Thanks for the past two updates, Baha-man.
At 7/13/09 05:14 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 7/12/09 11:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
Congrats on breaking into the top 440 then! But you weren't really losing those ranks
It's all in the timing.
Sure, but it's just as annoying to rank up 3 ranks one day and "lose" 2 ranks the next day. If only people close to me in Exp could miss some more deposits...
But I guess they will fall sooner or later. I remember trailing right behind Heinrich and Atalaya for quite a long time (both had a long streak of not missing any deposit), but now they are both way behind me. :)
Yes. They will fall. It is all just a matter... of ze times.
Also, wow, Pimp missed approx. 8 deposits. Awesome.
Indeed. Even if the worst case level 60 system scenario is true, Pimp's missed deposits buy us a LITTLE more time before the scaling returns.
Sadly, even if he were to fully retire, bomb is ready to take up the crown in just a month, clearly.
Then the user who was #1 in Exp when I first signed up (or when I first checked the rankings) will be back in the top spot again... at least if I recall correctly. Bomb WAS #1 in Exp once right?
Yes, Bomb was #1 once. Long before my time (well I was using NG occasionally, but not really paying attention to stats, I mean. That began in January 2003 for me, despite my 2000 signup date and use of NG even before I signed up).
At 7/18/09 09:06 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 7/12/09 10:58 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
On my birthday, yay!
The only way you could made sure (or at least closer to being sure) woulda been to check all such cases at 11:59PM NG time the final day you did data pulls for that year-long list.
Yes, but that's really difficult to do, especially when I can't check 500+ accounts at once.
At 7/12/09 11:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/29/09 12:47 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Thanks to format, malbaugh, Steve84 and LockClock. You all have now been Cooped. Thanks also to Bahamut for the awesome double updatage.
I remember Cooping those fuckers. It's a long tradition, I suppose.
Looks like I'll be cooping some of them around the end of the year.
This looks to be an entertaining meme. Let's not forget to keep calling it that. #;-}>
Hey, kids... who have YOU Cooped lately, eh?
At 6/30/09 10:04 AM, Bahamut wrote:
But now you have a double update to reply to, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
A special yearly 2-updates-on-one-day double update, though. It's not like I missed two regular-spaced updates. O_o
No but it was double the update...and double the fun.
So what's the problem, then? You acted like I'd be put off. #;-}>
No it wasn't. I was #51 for both the normal update AND the 1 year special. #;-}>
Okay, it was HALF-granted. #;-}>
Fine, HALF-granted just for the 1-year special update. I still declare it as fully granted, though despite your rank. You wanted the 1-year special update and you got it.
Yes, but I didn't get to be #50 ON it, which was half of the deal, so...
But anyway, all shall be well... soon enough. :::puts a hex on uniqueusername, though really, with a username like that, how can you NOT like the guy?:::
(set to the tune of Barbara Ann by the Beach Boys)
I prefer the Blind Guardian cover despite the song sounding nothing alike to their actual musical style.
Yes, well, they didn't write it, so they don't get the credit, sorry. #;-}>
At 7/19/09 02:03 AM, iscrulz wrote:
At 7/12/09 11:00 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/30/09 05:53 AM, iscrulz wrote:
Nooooo damn it all to hell wtf 6 missed deposits. Man this is unacceptable by my standards I guess I better B/P everyday, to secure my perfect depositing starting since the next day I have missed a deposit.
I big huge whoops is right I haven't done that bad since 2002-2003.
Well, if you don't do that badly again 2014-2015 (the same time it took you from the 02-03 time to the 08-09 time, then you should be in good shape for the next few years, at least).
Heh. Blamin' it on Fallout, eh? #;-}>
Yeah yeah I was playing all day and competely forgot. Well I hope it doesn't happen to Bioshock I or II.
Heh. Speaking of Fallout, the only Fallout I've been playing lately is some good ol' Fallout 1 (snagged 1 and 2 and Tactics when Steam got them a few weeks ago).
No you will not pass me ... I creeping into the Top 80. I have years to go to get in the Top 50 or more.
Damn. He's got you there, Coop.
He may have a chance at passing in b/p but never in experience, and he knows it.
He may know it, but he will act/talk as though you are going down. Don't let him get in your head or it's OVER, man! (in the words of Hudson from Aliens... GAME OVER, MAN, GAME OVER!)
Just make sure you never get bored of NG, iscrulz, or Coop's gonna ream ya.
If I do I will just remember that Cooper is trying to pass me then come back.
That sounds like a pretty good motivational tool to use on yourself, dude. Good luck.
Yep. Like when I retired from b/p... I was #2... or had I already been passed and knocked to #3 by then? Can't remember.
MPA passing me to make it ramagi/MPA/gfox top 3 sounds about right, but I really can't remember the timing of it all was my point.
I DO remember that Toocool passed me in saves before I retired my saves at 24,000, so that it was Toocool/gfox/ramagi for awhile, and in fact by the time I retired (if not shortly afterwards), it was then Toocool/ramagi/gfox in saves.
But as is no surprise to anyone, I was always paying more attention to what was going on with my saverank than my b/prank overall.
Funnily enough, since saves became so damned commonplace not too long after I semi-retired in 2005, I no longer care as much. Even with adding 12,000 saves over 3-4 years now to get to my final retirement, I'm never going to recover in saverank, and my b/p rank makes my save rank look like what my BLAM rank used to look like way back when blams were in vogue, so...
wild stuff.
At 7/19/09 10:00 AM, Fro wrote:
On a side note it's hard to Ctrl + F yourself down the page when you run into all of AfroStud's alternate accounts on the way down.
That's what you get for changing your username, you silly bastard. #;-}>
At 8/16/09 11:31 AM, Haggard wrote:
Even nicer: I finally passed Dream-of-Duke since Fro currently can't deposit for this account.
What do you mean by "can't deposit for" it?
At 8/16/09 02:53 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/16/09 09:21 AM, Bahamut wrote:
EXP update #16 is now available!
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. The last time that I'll be ranked behind gfox, as I should pass him by Thursday.
Yes. Let it be hereby noted that according to Bahamut's update #16.... gfox's pinnacle in exp ranking was... #169. I believe.
(don't see how he could have been any higher than he was on the VERY DAY he retired, after all, barring people depositing before/after the time NG updates profile/list rankings and tie-breakers and the like)
IT'S ALL BACK DOWNHILL FROM HERE, but I don't cares. ^_^
169 is a good number, too. Good peak, good peak. WELL DONE, alt alt.
Heavy: "YOU DID WELL."
Along with him, I'm expecting to make another 4-5 passes over the month, pulling me ever closer to the top 150. Of course, the next two months will both have big achievements, with the aformentioned gfox pass and possibly the progression to 20,000 Experience :)
Sounds like some fun shite goin' on. DO IT NOW.