As many know with the redesign the list got a less than stellar send off, that just bothered me. For anyone thinks that it would e easy to do what I did to not only change oll the links, but to verfiy them and the other stuff I did can go jump in a lake. The fiist link goes to last years end of year review the next goes to a special 10K+ exp list. * Special thanks to Denvish*
I am calling quits after this, with out BBB part of the code it's just way too time consuming.
The year of 06 review<BR><BR>
January till the September 1st Exp change.
Welcome to the monthly update 11/1/06.
Notes about the List:
Since I was verifying all 750 link for my other list I took extra time to note exp for everyone on that list. I noticed the list was correct in rank up till 551 which just happened a user with 10,000 exp, I noticed 552 had less than 10,000. So this list goes to 551. Deal with it. The list catagories are the current rank, previous rank, rank change, username and experience on 1/1/07, exp on 9/1/07, and change in exp. .
I am only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.
The top 50 weklcomes DrMSM, joliet-jane, N2x, PointsofAuthority, Dopefish, and Rystic.
Moving up into the top 100 was whitewolf360, RageVI, wismty, Samurai-Jack, Toocool100, leeboy105, and Molotov.
Moving up into the top 200 are Admiral-R, IM-KOOL-R-U, Mynt, DuelMasterP, EviLudy, Rabid-Echidna, Dent0n, Privatpartz, KuroiRyu, Nijsse, GrandfatherClock, Earfetish, HAcoreRD, Wingman26, nothere, BaronVonBadGuy, Matt, NewgroundsFan8, and DekarKaine.
Moving into the top 300 are Blue-Angel, Masculine, g3p, Evark, Now-n-Again, Link0, Kalzapo, LadyGrace, life, DjGurk, GreenGiant99, Alphacat, BRGIAD,Speed24601, KupaMan, PlasmaRadio, Zendra, SharkStein, ScottTowels, Psyco86, QuikFox, Aksumka, Pox530, BareNakedMike, Sakurazukamori, T-H, FOADv, pukepuddle, and Foxphere.
Moving into the top 400 are Coop83, incisor, FullyClothedMike, AstralProjection, BonusStage, Kolohe, phileeguy, Rooty-the-Pie, TheDepthsofHell, AdamCook, madknt, Lurch70, ArmyAnt, SSJ4-Bejita, tex2002ans, Damocless, Xiivi, OsAmARaMa, hippoguy, pieoncar, Belriand, DanPanic, Hexis, amplefied, NightfallOrchid, Popeofdope, XTREME-SAN, Tommy, AnzCorp, Morpheus, Senti, Hycran, iruparattso, Clovis15, Kenneth-Knows-All, von-Brunk, Error, TitanAura, W35, sketch0587, Nemo, and Guldfisk1986.
Moving into the top 500 are Arsenic, MaxR, Yoshi-1up, wdfdotBPM, snapper0505, OmegusInferno, EternitySpent, Dark-Volcano-Sam, Andersson, thefleshfarm, SurfaRosa, Renegadegirl, Feoemfermo, Angry-Ed, SlimJim316, Preternatural, Thobbe, Ghost-hunter5, grimoiremyst1, AngryWonton, RupeeClock, Killem, November, ShadowWarriorLuke, Back-Door-Baron, Vincoid, SubKutz, essotek, xXBullxDozerXx, DaSadGirl, mrx454, IvanTuroc, Lord-Sonx, Grammer, Dreamseek, Nike-Dunk, red-vii1, Bahamut, Strauss, Y0DA55, ChaiLatte, Valz, Anzeo, xpeed, CyAnShaDoW, schneelocke, MrT-Time, mamatequila, breezy18, MessiaH, ZKnight, EXRazeBurn, and ElDoradoCigarettes.