At 5/10/07 01:49 PM, Sentio wrote:
Oh, and 32000 B/P points as of a few minutes ago. Plus I am close to 40000 total points, which is pretty awesome!
Shit, you're catching me for total points. I'm definately falling further behind you for B/P, not that that matters.
At 5/10/07 11:11 AM, Snerd wrote:
The portal has been fucking up lately. It's usually around 10:30. I try to vote on flash and I keep getting "Error-- Stop trying to cheat the system".
Just go back, reload the movie and vote again and again until the system accepts your vote. It's what I do. Alternatively, go and vote on other flash first, then come back to the error one.
At 5/11/07 12:17 AM, X-Naut wrote:
At 5/9/07 08:52 AM, Coop83 wrote:
If that happened to me, I'd demand in a loud voice that the parents dealt with the children, as they are ruining the movie for me. I can be highly obnoxious when the need calls for it.
I probably would have done that, but knowing my luck, the movie workers would probably kick me out, because other people would consider me more of a disturbance than the children.
Trust me, I can be persuasive in this matter. When I arrived at the cinema with my girlfriend, there were a lot of chattign kids, but as soon as the lights went down, they (mostly) STFU. Expecting kids to sit still and be quiet for the entire movie is asking a little much, but they almost did it.
At 5/10/07 08:24 AM, Coop83 wrote:
as Wade Fulp's clone.
I always thought you were like Wade from a different dimension, like Bizarro Wade.
No, we both exist in the same dimension... unless Wade is from a different dimension or my parents are lying to me about where I was born...
Coop's Spidey 3 Verdict
Overall, it's a good film. I don't think the fights were too short, as they compensated for that with the fact there were more of them. You've got to accept that this film was really to do with the characters more so than the action (buildup to Spidey 4?)
I was really pissed off that I didn't spot Bruce Campbell until I was driving home. I smacked the steering wheel and swore quite a lot, much to my girlfriend's displeasure. His parts are getting bigger, the same as Stan Lee's. I think he's enjoying the limelight as well.
I know he's in all 3 Spiderman movies and X-Men 2, but does Stan Lee appear in all Marvel films? If anyone can confirm this, I'd be very happy.
Yes Venom was cool, so was the scene in the bell-tower, but Edward Brock Jr was a complete tit. I feel really sorry for Harry, as EmoSpidey gets the better of him and of course I feel very sorry for MJ *comforting hug, followed by slap from girlfriend* Sandman was a much better bad-guy than Venom, because we see his character built up (so to speak) a lot more than Venom
Go and see it, this is the first positive review I've seen, but from a fan's perspective, I enjoyed it and will be getting it on DVD for my girlfriend's Xmas present.