So I already have another date planned with Amanda. We're supposed to go fishing on Friday. Kind of an odd thing to do on a date, which should be indication that it's her idea and not mine, but it'll give me a chance to talk with her an avoid a lot of distractions.
Pico Day's been rather good to me. I've gotten about 40 points. That's not bad for being away all day. I hope the portal will continue to be strong well into the night. I need the points. I think my May 24 goal of Corporal is rather low. I already have over 2100 now. I think everything is shaping up rather nicely for Snerd.
:insert crazy speakonia laugh here:
Seems Tom's birthday festivities have gotten him a wee bit tipsy... :-D
At 4/30/07 05:33 PM, Snerd wrote: So I already have another date planned with Amanda. We're supposed to go fishing on Friday. Kind of an odd thing to do on a date, which should be indication that it's her idea and not mine, but it'll give me a chance to talk with her an avoid a lot of distractions.
Did ya...did you stick it in her ass last night?
Did ya, big guy?
At 4/29/07 11:23 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: But I know her. Hopefully she'll do good for me!
If you know her as much as you say you do, I wouldn't be worrying. But curses on you for having someone you can depend on, to help you on your b/ping. :(
And thanks to school, I had to miss out on at least 30 submissions. But Pico Day is still going strong. And hopefully, I can make up for lost points.
And a late happy berfday to Phantom. Sorry I forgot to say so earlier.
Please don't banish me. :c
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 4/29/07 09:20 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:Everybody im now an Elite Guard First Class.
Congratulations. Keep up the nice work.
At 4/30/07 12:00 AM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote:On another note, I got to Elite Guard Staff Sergeant today! I wanted my rank to go up earlier but it finally did so I am still happy with it.
Congratulations to you too. Keep up the good work as well.
At 4/30/07 09:10 AM, Coop83 wrote:In other news, I passed 12,000 Saves this morning.
And yet more Congratulations.
At 4/30/07 01:29 PM, Cheekyvincent wrote:yay 1 more b/p point and i can go here...
You seem to post a lot of one liners. Be aware that in this club such posting is not allowed. Keep that in mind when you decide to ask for permission to join. I shall also give you our summary of the most violated rules that have taken place in here once you request for membership.
In the meantime, I wish we could find a place in which we could host our FAQ while "forumcityusa" finds a new
host. If anyone knows a place in which we could host our beloved FAQ, let us know. :)
At 4/30/07 06:03 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: insert crazy speakonia laugh here:Seems Tom's birthday festivities have gotten him a wee bit tipsy... :-D
Yes. This is truly outrageous, truly, truly, truly outrageous! :D
At 4/30/07 06:13 PM, X-Naut wrote:And thanks to school, I had to miss out on at least 30 submissions.
I know how you feel. I know exactly how you feel. :'(
At 4/30/07 06:29 PM, PenguinLink wrote: In the meantime, I wish we could find a place in which we could host our FAQ while "forumcityusa" finds a new
host. If anyone knows a place in which we could host our beloved FAQ, let us know. :)
Yeah, we need us a forum, dammit.
So, Pico Day is slowing down now...and damn, we've had a lot of good entries. Y'all have any favorites? I'm not sure I could choose one...
this is going to make monthly voting very difficult...
At 4/30/07 09:43 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Yeah, we need us a forum, dammit.
Hey everybody i have a forum of my own but i ont know if you all would want to host the faw there but i will let you all decide if ya want to use it or not.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
I don't think an outside forum would be a good idea. I used to be part of the AAHC. Some of you older users may remember that group. In fact, that's why I have this "new" account. I had to sacrifice an older one for reasons I'd rather not delve into. Anyway, that place in no way resembles the group it used to be. People were power-hungry and, eventually, the group split into two factions. I would hate to see this group come to that. Besides, this is an NG-centric group. If it branches off, it'll be out of context. It's own existence would be meaningless.
At 4/30/07 09:43 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Yeah, we need us a forum, dammit.
Dude, go to www.invisionfree.com and make one. I've had a forum I've kept up for over 2 years now and they never take anything down unless it's routiine maintenance which is also very rare.
Dang what i meant to say in my last post is, That i have my own forum and you all are welcome to come and join there and host the FAQ there as well if you would like. But i guess if you l think this is a good idea then i will just post the link here later on.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 4/30/07 10:34 PM, RSQViper wrote:At 4/30/07 09:43 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Yeah, we need us a forum, dammit.Dude, go to www.invisionfree.com and make one. I've had a forum I've kept up for over 2 years now and they never take anything down unless it's routiine maintenance which is also very rare.
Someone would need to help, cuz I have absolutely no clue how to do that kind of thing, lol.
I fail at computers. :'(
At 4/30/07 10:43 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Someone would need to help, cuz I have absolutely no clue how to do that kind of thing, lol.
I fail at computers. :'(
Hey slash i have said that you could use my forum so you would not have to go through all the work and and stuff.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 4/30/07 10:49 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:At 4/30/07 10:43 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Someone would need to help, cuz I have absolutely no clue how to do that kind of thing, lol.Hey slash i have said that you could use my forum so you would not have to go through all the work and and stuff.
I fail at computers. :'(
Well, a temporary home for the FAQ would be nice, but if our original forums aren't up again soon, maybe we should consider making a second permanent (or at least semi-permanent) forum just for the EGB. I mean, we're not exactly cloak-and-dagger secrecy and such, but having a forum away from Newgrounds proved very useful in the past.
I'll dick around with the invisionfree thing, see what I can do. If you want, talk with PenguinLink and Phantom and get a comprehensive FAQ back up and hosted somewhere while we consider options for a more long-term solution.
At 4/30/07 10:54 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
]: Well, a temporary home for the FAQ would be nice, but if our original forums aren't up again soon, maybe we should consider making a second permanent (or at least semi-permanent) forum just for the EGB. I mean, we're not exactly cloak-and-dagger secrecy and such, but having a forum away from Newgrounds proved very useful in the past.
Yeah i saw how usefull it is for the NGPD. But slash if ya need any help creating a forum or anything on invisionfreejust ask me. Cause i know just about everything about setting a forum up because i have done it many times before in the past.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
I'm looking for attention because my dad never said he loved me, and my mom tells me that the reason he left was me.
I'm tinkering, don't bug me about things until I'm done/beg for help.
The still VERY under-construction temporary EGB forums.
I'll need to validate you to do stuff. I think. So yeah, make a note of the URL.
So yes, the temp forums have come together acceptably so far.
Everyone, register, so I can validate y'all and get things moving.
At 4/30/07 11:56 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: So yes, the temp forums have come together acceptably so far.
Everyone, register, so I can validate y'all and get things moving.
Sure thing Slash i will register here pretty soon. But i have a few more things to do around here before i can leave and go somewhere else. But as soon as i get done around here i will head straight for the forum.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 4/30/07 11:56 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: So yes, the temp forums have come together acceptably so far.
Everyone, register, so I can validate y'all and get things moving.
You can skip the who validation thing if you want and make it so they have to validate thru an email.
If you want, anyway.
Invisionfree is pretty simple, but you can get really involved with it and make a very cool page.
Anyway, I'll go sign up now. =)
At 5/1/07 12:16 AM, RSQViper wrote: You can skip the who validation thing if you want and make it so they have to validate thru an email.
I know, but we need to be all secure and sexy. I've already validated you, ILC, and Sentio. EVERYONE ELSE, SIGN UP, DAMN YOU.
Invisionfree is pretty simple, but you can get really involved with it and make a very cool page.
Yes it is...I thought it'd involve lots of coding or something, rofl.
Who else got over 100 points today?
Pico Day was pretty rad. Some quality flash came in :)
At 5/1/07 12:25 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Yes it is...I thought it'd involve lots of coding or something, rofl.
It does involve alot of coding and such. Cause if you want to add a background/layout you will need a CSS code to get it on your board. But i am pretty good at making those so it should be no problem.
At 5/1/07 12:35 AM, MadCow wrote: Who else got over 100 points today?
Pico Day was pretty rad. Some quality flash came in :)
I wish i could get over 100 points a day then i would really climb through the ranks at the speed of light almost.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 5/1/07 12:25 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I know, but we need to be all secure and sexy. I've already validated you, ILC, and Sentio. EVERYONE ELSE, SIGN UP, DAMN YOU.
Yup, I'm there and posting already :D. Good job Slash- it's about time we had the forums back up and running. I'd offer to help, but I suck, so I won't.
At 5/1/07 12:35 AM, MadCow wrote: Who else got over 100 points today?
Pico Day was pretty rad. Some quality flash came in :)
I haven't counted exactly how many points I've got today, but it is definitely over 100. There have been some really excellent flash submissions today, including a few that weren't even for Pico day (I've always been a fan of Weebl and Bob :D). I don't think I have ever given so many fives.
Sig by lebastic
At 5/1/07 12:35 AM, MadCow wrote: Who else got over 100 points today?
Pico Day was pretty rad. Some quality flash came in :)
I did! I don't know exactly how many I got but I've been here since it turned 12 on Pico Day! Well, its over for EST but people are still submitting. I wish this day would never end.
At 5/1/07 12:42 AM, Sentio wrote:At 5/1/07 12:25 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:I know, but we need to be all secure and sexy. I've already validated you, ILC, and Sentio. EVERYONE ELSE, SIGN UP, DAMN YOU.
Yeah i already there and posting up a storm.
Yup, I'm there and posting already :D. Good job Slash- it's about time we had the forums back up and running. I'd offer to help, but I suck, so I won't.
And yeah i could help out with any little odd jobs around the forum. Cause i am pretty good at the whole Admin thing on Invisionfree.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
No clue how many I got today (I forgot to keep track, sigh), but I know that I'm about to pass Dream of Duke for the billionth time, hahahaha.
Yes, once we have a good number of members up, we'll decide on mods/admins and customize the place a bit. Hopefully it won't be needed for long...the old EGB forums are all sexy and filled with crazy...but eh, this'll do for now. ^_^
Well thankfully Slash created a back up forum in which I posted an older version of the FAQ and I hope some one finds it useful...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
Hi guys.
I have been trying to post the update for the last half hour and it keeps bringing up the invalid HTML script screen. I cant figure out what is wrong with the script and I am really starting to get pissed. So sorry but I dont think I will be able to do the update as of now. I will try again soon but I really need a break for a while. Sorry all, I hope you understand!
I cant friggen find a solution to this problem. I need the error message to be more specific!
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
Barracks roster – May 1, 2007
Sterockicy’s note:
Punch, punch first day of the month NO RETURNS! Haha ME 1 - YOU 0!
Top 5 Gainers:
SlashFirestorm – 1354
Sentio – 1225
PenguinLink – 1141
BlueHippo – 834
pwroftheseagoat – 820
Special Congratulatory list:
Top gainers, repeat offenders: Sentio, PenguinLink!
New to the list: I-Love-Caitlyn!
Top 3 biggest average rises: SlashFirestorm + 51.1, pepeatumi + 41.4, Snerd + 43.7!
Random word: Trespassing!
Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
01 // 52353 // 0047 // 003.4 // 010.4- // ADT
02 // 51380 // 0536 // 038.3 // 015.3- // Phantom
03 // 50170 // 0743 // 053.1 // 004.0+ // X-Naut
04 // 48563 // 0834 // 059.6 // 001.5+ // BlueHippo
05 // 44018 // 0549 // 039.2 // 008.7+ // Major-punk
06 // 43169 // 0800 // 057.1 // 041.4+ // pepeatumi
07 // 34763 // 0700 // 050.0 // 001.4+ // Seamonky
08 // 32182 // 1354 // 096.7 // 051.1+ // SlashFirestorm
09 // 31786 // 0046 // 003.3 // 003.3+ // EagleRock
10 // 31190 // 1225 // 087.5 // 006.1+ // Sentio
11 // 29166 // 0678 // 048.4 // 016.2- // ArtDanVal
12 // 28583 // 0487 // 034.8 // 001.6- // life
13 // 28438 // 0005 // 000.4 // 008.0- // Hemlok
14 // 25980 // 0078 // 005.6 // 001.5+ // LittleWashu
15 // 25029 // 0595 // 042.5 // 024.9- // MadCow
16 // 24801 // 0516 // 036.9 // 008.9- // Coop83
17 // 24108 // 0820 // 058.6 // 000.3+ // pwroftheseagoat
18 // 23655 // 0511 // 036.5 // 030.3- // MetalDart
19 // 17033 // 0144 // 010.3 // 015.8- // arianna1
20 // 16739 // 0216 // 015.4 // 012.0- // Casualty
21 // 15900 // 1141 // 081.5 // 018.4- // PenguinLink
22 // 12619 // 0343 // 024.5 // 024.5+ // hongkongexpress
23 // 12514 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // EIMaster
24 // 10150 // 0521 // 037.2 // 006.7- // Sterockicy
25 // 09542 // 0151 // 010.8 // 000.2+ // ever-vigilant
26 // 08619 // 0177 // 012.6 // 012.6+ // Cool-Points
27 // 08027 // 0267 // 019.1 // 027.5- // DarkSoldier
28 // 07767 // 0223 // 015.9 // 009.8- // Shanus
29 // 07396 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // HoboPorn
30 // 07252 // 0183 // 013.1 // 003.5- // Dela
31 // 06486 // 0005 // 000.4 // 000.7- // Perengrinus
32 // 06402 // 0155 // 011.1 // 010.1+ // Nerijus
33 // 06042 // 0019 // 001.4 // 001.2- // Sixers1fan
34 // 05112 // 0532 // 038.0 // 038.0+ // K-fox
35 // 04349 // 0600 // 042.9 // 009.0- // Odyssic
36 // 04236 // 0182 // 013.0 // 013.0+ // 36Holla
37 // 04209 // 0001 // 000.1 // 000.0+ // PossiblePancakes
38 // 04092 // 0476 // 034.0 // 003.6- // DarkLotusJuggalo
39 // 04020 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // Turkeybean
40 // 03862 // 0000 // 000.0 // 001.3- // dawin45
41 // 03773 // 0167 // 011.9 // 009.2+ // RSQViper
42 // 03704 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.5- // Zornkatzu
43 // 03528 // 0084 // 006.0 // 003.1+ // Black-Flame
44 // 02946 // 0022 // 001.6 // 001.5- // ElementalSoldier
45 // 02704 // 0058 // 004.1 // 018.0- // Gorillazrock
46 // 02513 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // sparkingAC195
47 // 02334 // 0045 // 003.2 // 004.9- // Whitcomb
48 // 02175 // 0482 // 034.4 // 034.4+ // Solidone
49 // 02174 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // SilentSoldier
50 // 02167 // 0612 // 043.7 // 043.7+ // Snerd
51 // 02129 // 0006 // 000.4 // 000.2- // generalmario
52 // 02124 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // KermitTheMuppet
53 // 02070 // NEW // NEW // NEW // I-Love-Caitlyn
54 // 01897 // 0022 // 001.6 // 000.5+ // Imacow
55 // 01690 // 0000 // 000.0 // 000.0+ // MrAngel
56 // 01650 // 0100 // 007.1 // 007.1+ // TheThing
57 // 01636 // 0118 // 008.4 // 008.4+ // Andrea364
58 // 01512 // 0010 // 000.7 // 000.7+ // Jeffaro
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!
Oh man you are gonna crack up when you here what the problem was!
Get this!
The talking marks used in excel are different to those in word. I missed some talking marks in excel so I added them in word (After 5 minutes of searching) They looked different but they are only talking marks....RIGHT?
After going through a lot of rigerous and annoying and frustrating searches I decided to change the talking marks by copy and pasting the ones from excel.
Then it works!
What the....??
Can anyone explain why that happened?
Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!