Nice work with the list, I need to check Wi/Ht more.
The one thing force produces is resistance.

Nice work with the list, I need to check Wi/Ht more.
The one thing force produces is resistance.
Nice list this week, even though it's automative. Anyway, looks like there's two level 25 users who are missing deposits. Brewed_Beaner and GunPanther. If Brewed_Beaner continues to not deposit... it will only take me 134 days to pass her. Just 138 days for me to finally reach level 25. w00t!
thats one of the sweetest things ive seen. i calculated it out, and it would take at my current rate 12 years to gain as many exp points at the two current level 30's.
At 1/21/06 11:51 PM, Chaddyboy wrote: thats one of the sweetest things ive seen. i calculated it out, and it would take at my current rate 12 years to gain as many exp points at the two current level 30's.
This thing does the calculating for you = )
Sorry its not 12 years...
At 1/21/06 11:51 PM, Chaddyboy wrote: thats one of the sweetest things ive seen. i calculated it out, and it would take at my current rate 12 years to gain as many exp points at the two current level 30's.
I hate to break it to you.
but the only way you'll ever reacgh level 30 is if everyone above you stops depositing.
Use this to see how long it actually will take you to reach each level.
It works by assuming that both you and the level 30 user(Currently Pimp) deposit each day.
I want to congratulate the man who made this very useful tool/page.
Chrono Trigger Unglued - A Flash Retelling of Chrono Trigger that knows just how important your Ether is.
Work-Study - Squirrel Armies, Code Red, Elite Booze Agents, & More!
At 1/21/06 01:21 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Stuff.....
Counting your chickens before they hatch arn't you?
You know I seen agent66
go inactive a few times he finally wen't agai, just long enough for me to get past him.
I noticed a few other, but I tend to wait till I get close before I count on doing anything.
I'm glad Captain Bob level not too long ago, so I'm the only mod my level again.
At 12/31/05 02:30 AM, BigBlueBalls wrote: I just thought I'd help out the Newgrounds community with something I am good at. Since I don't have the time to learn Flash, a least I can put together a program in my spare time that you might enjoy.
I only just discovered this thread; I'm not sure how I missed it, but great work on the list compilation. Although I'm not too huge into watching my stats, it's still an interesting little thing to look at from time to time. I particularly like seeing the change my ranking has undergone in comparison to some of the other users in my proximity on the board.
Once again, nice one BigBlueBalls, and I will be checking this thread sometime soon for some more happy ranking feedback!
Wow this is pretty cool. Glad to see I'm on it (thanks inu!)!
I think I'll try to be more active on this site..dunno how much but you know! :P
BTW I'm ranked 1803 on there.. wooties! :-)
Nice list! I have not missed a single deposit since I signed up in November, 2005. Hopefully, I will make to the list when I have 5000 points. ;)
At 1/19/06 03:42 AM, BigBlueBalls wrote: I like the fact that I can actually predict my new rank before the site updates itself. Just compare your experience points to others, after you deposit and you can figure out how much you're going up or if you're going to stay the same. Remember, it updates experience points within minutes of your deposit.
That is quite nifty, yes. The one thing it can't do, though.... is predict whether or not a user you've been tied with (or 10 exp behind) for weeks/months... is gonna finally miss that deposit today or... whether they'll deposit 5 minutes before midnight yet again, denying you a chance to sneak by them and grab a REAL rank gain.
For example, I moved up from #102 to #101 in my profile days and days ago, but I happen to know that's only because I'm 10 exp behind someone who doesn't deposit until AFTER the ranks update at 4:35 AM ET and thus I tie them before that and my earlier sign-up date gives me the tiebreaker.
But later every single day, he deposits as well. Grrrrrr.
So yeah... your list can't see the future. However, if it could magically swap people's ranks when the other one deposits later in the day, it'd be more accurate than our profiles. Any way you could swing that? I keep seeing myself above the user in question every day I check your page but it's a cruel mockery because his exp, by that point in the day, is 10 over mine yet I'm "ranked" above him. FALSE RANKING FOR FALSE HOPES. ;_;
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/29/06 03:34 AM, gfoxcook wrote: That is quite nifty, yes. The one thing it can't do, though.... is predict whether or not a user you've been tied with (or 10 exp behind) for weeks/months... is gonna finally miss that deposit today or... whether they'll deposit 5 minutes before midnight yet again, denying you a chance to sneak by them and grab a REAL rank gain.
For example, I moved up from #102 to #101 in my profile days and days ago, but I happen to know that's only because I'm 10 exp behind someone who doesn't deposit until AFTER the ranks update at 4:35 AM ET and thus I tie them before that and my earlier sign-up date gives me the tiebreaker.
But later every single day, he deposits as well. Grrrrrr.
hahahah... so fitting. I just now went to your site for the first time in a couple days...
and what do I see?
20 #99 Afterburner 12,070
20 #100 gfoxcook 11,970
20 #101 Yota 11,970
20 #102 Soul_Edge 11,970
20 #103 Lordalmar 11,940
Well whaddayaknow. The user in question (Soul_Edge) must have missed a deposit late in the week, because he's the one I was talking about. I haven't yet deposited today, so that means we're now tied and I hold the tiebreaker. And not only that, but I'm even with Yota and will be 10 exp ahead within the hour.
But yes, I think I should point out that my other post's point still stands: if the ranks updated as dynamically as the exp amounts themselves do, then your list would be even better. :::nods::: #;-}>
But so much for false hopes... THE DREAM IS ALIVE! Hahahahahfaiewhfwew. Wheee!
gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!
a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)
At 1/6/06 11:53 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:At 1/5/06 10:32 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Like it may have taken you 5 years to reach lvl 24, but it will take more than 15years to a new comer to reach the same lvl as yours. That's 3 times more.Well, a new comer should have discovered newgrounds a lot sooner then.
Come on... it's not their fault and they shouldn't have to wait 15years to reach a level it took you 5 years to reach.
Sig made by MuffDiver102
At 1/29/06 03:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I AM FINALLY IN THE TOP 100!!! WAHOOO.
I saw you snuck into that group. Early know why I say that.
TO BBB, I hope you see this and read your email
At 1/29/06 03:34 AM, gfoxcook wrote: So yeah... your list can't see the future. However, if it could magically swap people's ranks when the other one deposits later in the day, it'd be more accurate than our profiles. Any way you could swing that? I keep seeing myself above the user in question every day I check your page but it's a cruel mockery because his exp, by that point in the day, is 10 over mine yet I'm "ranked" above him. FALSE RANKING FOR FALSE HOPES. ;_;
No it can't see the future. Right now I actually right click to look at my ID number, compare it to the others with the same exp points as me, then figure it out from there. The problem is, that it updates the deposits throughout the day, so it would have to constantly be shuffling them around and that would take more time to process.
What I did just think of though is maybe have a link so that you can get your projected rank calculated separately. That way it would only process when someone actually requests it. I'll think about it anyway.
At 1/29/06 10:38 PM, ramagi wrote: TO BBB, I hope you see this and read your email
Saw it and replied.
At 1/29/06 02:23 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Come on... it's not their fault and they shouldn't have to wait 15years to reach a level it took you 5 years to reach.
I know I'm not getting in the top 500 any time this decade, or maybe even the next (despite the fact I'm currently at 625 and I desposit everyday).
Chrono Trigger Unglued - A Flash Retelling of Chrono Trigger that knows just how important your Ether is.
Work-Study - Squirrel Armies, Code Red, Elite Booze Agents, & More!
At 1/29/06 03:47 AM, gfoxcook wrote: I AM FINALLY IN THE TOP 100!!! WAHOOO.
Belated congrats on that. I'm at a similar stage to you, where there simply aren't that many people not depositing/depositing slowly enough to overtake. It could easily take a year to get to the top 100, if not more.
Is the page still up? I've been getting 'Server not found' errors for a couple of days now. Since it hasn't been mentioned yet I'm inclined to believe it's just something wrong on my end.
Shame if it is. I was enjoying it muchly. : (
At 2/1/06 06:22 PM, FIGMENTUM wrote: Is the page still up? I've been getting 'Server not found' errors for a couple of days now. Since it hasn't been mentioned yet I'm inclined to believe it's just something wrong on my end.
Shame if it is. I was enjoying it muchly. : (
It's not working for me either, im starting to become a little worried. I liked this list.
I posting my update here as well for now, Just to keep those that are in the top 500 something to look at for now. *reseve the right to delete this later*
Welcome to the TOP 500 Exp list update.
Current list <BR>
Year End Review <BR>
Well I was going to be announcing some format changes, but the top 2000 page is not working. Due to that the format chagne is a bit delayed. So here are thigns the oldfationed way. I left the Year end stuff up because people left positive coments about it. We have some BBS WS/HT regs moving up this time
Notes about the List:
The list was updated 2/01/06. The categories I use in order are current rank, previous rank, Exp from the last update, current exp, change in exp., and user name.<BR><BR>
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last. I list in order current rank, previous rank, change in rank, last month exp, current exp, change in exp.
I am only concentrate on the people moving up into the top 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500. I am currently skipping who moved out. Since I expanded my list.
Well the top 50 got someone new RyanAn.
Moving up into the top 100 is Afterburner and gfoxcook
Moving up into the top 200 are gamejunkie and Outlaw88.
Moving into the top 300 are ShotInTheHead, NEMESiSZ, TheloniusMONK, and Baron_Von_Bad_Guy.
Moving into the top 400 are Qwoxyl, Link0, RoweNuts, Hermannator, glitch1010, Popeofdope, AlphabetBackwards, ORKarate, and helldoll81.
Moving into the top 500 are Sentinel_specter, Jujube_Lock, LadyGrace, pukepuddle, Sharaka, KupaMan, patheticcockroach, Foxphere, Starch, PlasmaRadio, and GreenGiant99
Nice update ramagi, I am almost close to the top 100 and i really hope you keep doing your list.
At 2/1/06 08:14 PM, ramagi wrote: Well I was going to be announcing some format changes, but the top 2000 page is not working. Due to that the format chagne is a bit delayed.
I didn't know this but apparently the DNS I was using expired due to inactivity after 30 days. Kind of like I had to recreate my account again.
Anyway it's back again.
Chrono Trigger Unglued - A Flash Retelling of Chrono Trigger that knows just how important your Ether is.
Work-Study - Squirrel Armies, Code Red, Elite Booze Agents, & More!
Just random searching through the forums and I find...this! This is quite the amazing list. I even found myself! Keep up the good work. :D
Chrono Trigger Unglued - A Flash Retelling of Chrono Trigger that knows just how important your Ether is.
Work-Study - Squirrel Armies, Code Red, Elite Booze Agents, & More!
It's workign fine for me. At the rate I'm going, I may be able to get in the top 500 by late July or August. (Depending on everyone's activity)
At 2/12/06 11:12 AM, wizardman wrote: It's workign fine for me. At the rate I'm going, I may be able to get in the top 500 by late July or August. (Depending on everyone's activity)
Interesting. Well, I know I don't plan on you passing me.
Chrono Trigger Unglued - A Flash Retelling of Chrono Trigger that knows just how important your Ether is.
Work-Study - Squirrel Armies, Code Red, Elite Booze Agents, & More!