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Top 2,000 Exp Users

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-08 15:57:24

Why do all the users have to show up as neutral?

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-08 16:10:31

O GOD i forgot im one of the top 2000
forgot to inform the place

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 01:54:17

#76 bigbadron 13,965
#77 ReconRebel 13,970

Woo-hoo! Slowly but surely Recon is climbing his way up the experience ranks! I think the trick to staying motivated is not to check the list every day. Last time I stopped in here bigbadron was 50 points ahead of me. Not anymore. ^_^

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 06:59:28

At 6/10/06 01:54 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I think the trick to staying motivated is not to check the list every day.

Heh, I check it daily to make sure I haven't missed any deposits in the last week. Probably a bit excessive, but when you're depositing for an account a bit lower in the ranks at least the faster-paced movement is a little more interesting.

Last time I stopped in here bigbadron was 50 points ahead of me. Not anymore. ^_^

Of course you've always got the big leap factor on the other hand. ; )

I'll probably read this in ten minutes and facepalm. - RageVI

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 16:53:40

who is the 2000th?

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 17:01:13

At 6/10/06 04:53 PM, homer8722 wrote: who is the 2000th?

If you bothered to click the link to the top 2000 users. You'd have seen that currently it's radiantphoenix.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 17:09:05

At 6/10/06 05:01 PM, Suck_Me_Down wrote:
At 6/10/06 04:53 PM, homer8722 wrote: who is the 2000th?
If you bothered to click the link to the top 2000 users. You'd have seen that currently it's radiantphoenix.

I think he meant 2,001st.
My alt is 255 points away.
I am 20 points away from passing Kwas. 30 more to pass RyoHahn.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 17:14:32

At 5/10/06 09:44 PM, BigBlueBalls wrote: Hey whatever happened to ht52? Is he dead or in the hospital? Did his harddrive meltdown? I've never seen him miss this many deposits in just one week. Also, note that Shrapnel missed the same amount of deposits... hmmmm.

Gee, what a mystery. #;-}>

The same person has been depositing for both accounts for over a year, it's no big secret. And besides, HT has been a collective for a looong time. One of the people with access to HT from way back happens to be teh Shrapnel.

At 5/11/06 02:36 PM, BigBlueBalls wrote:
At 5/10/06 10:32 PM, ramagi wrote: Well Humantaget been at the top for a while now, I remmeber last time Pimp was on top. Maybe he can ahve the same issue as humantarget52 for a while :).
Well I started visiting this site more regularily back in early 2002 and never decided to sign up until November of that year because I wanted to review a flash. By the time I paid any attention to experience points and who was #1 in experience points, it was ht52 and from that point on it was him.

Replace that first line by "I started visiting the site a bit in 1999, signed up in early 2000, but didn't start visiting every day until early 2003" and you've got my situation down perfectly as well. HT was ahead of Pimp when I first starting caring about exp and exp rank at all (January 2003).

Looking back in the wayback machine, I can see now when Pimp was top dog...

That's familiar to me, but only because I've seen similar wayback machine links before and also screenshots Shrapnel and others had taken back in the olden days from 2000 and 2001.

Now I joined a year later and the top users had ht52 as #1:

And yeah, that looks like a "classic top 50 exp segment from when I was getting into NG hardcore." Ahhh, meeeeemmmmories.

At 5/11/06 12:32 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: If pimp misses some deposits now, then we can all level up quicker.

Pimp can certainly miss a few safely. But will he?

Keep in mind that HT was 30 ahead of him for a loooong time, then 20... then 10... and then they were tied.

After the tie happened, it was only a matter of time until a slip-up happened.

Pimp may have a comfortable multi-day lead, but he's not going to want it to shrink any. Now, if he got a 200+ exp lead on HT's account, then I could see him missing a day or two every few months, but nothing major.

Still, any break for us exp-depositing slaves = GREATNESS, so I'm all for it. Anyone wanna try bribing Pimp now that he's got some room to breathe? #;-}>

At 5/27/06 09:45 AM, ramagi wrote: Deposits is the one thing I am not missing. Since I moved up last weeked to #26, with over a month to catch the next idler on the list. Plus wanting that next level, I can't afford to miss a deposit. With only gaining 2-3 exp per day. Pimp needs to miss a couple days now :)

Again... he really does. But who can convince him to do so? You give it a try, ramagi. Seduce him into it... if you have to. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-10 17:15:20

At 5/26/06 12:34 AM, madknt wrote: is it more likely ill get to lvl 16 or into top 500 first?
im thinking ill probably be a lvl 16 before i get into the top 500.

7650 exp out of 8119 XTNL for 16...


exp rank #552...

A few weeks ago you were thinking level 16 first?

I dunno, man. I didn't pay extremely close attention to my alt-alt's progress or anything, but gfox got from #550 to #500 in what seems like a damned short period of time. Much shorter than a level up takes, certainly.

And you're around 500 exp from a level? at 15->16? That's quite some time.

As long as you don't miss any deposits, I'd say top 500 will come first. There's a whole lot of +0 exp or +20 exp people every week between you and the top 500. Not very many +70s compared to other portions of the top 1000.

At 6/1/06 06:07 PM, ramagi wrote: Well the big news is the tie for the top spot finally got broken this last month. Maybe if Pimp misses a few deposits it will happen again. For now he reigns surpream.

Or maybe both Pimp and HT will be locked down and no deposits will be possible for those accounts for... oh, say... 2 months or so? Man, that would be heaven.

It'd probably trim my time to level 29 down from like 52 years to 48 years. #;-}>

Moving into the top 500 are TitanAura, Sakurazukamori, ShdowOfTheNite, Suicidal-kid, Mackie40k, Spoony_Bard, Ehwaz003, gfox, and Jossos.

Hell freakin' YEAH!

Three accounts, all made by me, all nurtured by me... from 2003 to now.... IN TEH TOP 500! That's what I'm talkin' about!

I shoulda deposited 999999 and 1000000 into the top 500 as well and then I'd have 5 out of 500 for 1% of the top 500. That'd be pretty nifty. #;-}>

At 6/1/06 10:40 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Must be nice seeing your name on the top 50 users list. Heh, I'm slowly slipping down the saviors/blammers list and trying to climb my way onto the top 50 users. There's a median in there somewhere, I just haven't found it yet.

Same here, of course. Only diff is, I'm slipping down the top 50 b/p list faster than you are... and I'm a lot further off from the top 50 exp list than you are.

A happy medium? I'd be happy with top 50 of both, even if it meant slipping out of the top 25 b/p just to get my account to #50 in exp. Damned happy with that, actually. Beats 93 in exp and 8 in b/p.

First YoinK is gunning for the gold gauntlet and now you. * cries * At least you already have the aura that best compliments the icon.

It looks fine with green IMO as well, but red is definitely better than blue in the case of level 25.

I still like 24 more, though, so... where Yoink and ramagi have been is preferable to where they are/are going to me. #;-}>

At this point, though, I haven't gotten tired of the nice level 20 hammer yet, though... so it's all good.

The only level I'm not going to enjoy from now till when I leave level 25 (not that 26 and up aren't good, but... 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 = some of the best) is HORRIBLE LEVEL 23. ;_;

At 6/8/06 03:57 PM, BigScizot wrote: Why do all the users have to show up as neutral?

Because neutral is the one true aura. Learn it, live it, love it.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 01:44:15

At 6/10/06 06:59 AM, FIGMENTUM wrote:
At 6/10/06 01:54 AM, ReconRebel wrote: I think the trick to staying motivated is not to check the list every day.
Heh, I check it daily to make sure I haven't missed any deposits in the last week.

That's one of my favorite features on BBB's list. Instead of scratching your head trying to remember if you deposited you can simply pull up his list and check the experience difference column. If he wanted to, BBB could have some mischievous fun with certain users.

Probably a bit excessive, but when you're depositing for an account a bit lower in the ranks at least the faster-paced movement is a little more interesting.

True enough FIG. You're poised to leave ShadowZero, bluntedboy and Yota eating dust. Any idea how long you've got before you reach level 20? spancker is about 120 points away from the skull crusher as I call it.

Last time I stopped in here bigbadron was 50 points ahead of me. Not anymore. ^_^
Of course you've always got the big leap factor on the other hand. ; )

Not anymore. There's a swarm of users ahead of me who deposit on a regular basis. The closest user that seems to have given up is capn_g who's ranked 66th at the moment. You know something FIG? There was a time when all I could think about was getting as many b/p points as possible (100+) and now I'm happy if I nail 40 per day. Experience deposits are my main concern now. Good to hear from you again FIG.

At 6/10/06 05:15 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/1/06 10:40 PM, ReconRebel wrote: I'm slowly slipping down the saviors/blammers list and trying to climb my way onto the top 50 users. There's a median in there somewhere, I just haven't found it yet.
Same here, of course. Only diff is, I'm slipping down the top 50 b/p list faster than you are...

That may have something to do with your inactivity on the portal gfox. Then again it could be those fucking garden gnomes. 0_o

and I'm a lot further off from the top 50 exp list than you are.

I know. I'm still amazed each time I look at your sign-up date. I mean, where the hell did you disappear to for all that time gfox? Didn't you even consider asking someone to deposit for you while you were gone?

A happy medium? I'd be happy with top 50 of both, even if it meant slipping out of the top 25 b/p just to get my account to #50 in exp. Damned happy with that, actually.

That's exactly what I'm gunning for too. If I don't slack off I should make the top 50 users long before I see level 25. YoinK has the gold gauntlet now. Life is so unfair. * kicks a rock which proceeds to fly through the neighbor's window *

Beats 93 in exp and 8 in b/p.

I bet your OCD hates that ratio.

First YoinK is gunning for the gold gauntlet and now you. * cries * At least you already have the aura that best compliments the icon.
It looks fine with green IMO as well, but red is definitely better than blue in the case of level 25.

Sorry gfox, I have to disagree with you on this one. I'm probably gonna raise a few eyebrows with my next post but wht the hell. Shit disturber is my middle name. The blue aura sucks with any icon... period. I had it for a short time when your votes decided your aura but immediately changed back to neutral when it was removed. The neutral aura is still my favorite but level 25 doesn't have the same pizzazz as it does with a dark aura.

I still like 24 more, though, so... where Yoink and ramagi have been is preferable to where they are/are going to me. #;-}>

Level 24 is another cool looking icon but it's still a long way off. I might reach it somewhere in 2009 or 2010. Christ, I hope I don't die before then (lol).

At this point, though, I haven't gotten tired of the nice level 20 hammer yet, though... so it's all good.

Yeah the skull crusher rocks. I think it's one of the most intimidating icons out of the bunch. Haha! I do believe the number of insults I dished out tripled during the first week I had it. ^_^

The only level I'm not going to enjoy from now till when I leave level 25 (not that 26 and up aren't good, but... 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 = some of the best) is HORRIBLE LEVEL 23. ;_;

The only place that icon would look good is in a drink. Stupid swizzle stick. >:(

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 02:56:28

At 6/10/06 05:01 PM, Suck_Me_Down wrote:
At 6/10/06 04:53 PM, homer8722 wrote: who is the 2000th?
If you bothered to click the link to the top 2000 users. You'd have seen that currently it's radiantphoenix.

whens the last time they updated the site?

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 03:02:54

At 6/11/06 02:56 AM, _Truth_ wrote: whens the last time they updated the site?

It updates your experince points as soon as you deposit them and it updates your rank as soon as the profile update which is around 5 AM ET.

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 03:31:26

How does someone jump 5 spots anyway?

I've deposited everyday but I usually only go up one spot each week.

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 16:31:34

I feel special.

Top 2,000 Exp Users

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 19:39:03

im not on there though

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 20:52:43

At 6/11/06 07:39 PM, _Truth_ wrote: im not on there though

Experience: Ranked # 1,880 out of 1,012,234 users! oh really.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 22:12:47

Oh, now i am...

watch it

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 23:09:56

At 6/11/06 01:44 AM, ReconRebel wrote: True enough FIG. You're poised to leave ShadowZero, bluntedboy and Yota eating dust.

I remember passing those folks what seems like not that long ago. I can't believe Yota has fallen so far. I remember when that account was on the top 50 list. O_o

The closest user that seems to have given up is capn_g who's ranked 66th at the moment.

Oh noe, not capn_g. ;_; He is a mainstay on ADGBC, but yeah... he's kinda given up on NG. Long ago.

That may have something to do with your inactivity on the portal gfox. Then again it could be those fucking garden gnomes. 0_o

My inactivity on the portal started in early October of last year, but I remained at #3 for quite some time. It seems like I slipped from #3 to #7 in like no time at all, but I have remained at #7 and now at #8 for quite some time at each spot. :::shrugs:::

My only point is, there IS such a thing as not slipping down a list while STILL remaining inactive. It's called: huge lead, people behind you aren't trying to pass you like rabid jackals. Is that too much to ask for? #;-}>

I know. I'm still amazed each time I look at your sign-up date. I mean, where the hell did you disappear to for all that time gfox? Didn't you even consider asking someone to deposit for you while you were gone?

It wasn't a matter of disappearing, it was a matter of not really "being here" that much to begin with. I'm not sure what you started doing the very first day you made your account on NG in 2002, Recon, but when I signed up in 2000, I wasn't all that interested in grounds gold and to a new sign-up like myself... NG didn't seem to offer that much stuff. You had to really go hunting for stuff back then. I deposited gold now and then, but I was mostly on NG to play flash games and every now and then vote on them. I'd drop by maybe once a month to play a flash game or two and that was about it.

In the fall of 2002, I reviewed a few entries in the portal for some reason. Then came January 2003. I discovered b/p. I finally had enough curiosity about those "0 blams" and "0 saves" and the citizen badge in my profile to do something about changing them. At the same time, I was at 930 exp. 930 exp almost 3 years after my sign-up date.

That's what happened. A few weeks later, I found the BBS. The rest is history. Short summary/timeline:

1999: found site, played flash games
2000: signed up 3 months after profiles began, got a bit of exp, played more flash games
2001: got a biiiit more exp, played more flash games
2002: watched my first flash movie, got a bit more exp, reviewed my first flash entries
2003: discovered b/p, discovered depositing exp DAILY instead of monthly, discovered BBS.... etc.

That's exactly what I'm gunning for too. If I don't slack off I should make the top 50 users long before I see level 25. YoinK has the gold gauntlet now. Life is so unfair. * kicks a rock which proceeds to fly through the neighbor's window *

Hm. So you believe level 24 will still be the #50 spot by the time you make it to the top 50, eh? I wonder which level will be the lowest on the top 50 by the time I make it there. Maybe... well, actually, it could be like 23... or 24... or 25. It could go either way, depending on how many dormants there are around 40-60 in the ranks.

The great thing about being in our position (the 51-100 range, I mean) is that it's no longer really a matter of IF we'll get to the top 50... it's more a matter of WHEN, yanno? #;-}>

I'd be happy making it to the top 50 by... eh... 2008. But I wouldn't be surprised if it takes longer. Or shorter. Just depends on how many people get dormant enough for me to slip by them. I have the required patience, so I'm not worried about that.

I bet your OCD hates that ratio.

I don't tend to worry about the ratio. #8 in b/p's an okay number. Not as groovy as 6 or 9, but at least 8 is even. 93 is odd, though... and not only that, I like numbers like 91, 95, and 99... but 93 and 97 are just bleh (37... see why I don't like that number? Yet I do love 36, of course. Still, I don't like numbers that END in 3 for the most part, I've got nothing against 3s or 7s that START numbers as a general rule).

But I'll be moving up to #92 later this week, and I believe to #91 next week, so it won't be much longer till I rewind the clock back to the 80s.

Sorry gfox, I have to disagree with you on this one. I'm probably gonna raise a few eyebrows with my next post but wht the hell. Shit disturber is my middle name. The blue aura sucks with any icon... period.

You're not hurting my feelings with that one, I'm no fan of the light aura (nor of the dark, but that's not the subject #;-}>) myself. However, I would argue that there ARE at least 2 oe 3 icons that look nice with it. Level 16 for one. Level 16 looks bad-ass with ANY of the three colours, so... there is that. #;-}> Anywho, all I said was that red > blue in the case of 25. Green is apples and oranges to that equation, I was setting it aside.

I had it for a short time when your votes decided your aura but immediately changed back to neutral when it was removed. The neutral aura is still my favorite but level 25 doesn't have the same pizzazz as it does with a dark aura.

Perhaps so, but green + gold = nice and Irish, so I personally look forward to the gold gauntlet over the nice green background. #;-}>

Yes, it does look like a sight to behold with red, though.

Level 24 is another cool looking icon but it's still a long way off. I might reach it somewhere in 2009 or 2010. Christ, I hope I don't die before then (lol).

I'm hitting level 24 in 3 years and 6 months according to Denvish's exp calc. That would be December of 2009.

So I'd wager you're hitting level 24 in either late 2008 or early-mid 2009.

It'll be till 2010 for level 25 for you (2011 for me), though. So... did that cheer you up at all, since you seem to have overestimated the level difficulties just a bit? #;-}>

Yeah the skull crusher rocks. I think it's one of the most intimidating icons out of the bunch. Haha! I do believe the number of insults I dished out tripled during the first week I had it. ^_^

Heh. I wasn't around on the BBS enough when I hit lv20 to test out that phenomenon in myself.

The only place that icon would look good is in a drink. Stupid swizzle stick. >:(

Yeah. Stupid lv23. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-11 23:42:11

gfox, there aren't many dominant depositers. There are people who keep missing deposits. People who were really dominant one time are now completely inactive today. As for leveling up, if humantarget and pimp miss some deposits .. like they have been... leveling up won't take as long. Maybe one of them will go inactive in the next couple of years. I've noticed shrapnel missed several deposits. If you are determined and never miss a deposit, then you will absolutely reach the top 50 user list.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-15 08:53:46

im ever so slowly getting towards the top 500, just broke the top 550.
havnt missed a deposit in awhile, its been quiet an effort on occasion to be able to get on the internet to do it but ive managed.
hopefully i can keep it up and keep moving up, i want to be on the 1st page of the top2000 users.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-15 10:54:07

I'm currently 1,561! I deposit everyday, and I am moving on up.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-18 02:50:55

I love looking at this list every now and then.
there's definitely a potential chance of passing someone on this list sometime this summer.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-18 13:35:21

At 6/18/06 02:50 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I love looking at this list every now and then.
there's definitely a potential chance of passing someone on this list sometime this summer.

That'll get you a girlfriend,

[Politics Lounge] - [BBS Rules] - [Portal FAQ]

~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~ Risterajas ~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~¤~

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Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-28 10:20:19

It feels sort of odd, having finally gotten onto the list. Now, I have to see how high I can rise.

Pain is irrelevant, there is only pain.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-28 11:21:37

please add even more users! like up to 5000 that would be awsome id realy like to see my name on the list :D but good job on the list btw

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-28 11:36:37

At 6/28/06 11:21 AM, -fuzz- wrote: please add even more users! like up to 5000 that would be awsome id realy like to see my name on the list :D but good job on the list btw

This is for "exclusive" members of sorts seirous member noobs dont get their name put up on display so they can waste space and for get about their account

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-06-28 14:46:32

S o close to the top 500...

BBS Signature

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-07-01 10:39:24

Welcome to the monthly update, no real big new this month enjoy.

Notes about the List:

The list was updated 7/01/06.

The current month is listed first, with current rank, username and experience. Then you have last months info with rank at the first of last month then the username. Then exp and then we have change in rank since last month and change in experience since last month.
In case of a tie I give the nod to the lower profile id, if a non profile person is tied they go last.
I only concentrate on the people moving up on the list now, the slackers should get no attention. I mostly do things in groups of 100 for moving up except the top 50 since it the only part that NG lists.

Well the top 50 was inactive for anyone new, and looks like it will stay that way for the next month.

Moving up into the top 100 was Soul_Blade.

Moving up into the top 200 are mortalcoil and xaus.

Moving into the top 300 are Bertuzzi44, DarkArchon, M-A-R-C-U-S, cap123, davidtug, AZPunishe, and Blitz_Mage.

Moving into the top 400 are Kalzapo, Evark, LadyGrace, Sharaka, BRGIAD, Luxintenebrae, jujmcint, and DjGurk.

Moving into the top 500 are Sanjay, Cajunspirit, Kleaver, deckheadtottie, and Davesknd.

Moving into the top 600 are XTREME_SAN, Ovrad, Piccardo, Quimera, DanPanic, Nightfall_Orchid, -KennethTheSociopath, JerkClock, Tommy-, and _AntiChrist_.

Moving into the top 700 are Tvon_Brunk, Guldfisk1986, Dark_Volcano_Sam, Rayem, MrT-Time, Dj_Acid, MaxR, Ssilver7, Ghost-hunter5, DRAGONkirby, olliemonkey, SubKutz, and HairydragonballZ.

Moving into the top 800 are Renegade_Girl, Lockstockstar, mamatequila, ShadowWarriorLuke, mrx454, -TJ-, bloody_hands, November, RupeeClock, Spicy_McHaggis, Punk-Noodles, Hunter_Of_Peace, and archibaldpossy.

Moving into the top 900 are Snowy_Beast, DocMonster, MegaGold, Cosmetor, cheesebizkit, Dichromate, Mr_Miyag, Coucha, Excell, Johnny_Damon, JackPhantasm, and PiePie.

Moving into the top 1000 are HandsomePete, dabboy, Vince50, rdrbilly, bassplayah6, Calavera, -MARCUS-, Vook, SilentSong, MrSuborbian88, Draconias, SPIRIT6666, The_Fallen_Knight, nejhleader, OsAmARaMa,,and DJJ-asshole.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-07-01 14:52:59

At 7/1/06 10:39 AM, ramagi wrote: Moving into the top 1000 are...

And here i am, sitting at #1,001. Man this sucks ;(

Thanks for the small update. I'll just have to sit and wait until the next month, then. Congrats to all who advanced.

Response to Top 2,000 Exp Users 2006-07-01 15:36:13

You can now vote on the top submissions of June.

unban russianspy22

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