I'm leaving the EGB.
Now, before you say anything, please, read all of my post:
I am Socially-Failed. For many months now, you may have noticed that I have been submitting "spammish" type of movies to the Portal. Many of which have been passed, and shouldn't of been. However, I don't have the want to remove them, but at the same time, I don't want to bring a hypocritical-type vibe to the Elite Guard Barracks, as we are meant to help the Portal, not hurt it.
Please don't try and bargain with me to stay. I want all of you to know I do not dislike any current members, in fact, I look at us still a family on the Internet. I know that sounds really corny, and I don't know many of you too well, but my answer stays. If I really think I should, with your consent, I may return to the Elite Guard Barracks one day.
On a side note: My most recently submitted Flash, Jesus Returns: Male Enhancement, has been flagged for "racist" terms, as it depicts Black Jesus and some other African American men, callinf eachother the N-Word. Although it was not intended to be racist, my account is at risk of being deleted right now. Please, don't go PMing Wade about it, for if it happens, it happens.
If all turns out ok then, I may return to the EGB if I have your ok. We will see what the future holds. Here is my final salute:
I will miss you all. :)