Congratz to everyone deserving them!
These Barracks are fucking slow!
I know that a lot of us are busy with real life though including myself. Work is dominating my life right now and the little free time I have is spent with my wife. I do still enjoy b/p though and try to manage a steady pace.
So here's a question. What's keeping you the Barracks members so busy that you can't find time to post? Both the good and bad reasons.
Also thanks NEVR for continuing to work on the roster and to Stero for previous updates. It's one of my favorite features of the barracks.
How about we get a little debate going b/p related. Topic: Wades thread about under judgement voting.
This turned into a suggestion thread and then evolved into a blam thread. This topic has since died out as I expected it would. People will return to voting the way they used to. Nothing will change. Wade will get mad. The cycle repeats.
I made a suggestion on page 16 that I feel obviously with bias, was the best. Re-printed below for your viewing pleasure. 12/16
My suggestion:
Choose a select group of moderators that you feel can judge flash objectively. Give them the power to judge flash they deem unworthy of protection status.
1. One moderator judges the flash to be crap which puts it into a judgement folder for review by the other moderators.
2. The other moderators review the these flash at a time of their choosing with flash being judged according to the majority vote.
3. The flash is either deleted from or restored to the portal. You could add a ban for flash determined to be spam.
It's a little extreme but it's an idea that could work. I think it's a fair idea, especially if you check on your moderators from time to time and keep them fair.
Also raising the bar a little on the 1.6 wouldn't hurt either.
Now the reason I think this is the best suggestion is that it relies on trusted, and supervised people. Supervised by the admins that is. This would eventually turn the tide of voters to vote more fair instead of the save happy voting crowd of today. It would also discourage spammers from spamming. Not stopping but significantly reducing it.
Blow this theory out of the water. Shoot holes through it. Make me wrong. But, suggest something better.
Maybe if we find a good solution we all agree upon we can submit this as a group to Wade.
Personal accomplishments:
Passed 40,000 b/p
Lvl 30
Getting really close to 15k blams