At 9/14/09 03:21 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 9/13/09 09:54 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/12/09 11:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/29/09 12:47 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Thanks to format, malbaugh, Steve84 and LockClock. You all have now been Cooped. Thanks also to Bahamut for the awesome double updatage.
I remember Cooping those fuckers. It's a long tradition, I suppose.
Looks like I'll be cooping some of them around the end of the year.
This looks to be an entertaining meme. Let's not forget to keep calling it that. #;-}>
W00t, internets fame :P
Hey, kids... who have YOU Cooped lately, eh?
Well, I Cooped MegaGold on Saturday for Flash Reviews, with a recent Experience Coop being your own alt, gfox.
Of course, the terms of my agreement with Bahamut state that I can't actually mention the name of my latest B/P Coop, save that it is Newgrounds' favourite Troll :P
Uhhhh..... hm.
At 9/14/09 09:57 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 9/13/09 09:54 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Thanks for the past two updates, Baha-man.
Yeahhhh... I know. #;-}>
At 7/18/09 09:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/12/09 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
On my birthday, yay!
It was awesome! :D
Chances are, I'll forget. :(
I'll be here to remind you. GET COOPED!
Hey, kids... who have YOU Cooped lately, eh?
We'll see who we all cooped this Sunday.
Yes, but I didn't get to be #50 ON it, which was half of the deal, so...
Blame the one who refused to miss any deposits in months.
That fucker. Whoever it was. o_O
At 9/14/09 03:21 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Of course, the terms of my agreement with Bahamut state that I can't actually mention the name of my latest B/P Coop, save that it is Newgrounds' favourite Troll :P
Nah, he's Newgrounds' favourite GTA fanboy.
he meant iscrulz? Pfft, iscrulz couldn't possibly be NG's fave troll. He's nowhere near the trolliest NGer, for starters.
Maybe one of Wi/Ht?'s fave trolls specifically, though.
At 10/19/09 03:47 AM, Haggard wrote:
This is because the NG Stats only update once a day. So, if you are 10 Exp behind BBR, you are ranked lower. Then, you deposit, he doesn't, now you are tied with him in Exp, so you don't pass him yet. Then you deposit again, he doesn't. You have 10 Exp more, but the ranks haven't been updated yet. So you have more exp, but you are still ranked lower.
So, Bahamut's list is by the time he does an update actually more accurate than NG itself. :P
Also it of course depends on when exactly Bahamut pulls the stats from the profiles and how much time passes until the list is actually done and uploaded.
Gotta love making your list updates more accurate rank-wise than NG itself is due to midnight-to-4ishAM-rankupdategap. I remember doing that a few times back in my day, but since I didn't really do an exp-only list, it wasn't as important in my case.
At 11/15/09 10:38 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 10/23/09 06:37 PM, DumbassDude wrote:
You guys left Bahamut unattended and drunk, for shame.
Did someone pretend to be you in a drunken stickam chat? #;-}>
At 4/6/10 02:41 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 4/6/10 01:29 PM, chris-marks wrote:
your historical deposit rate means nothing in that sense, because if you're depositing every day, and the guy ahead of you is also depositing every day, you will never pass them.
I think it does in a statistical sense - if you've got a better deposit rate than someone, you are more likely to deposit on any given day in the future than someone.
Yep. But WHICH day they will miss is hard to predict.
For example, I am more likely on any given day to deposit my 10 experience points than anyone above me, as I have a higher deposit rate. All of the users above me have, for one reason or another not deposited with a higher frequency than I. As a result, eventually, I will close the gap on them, which is proven to be correct, as I am catching them... well, most of them. I think that gfoxcook was perfect in depositing last year, so he's the one exception.
Mwahahah. I'm so glad I made it into a stat lecture as an example of an unpassable brick wall. #;-}>
In fairness to the TRUTH, however, I must point out that while there may have been a year recently in which I didn't miss a deposit, I've missed two in the past year. ;_;
At 5/8/10 11:39 PM, Evark wrote:
Furthermore: I still hate gfox for having TWO accounts ranked higher than me. RETIRE ONE AND LET US HAVE THAT SPARE RANK, EH!?
U MAD? ;_;
It ain't spare if my account's still active and enjoying it, dagnabit!
At 5/9/10 05:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:
See above - I remember when it was three accounts above me. Now that gfox has been retired, gfoxclock will eventually retire, but I have my doubts about a timeframe for that and indeed for the master himself as well.
I was gonna say that thing about how it used to be 3 accounts, not 2, and he should be thankful for the fact it ain't 3 anymore, but I saw you'd already covered that. Thanks. #;-}.
What do you mean by doubts about a timeframe?
Timeframe on you passing THIS account is very murky, yes.
Timeframe on you passing gfoxclock is calculateable down to the week, I reckon, if perhaps not quite the day.
At 5/11/10 08:21 AM, Bahamut wrote:
If you're thinking about a list similar to what BigBlueBalls had when he made this thread, don't expect anything like that from myself at all. I don't have such programming talent and the only ones who'd do something like that is someone who's enthusiastic as citricsquid was prior to taking all his NG stuff down. My list updates are a successor to what ramagi was doing before the redesign wrecked BigBlueBalls' automated list.
Yep. Both list styles have their merits. I enjoyed BBB's list for just being able to check whether I was about to pass someone or if I'd lost someone I was just past and all, on a frequent basis, but for short check-ins, back before I was in the top 50 and could just check the official NG list (mmmm mmmm mmmm).
But I prefer the ramagi/Bahamut style of updateage for a less-often-but-more-deep-and-long-lastin g-visitation update experience. SAVOUR THE STATS.
There's someone you should loathe more than gfox and that's MI4-REAL-2001 for having a level 51 alt! That's above many big guns such as gfox and poxpower!
I don't think it's worth hating that account since all it has is exp (and maybe some reviews?). It's not like it's a well-rounded alt like my gfoxclock, and thus nowhere near as worthy an object of hatred. #;-}>
I'm sure we'll all pass 36,000 EXP eventually, unless we entirely lose interest in the site or even ragequit like one of my friends did last year. gfoxclock WILL reach 36,000 EXP and should be stopping there as stated by gfox himself a few times now.
Exactly my point to Coop up there. Just subtract clock's current exp from 36000, divide by 10, and find out what date is that many days away. Then get the difference between that and your current exp if you're under gfoxclock at the moment... and boom, passage estimate.
Anyway, who knows. It might be gfoxcook I'm retiring at 36,000, not gfoxlock.
At 10/17/10 01:19 PM, Haggard wrote:
Double post, but OMG I just noticed, I'm only 60 Exp away from gfox! :O
At 10/23/10 02:42 PM, Haggard wrote:
At 10/17/10 01:19 PM, Haggard wrote:
Double post, but OMG I just noticed, I'm only 60 Exp away from gfox! :O
And now I'm tied with him! :O