranks away. Some of us are still at least 100 ranks away from the top 50 such as myself. Getting to the top 100 is one thing but the top 50 is another.

Getting to the top 100 would be the exact same grind as getting to the top 50 if all 100 people were depositing 99% of the days in each year, really.

It's all up to the depostering of those above ye. How many shall fail to deposit, and for how long shall they fail to deposit.

Of course, I'm not saying that say going from 105 to 100 and going from 55 to 50 TEND to take the same amount of time, just that they could. Hell, it's even possible (not sure if it's ever happened in the past, but it may quite possibly happen in the future) that for one user, the people between 105 and 100 are such good depositers for so long he has to wait for people who were in the 60s or 70s (back when he first went from 106 to 105) to drop down to 100-105 before he can pass enough to get to #100.... LONGER... than he has to wait for his own 55 to 50 transition. Unlikely, but possible.

At 2/12/11 09:53 AM, Arthuria99 wrote: Hope I'll get in the list someday
Uhh, you're actually on the list already.


A rare case of FAILWIN right there, gentlemen!

At 3/5/11 07:40 PM, wismty wrote: I finally got a taste of the top 50!


At 2/9/11 09:34 AM, jonthomson wrote: god, getting into the top 50 is going to take forever
No kidding. At least you'll get there by the end of the world. :p

Well, it doesn't seem he got there by 5/21/2011... but I'm sure he can make it before 12/21/2012. ^_^

At 3/8/11 10:06 AM, Nijsse wrote: Thanks for the update Bahamut! I'm gonna be ranked #75 for a very, very long time.

Indeed, seems so. Still there. At least 75's a damned good #, and a nice halfway point (... well... not really, but yanno) between 100 and 50, the most-craved segments of ze list.

At 4/3/11 02:39 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 4/3/11 02:26 PM, Auz wrote: and then the top 100.
Keep in mind that the progress to the top 100 will be much slower than a cliché slow motion movie sequence. I'm aiming for it, you're now aiming for it and Coop's been closely aiming for it for so long now.

Yeah, come on guys... this is the longest, most boring, most cliched action sequence I've ever seen in a movie. Can you guys please just get to whatever top xxx you're aiming for already? PLEASE? #;-}>

At 4/7/11 10:30 PM, wismty wrote: Rats! I missed 2 or 3 deposits this past month, which is more than the amount I missed last year ... :( :( :(, No more jerking around.

I hear ya, man. I've missed way too many deposits in the past few years myself. Missed two in one week one time a year or two back, and nearly did it again this past month!

At 5/1/11 04:19 PM, Coop wrote: Looks like I also owe thanks to Zenxin, Yume and carmehadinosaur, for allowing me to Coop them.


I think I've only got one viable target this month, which would be life. I need one.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-22 11:47:21

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

Oh my god, I haven't replied to this update, yet.

247 | Haggard | 21,260 | 44 | 290 | +5 | 62.27% | 12/25/01

So, I finally entered the top 250 and there still are a bunch of inactive users in front of me, but also a bunch of active users. But I should still climb some ranks, so everything is fine. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-23 08:29:56

Just realised that i've grown from rank #92 to #88 in 1 month
Top 100 reached, next stop: Top #50

No Fap November: 2014 - 2022

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-23 11:41:41

Top 500 reached. :)
Next target: top 400. :P

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-24 17:50:19

At 5/22/11 08:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 2/6/11 04:22 PM, Coop wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut and congratulations to oblivion for reaching level 60.Perhaps we'll have an active user of the forums at some point, that lives at Level 60.
From the looks of things, that'll be poxpower followed by gfox... If he's considered active on the forums to you. :P

Oh come on. I remember when you had thousands more posts than me. Now, I've got almost 9k more than you and that lead is growing.

It's not because I post excessively, more like I post steadily and you... don't

At 5/1/11 04:19 PM, Coop wrote: Looks like I also owe thanks to Zenxin, Yume and carmehadinosaur, for allowing me to Coop them.

Oh yeah, that's the sort of Cooping that everyone likes.

I think I've only got one viable target this month, which would be life. I need one.

The old ones are the best ones :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-24 22:55:12

Woah, I'm on this list hehe!
#2434 none the less. Hopefully I will move up in June, nglogs says I'm currently at 2300 something.

If I had never missed a deposit since I've been on NG I'd be #20 on the list lol too bad I have a RL and didn't worry about depositing too much over my NG career of 9 years.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-28 20:19:55

At 5/5/11 12:42 PM, Evark wrote: Whew. The next quarter looks good for some passage. I might make my goal of top 100 by 2012 yet! If I'm REALLY lucky, maybe even before the fall.

I have a fun little spreadsheet that works out where everyone might be on the last 2011 EXP update. You're looking well good to get there by then while Coop is one rank shy off the top 100. I think luck will be on his side and he'll reach the top 100 by the end of the year as well. As for me, I know it'll be ages considering there are many active users just in between myself and Coop and we're only 28 ranks apart.

Really though... I hope this pesky guy who's been tied with me for months but signed up 5 days earlier would miss one.

I know how you feel. I've had a few tied users but I fought over them after a while!

At 5/22/11 08:20 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Thanks for four updates while I was away. Only missed 2 in the pentalist topic and only 1 in the VP topic (!!!), but 4 here... egad. It's because I didn't catch up here in late Feb like I did those other two, I hadn't posted here since mid-Jan, jeeeez!

Hey, it's not as bad as I originally thought. I'll need to bug you on regular catch ups, though. :P

30480, also a very nice number! Though it means I missed a deposit, I suppose, with that +270 there. Still, you keep updating the list right as I'm at cool exp amounts. Gotta love 30,000+ numbers in general, too. They can only mean 36,000 is on the way. #;-}>

20k isn't looking that special anymore. I'd aim for top 100 before 30k but I just can't see that happening.

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

I love how you cut out the 37th update.

Must find a way to pass Dopefish AND DrMSM or FireNWater at the same time. I wonder how much I'd need to bribe either of them to miss just the right number of deposits.... hmmmmm....

Mwahahahaha! Either you've got to fight through the 37th position or you miss deposits so you stay away from that rank as much as possible. :P

At 5/22/11 08:54 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 1/22/11 06:23 PM, Bahamut wrote: But it's not getting me to the top 100 fast enough. D:
Nothing ever does but patience and dedication, I'm afraid.

I feel I should get there sooner. :P Now if only I signed up when I first heard about NG. I did discover the site at the very start of 2004 so if I looked further in then and made my account, I'd be much further ahead by now. I see it as good in one way that I didn't sign up then, however since chances are my parents may have caught a better glimpse on the site then and shit would have been bad with my internet privacy. Hell, later on I had to fight hard for my privacy and I'd have someone's neck if it was ever violated.

Come on, you can easily delete a Trophy Belt. JUST A MERE TROPHY BELT!
lol. I might, but I've never had even 1 of them. My wife's had TWO, though. She got one via drop, and uncrated the other one. She immediately crafted the lower leveled one together with another dupe hat and got HEAVY SAMURAI/SUMO WRESTLER HAIR!

That was a great move!

And just earlier in the evening I was swapping hats with Wiggles as well, and he wanted to toss me 2 crates and a paint. I declined them all. I have a new "no extra crates" policy, Valve gives me enough as it is. #;-}>

Yeah, I really don't want more crates at this point. They're nasty things, especially when you feel there might be an unusual hat hiding in one of them.

You didn't have to poop all over my party there....
Well there's no plot twist, alright?
Very well. I don't even remember why I wanted one anymore, anyway. :D

Why you wanted a party? Why not?

If 36,000 exp and level 55 were possible to have at the same time... I probably couldn't resist the urge. Or at the very least, gfoxclock would have one hell of a retirement exp amount AND level icon at the same time.

There should be some level swapping for the redesign. Keep the shurikens slightly apart from each other, make level 55 a higher level and scrap the bow entirely. The NG staff never wanted projectile weapons for their icons so WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS PIECE OF SHIT EVEN EXIST?!

At 2/12/11 01:37 PM, Bahamut wrote: I feel taking 10 1/2 years to reach the last level is enough. I'm hoping they can keep 60 levels as it is. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'd rather have new B/P ranks than new EXP levels.
I'd rather have neither, but... yeah, the 60 level system is relatively fresh still, no need to fuck with it for a few more years, at least.

Apart from my suggestions above, there's no need to change the level system around at all. It's perfect as it is besides the icons.

At 2/6/11 04:22 PM, Coop wrote: Thanks for the update, Bahamut and congratulations to oblivion for reaching level 60.Perhaps we'll have an active user of the forums at some point, that lives at Level 60.
From the looks of things, that'll be poxpower followed by gfox... If he's considered active on the forums to you. :P

Sorry, this is what happens.

At 4/3/11 02:39 PM, Bahamut wrote: Keep in mind that the progress to the top 100 will be much slower than a cliché slow motion movie sequence. I'm aiming for it, you're now aiming for it and Coop's been closely aiming for it for so long now.
Yeah, come on guys... this is the longest, most boring, most cliched action sequence I've ever seen in a movie. Can you guys please just get to whatever top xxx you're aiming for already? PLEASE? #;-}>

I could show you some Bahamut XXX action right here if it helps. I did love that comparison since some movies take it way too far with slow motion sequences. That's way I felt 300 was such a shit movie.

At 5/24/11 05:50 PM, Coop wrote: Oh come on. I remember when you had thousands more posts than me. Now, I've got almost 9k more than you and that lead is growing.

It's not because I post excessively, more like I post steadily and you... don't

And I post more steadily. The last 12 months have been much faster with my posting rate than the last few years. Even without being a BBS mod I'm sure my pace would still be good. Admittedly, I am aiming for the top 10 posters which will take a while since I need around 27.5k posts to pass the person in 10th place.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-28 23:42:50

At 5/1/11 09:51 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #38 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 38th Top EXP Update.

NEXT UPDATE: 29th May 2011

Last-minute day-before-the-next-update replying coming up.

577 NEVR 16,500 39 250 +14 77.39% 06/29/05

Slowly but surely creeping up the list despite a few missed deposits. I'm pretty pleased with a 77.4% average over the course of nearly 6 years. I'm certainly no Bahamut.

Anyway, cheers for this update and all the ones I've neglected to reply to.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 04:54:16

At 5/28/11 11:42 PM, NEVR wrote: Slowly but surely creeping up the list despite a few missed deposits. I'm pretty pleased with a 77.4% average over the course of nearly 6 years. I'm certainly no Bahamut.

I, too, have missed (well, intentionally) deposits but it seems you are lagging behind by quite a margin there pal ;-P

I don't even remember why we deposit these days ..

onna site keikan/alt

«¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥» «¥»

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 11:45:59

EXP Update #39 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 39th Top EXP Update. This update sees us with another level 60 entry named Mike27112. Well done on the big rank! Next up, Narcissus!

NEXT UPDATE: 26th June 2011

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 11:58:02

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

Thanks for the update, Bahamut - nice work.

Standing pat for another month, but I have crucially closed the gap to life down to a mere two deposits. Perhaps I can make a move over the next month, while I set up for a 4-5 rank gain over July.

I'll take every day as it comes - get up, deposit, carry on as normal.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 11:58:18

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

Hello all and welcome to my 39th Top EXP Update. This update sees us with another level 60 entry named Mike27112. Well done on the big rank! Next up, Narcissus!

Yes, congrats to him on this awesome achievement :)

191 | Auz | 22,680 | 280 | +2

Alright, two more ranks gained here. Looking ahead of me I see there's a bit of a gap between me and #190, but shortly after that are a couple of inactive peeps. It's likely that I'll gain about four ranks on the next update.

Thanks for this update Bahamut! Good work as always.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 12:03:57

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

Thanks for the update Bahamut.

This update sees us with another level 60 entry named Mike27112. Well done on the big rank!

Congratulations Mike.

218 gamejunkie 21,935 45 290 +8 71.08% 12/16/02

+8 for the 4 weeks is very nice. Wont be so good next 4 weeks though, only likely to pass 1 by next update.
A lot of movement ahead.

NEXT UPDATE: 26th June 2011

Cant wait. Cheers.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 13:01:05

so assuming none of stormwarden, dopefish, dafreak or dekathos come back, i should be able to hit the top 50 in about 18 months... bleh. at least in the old system i'd be a couple of weeks from the tom photos, can't even look forward to that lol. a few people a few places above that don't quite do 100% so could always chip away at them perhaps

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 13:47:13

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

Thanks for the update!

239 | Haggard | 21,550 | 45 | 290 | +8 | 62.61% | 12/25/01

+8 is pretty nice. I'm closing in on the top 200, but it still takes a while to actually get there, about 4 months, I guess.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 19:43:44

At 5/29/11 04:54 AM, AllReligiousDrunk wrote: I, too, have missed (well, intentionally) deposits but it seems you are lagging behind by quite a margin there pal ;-P

The pitfalls of a busy life, I fear. Thankfully things are settling down now.

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

Forgot to mention yesterday how much I like the current layout of these updates. It's pretty cool that the level icons update with each user's aura too; I didn't expect mine to have changed from blue to yellow for this update. Nice work, even if I'm a bit late in saying so. ;)

567 NEVR 16,740 39 240 +10 77.50% 06/29/05

A few missed deposits again, but I was travelling abroad, so it's excusable. Hopefully there won't be many more.

This update sees us with another level 60 entry named Mike27112. Well done on the big rank! Next up, Narcissus!

Congrats Mike.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-29 23:51:05

700 LittleWashu 15,210 38 280 +15

Not only did I make 15 more people Guinea pigs for my experiments, I managed to snag the 700th spot for myself. Go me ^_^

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-30 19:59:49

thank you for the update Bahamut!

513 | Powerage | 17,390 | 270 | +13 | 85.62%

13 ranks gained, over twice last month's gain, which is good. judging from the list, i'm predicting a smaller gain for June than the gain i made in May, though the gain will be larger than what i made in April. if i had to guess how much i would gain, i'd say maybe 8 to 10 ranks. it also looks like i won't quite make the top 500 by the next update, though i'll be pretty close.

1,353 | Egarewop | 11,090 | 270 | +54 | 56.64%

54 ranks gained on the alt, bigger than last time, as i had predicted. i'm predicting a smaller gain for next month, possibly 35 to 40 ranks, if i had to guess how much i gained when the next update will come around. it also looks like i'll hit level 33 on the day of the next update. we will see if the predictions i'm making for my accounts come to pass.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-05-31 02:01:58

Always nice to see my name in a ranking. :)

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-06-01 18:57:57

Haven't posted in such a long time, but just wanted to say a big thanks to Bahamut for keeping this going and that it's nice to see all the old regulars still at it, so many years after I last was here.

Guess you guys are just as insanely determined, masochisticly repetitive and gleefully insane as I am.

And I'm still going to pass gfoxcook one day. Even it means waiting until he's 100.



To think about the world, click cat.

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-06-02 02:33:59

i bloody missed a day and RebeccaRose who has been trailing with me for ever has jumped me... GAH!...

i dont think im ever going to hop back now :P... dam...

oh well... still looks like il be able to make the top 300 in no time :3

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-06-02 12:30:39

I am moving up like a snail. >:(

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2011-06-02 13:09:27

At 5/29/11 11:45 AM, Bahamut wrote: EXP Update #39 is now available!

I have missed some of your updates, but might as well start with this one.

1,273 / Hacsev / 11,440 / 33 / 280 / +48 / 99.56% / 04/05/08

Pretty good I guess, though I would have appreciated if it had actually reached 50+ ranks. But I got to understand that as I progress, I'll gain less ranks. Thanks for the update though, Bahamut! Also thanks for the congrats on me reaching level 33.

$$$ | Strawberry Dodge | Abusive Reviews! | Sig by TheDingo

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