Something I would like to reform around here is the recruitment process. A few issues are:
1) Stricter entry procedure. Currently we have a pretty lenient system, where any senior member can more-or-less approve of someone. And while this works pretty well, I'd like to actually examine new prospects with more detail, even if it takes a bit longer. After all, we ain't going nowhere---a new recruit can wait a while to be allowed in, heh.
If someone applies to the Barracks, they're on "Standby" until I (or a superior officer) reviews them. Other members can tell obvious no-cases the requirements for entry, but no one should allow someone in without me or Eagle/Phantom's approval.
This isn't really a problem, but I'd just like to tighten up the review process after I nearly let Yoshi77777 into the Barracks. It's become apparent to me that, as several members claimed, he's kind of a dick, lol, and I don't want a repeat of that incident.
For prospective recruits, the only real change will be in waiting time---which shouldn't be that much longer. I'll just want to examine their posting history a bit better (going back a month or two), their review quality, their flash activity (just to look out for links to known rulebreakers, nothing more), etc.
2. More recruits.
We should try to look out for more new recruits---both for current enrollment and future enrollment.
If you see any Newgrounder complaining about the system---even if they're going about it like a clueless newbie douche---contact them. Try to explain the system to them, pointing out their justified criticisms and flawed ones. Use the FAQ as reference material for them, so they get used to seeing it. Give them the EGB standard of "Voting How You Feel, Not For Points". Stuff like that.
And, depending on their rank and disposition, consider guiding them to the NGPD (they need a good boost right now) or the EGB. Even if they're not of appropriate rank/demeanor to join either, you may wish to SHOW them the clubs to let them see how a group of high-ranking, mature members handles things.
Don't be shy. The worst someone can do to you is "FUCK YOU" and block you, lol. Try to sound intelligent and casual...don't give them some uber-patriotic speech about the Barracks, lol.
Also, I recommend referring promising users to me, so that I can monitor them myself. I've found a few very promising, potential future-EGB'ers lately, and have been helping several new, misguided users become aware of the system, so that they too might one day join us.
And lastly...
Also, on the topic of the EGB Forum renewal, we may wish to re-examine the officer positions, seeing if we need any more positions or if any are no longer needed. Where IS EagleRock, anyway?