At 10/5/08 06:00 PM, Coop83 wrote:
Barracks Roster Update 5th October 2008
Thanks for the update Coop83.
Okay, so we're going to see how this update looks forst, then I'll make a few tweaks for the next update.
Actually I really like it. It seems much neater then the other updates. Maybe you can think of a few things to change up, but not bad man.
Metal-Therapy - 20,000 B/P
DarkSoldier - Praporshchik
Congrats to you two for your achievements.
Mendou - 18,000 Saves; 3,000 Blams
Wow.. and I thought my Save to Blam ratio was bad..
There will be no detail on loss or gain of pace, as a switch from a weekly to a monthly format means that a) I'm going to leave the changes out for being statistically innacurate and b) it saves me time.
The only change that I like to see is the +1 or the -1 when you gain a rank or lose a rank.
The List:
No.] [Total B/P] | [Gain] | [Gain/day] | [Name, Rank]
14] 17842 | 067 | 06.1 | lilhunter03 Cnl.
Alright you really are getting in range for competition now. Especially since the updates are going to be every month instead of every week.
15] 16651 | 883 | 80.3 | Corky52 Mjr.
Not too bad of totals. I had a lot of exams and I went to a lot of football games lately so I've been busy. My totals are going to be slow for a little bit as I have several other exams coming up also.
Top 5 Gainers:
+883 - Corky52
Another day on top. Someone knock me off the top next update. >:] I don't care as long as I can try and manage staying in the top 5.
+743 - Metal-Therapy
Metal you've been finding more time lately. I'm happy for you, but as you find more time I'm starting to find less time. That's not good news for me. >:P
+642 - Mendou
+585 - Marsupial
+568 - pwroftheseagoat
Congrats to the other three that managed to make it into the top 5 this update.
Repeat offenders - Corky52 (11); pwroftheseagoat (4); Metal-Therapy (3)
11 going for 12 next time. Thanks for the update again.