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Top 2,000 Exp Users

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 1, 2007

Welcome to the monthly update 3/1/07.

Notes about the List:

The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month. In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.

I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.

The Top 50 welcomes DrMS, watch things look to get even more active around the 44-54 range.

Moving up into the top 100 RageVI, it almost harder to get into the top 100 right now, than top 50.

Moving up into the top 200 are Admiral-R and Earfetish.

Moving into the top 300 are Masculine, Pox530, Viper-Studios and Alphacat.

Moving into the top 400 are sketch0587, Xiivi, SSJ4-Bejita, AstralProjection, and Belriand.

Moving into the top 500 are thereisnospoon0413, Feoemfermo, CyAnShaDoW, Back-Door-Baron, EternitySpent, Valz, and Saturday.

Moving into the top 600 are Chumbawamba, Punk-Noodles, basilisk32, Doomsday-Specter, FatherTime89, Notorius, and ZKnight.

Moving into the top 700 are MARCUSM, Shinobi-Boy, SPIRIT6666, bassplayah6, Laladudu, SilentSong, Vince50, Vook, Master-Takashi, Cosmetor, ArabFreak, DaMainman, Scott007, PureLionHeart, and Speedster01.

Moving into the top 800 are Crev, Lost-Chances, elirregular, Ka0s-Mex, killingyouguy, Bigguy7786, idt75, FinPro, bobsyeruncle, PlatoGT, FBIpolux, and Kisuke.

Moving into the top 900 are Enel, BigScizot, FrostedMuffins, Ace118, AdamSandler, Crazywill, OptiPrime, MattZombie, DarkSkellig, and nonentity.

Moving into the top 1000 are wildguy, AtomicTerrorist, Irion, venezolano, Ytaker, Sepukku, OttoZwingli, Dark-Lobo, Jam-Bone, YutoKigai, The-Manager, Debauched, InfamousJake, jaded-snow, and MJ646.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 1, 2007

This new list seems to be out of order. There are people ranked higher than me who have less experience points. I'm #337 with 10,800 points, and the guy in #334 has 10,780. What's up with that? This has never happened before, to my knowledge.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 1, 2007

yay! im finally on the list!

Thanks for the update Ramagi

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 1, 2007

Thank you for taking the time to do this every month, by the way. I really appreciate it. I didn't mean to sound ungrateful. I just noticed that Newgrounds seems to be the one responsible for the points and rank being messed up.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 1, 2007

I'm having the same problem... I'm 30 points ahead of the guy ranked above me, but it still ranks me as being below him, as well as not updating my XP amount on the Users page.

I am ranked 25th in total XP!

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007

At 3/1/07 10:39 PM, DocDragon wrote: I'm having the same problem... I'm 30 points ahead of the guy ranked above me, but it still ranks me as being below him, as well as not updating my XP amount on the Users page.

Looks like the ranks didn't update.. it's like that even in the profiles though. EVIL-C's rank is 39 and yours is 40 on both the site and in the top 1000 list. Very weird. I looked it over and it seemed right because the ranks were matching up.

Sorry I've been having a hard time keeping this list together lately guys. Been kinda distracted with so much lately it's kinda went by the wayside. I missed 11 deposits in February. I knew I missed quite a few, but was surprised at how many once I saw the list. If I was with ramagi in person when I told her that over msn, I think she would've smacked me lol

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007

actually blame the ng servers for the issue people, no one rank got updated due to one of them having an issue, I can't really go into more detail than that. it's been a while since this has happened, but just happen to occur with my monthly update.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007

At 3/1/07 06:07 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 3/1/07.

Nice update.

Moving into the top 600 are Chumbawamba, Punk-Noodles, basilisk32, Doomsday-Specter, FatherTime89, Notorius, and ZKnight.

So I've been excluded from being mentioned here? D:

At 3/2/07 08:11 AM, ramagi wrote: actually blame the ng servers for the issue people, no one rank got updated due to one of them having an issue, I can't really go into more detail than that.

Meh, I'm not too bothered, I would just be a rank or two higher if that issue didn't happen.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007

So close to make it top 800. Unfortunately, I was on the bottom of the pack with a few other people who have the same points with me thanks to the late sign up date. But think positively, at least nobody will stop me making it into top 800 next month as long as I stay alive, lol!

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007


Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 2, 2007

Missing experience deposits has got to be the worst. That happened to me last month. After perusing BBB's top 2,000 list I don't feel so bad. Looks like a number of the top 100 users missed as well. I was a little shocked to see Brewed-Beaner at level 23. She was level 27 last time I saw her on the top 50 list. Now she's 2 spots away from being bumped off. :-(

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 3, 2007

wow, nice work on the list.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 3, 2007

At 3/1/07 06:07 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 3/1/07.

Thanks for the update, ramagi <3

Made 10 more positions last month and I'm hoping for another 13 this March.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Mar 4, 2007

At 3/1/07 06:07 PM, ramagi wrote: Welcome to the monthly update 3/1/07.

I was kinda looking forward to this until...

Moving into the top 400 are sketch0587, Xiivi, SSJ4-Bejita, AstralProjection, and Belriand.

But you missed me.

At 3/2/07 08:11 AM, ramagi wrote: actually blame the ng servers for the issue people,

If that's why I'm missing, will do.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 1, 2007

It was nice outside today :)

Welcome to the Monthly update!
Updated on 4/1/07.

The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month. In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.

I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.

The Top 50 welcomes joliet-jane.

Moving up into the top 100 was a wall this last month not letting anyone in.

Moving up into the top 200 areIM-KOOL-R-U, Mynt, and DuelMasterP.

Moving into the top 300 are Kalzapo, GreenGiant99, Now-n-Again, DjGurk, Speed24601, dave, and LadyGrace.

Moving into the top 400 are TheDepthsofHell, Rooty-the-Pie, Morpheus, AdamCook, Gooch, and madknt.

Moving into the top 500 are SlimJim316, Andersson, Ghost-hunter5, Angry-Ed, essotek, Foamhead, Xkepit, gel, RenegadeGi, and Preternatural.

Moving into the top 600 are schneelocke, ElDoradoCigarettes, Kiba, mudd-of-unity, MessiaH, TheCripple, Lock-Jaw, SecretAgentRege, and disingenuous.

Moving into the top 700 are MrSuborbian88, JoeisCooler, Doki-Tokei, SonicTheBoom, Uncle-Dave, SubaruSumeragi, LittleMissVixen, LordT, Xycrumpt, FumaMonou, and DrJam.

Moving into the top 800 are Starberry, Dream-of-Duke, maddhatter85, shunshuu, crazeyal, BlueHippo, Evil1666, Kirk-Cocaine, kimjee, DrHood, Coccoo, and Smoking-Chimney.

Moving into the top 900 are DrDeath2k3, Landepaukku, different, Qwasnoid, Tanooki-John, hongkongexpress, GameSlave, Casualty, Auz, arianna1, DoctorStrongbad, Praxis, Dawg6929, SKS, Chrispington, OMFG-LOL-11111, DFox, CAS8002, StrixVariaXIX, A-Clockwork-Orange, repenter, and Wimp-Lo.

Moving into the top 1000 are Vinis, Fat-and-Proud, MegaEvilKiller, scorp29, randomentity, Moody-Media, Coucha, hardD, BillyKuo, Darkl89, Minion777, Tancrisism, kingpin-1, BlueFlameSkulls, AfroUnderscoreStud, Mawshiye, Phantom, absent, and EtherealWraith.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 1, 2007

how the hell do you get exp points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 1, 2007

At 4/1/07 11:40 PM, ramagi wrote: It was nice outside today :)

Outside? Pffff.

Plus it was chilly. Of course it cools down during spring break. PERFECT TIMING.

Welcome to the Monthly update!


Moving into the top 1000 is absent

Woot. Finally made it - took long enough to finally get into the triple digit rankings.

At 4/1/07 11:53 PM, JChan9219 wrote: how the hell do you get exp points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

At 4/1/07 11:53 PM, JChan9219 wrote: how the hell do you get exp points !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*go to the portal
*vote on 5 submissions
*scroll down the page after voting on the 5th
*look for text saying "click here to deposit your experience"
*do it and you'll gain 10 experience points
*you can only get 10 experience points per day
*if you want blam/protect points vote on the under judgement submissions
*under judgement submissions can be found at the top of the left hand column with light grey background

Good luck!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

At 4/1/07 11:40 PM, ramagi wrote: Moving into the top 1000 are AfroUnderscoreStud

Swell. I've been waiting for this update for a while now, thanks for doing it ramagi :)

I remember a couple of months back I wasn't far off the top 1000 in terms of rank, but actually getting there took a lot longer than I expected.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

At 4/1/07 11:40 PM, ramagi wrote: It was nice outside today :)

There was nice weather here yesterday, but I chose to April Fool my friends instead of going outside. >:]

Welcome to the Monthly update!

Thanks for the update.

Moving into the top 500 are Andersson...

Congrats Andersson. Since you're about 2 months of depositing ahead of me, I guess it'll take me about 2 - 3 months to get to the top 500 EXP (June or July I should enter the top 500 :D).

Moving into the top 1000 are AfroUnderscoreStud, absent.

Welcome to the list you two. :)

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

Moving into the top 1000 are Minion777ghgdfjfg

bout time thought i might of had to start cracken heads

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

Thanks for the update ramagi! I missed a few deposist, but I managed to enter the top 900 without any problems anyway. Yay!




BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

lol, I finally cracked into the top 800 with 8000 exp points on the update yesterday. If everything goes right, I should find myself in the top 700 by 1st, June

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 2, 2007

This list sucks because I'm still not on it.
I've been in the top 2,000 for a while now too :/

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 3, 2007

At 4/2/07 06:22 PM, MadCow wrote: This list sucks because I'm still not on it.
I've been in the top 2,000 for a while now too :/

you have a while before you make the list, just keep the depositing up, you will get there. Exp rank moves rather quickly up to the top 500, then it starts to slow down. if you look over evey group up the list gets smaller.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 11, 2007

At 4/1/07 11:40 PM, ramagi wrote: Moving into the top 1000 are Vinis, Fat-and-Proud, MegaEvilKiller, scorp29, randomentity, Moody-Media, Coucha, hardD, BillyKuo, Darkl89, Minion777, Tancrisism, kingpin-1, BlueFlameSkulls, AfroUnderscoreStud, Mawshiye, Phantom, absent, and EtherealWraith.

I just recently got into the top 1,000 users, so I guess i'll make the list next time : )
I feel positively giddy.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 21, 2007

Lol guys! Wtf?!

Top 2,000 Exp Users

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 26, 2007

Yeah, that user is still on this list. Since it's been over a week, their exp gain doesn't look suspicious anymore and they look legit.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 27, 2007

I reported the issue to BBB, not sure he had the time to do much about it though.
He's been swamped at work and last I knew was goign to be away from a computer for a few days, which means the monthly update will most likly be late as well. I'll make sure if the problem is still there that I do take that into account.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users Apr 27, 2007

Well...Pimp posted a few days ago saying that his computer did not allow him to vote. As a result, he has missed a couple of deposits. With bomb still behind, I was actually benefited as the margin did stay put for a few days. Hopefully, it will not take me long to rank up to level 16.

BBS Signature