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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 03:55:22

Well I did pretty good I guess, I just broke into the four digit numbers for my blam points.

My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 03:58:50

At 12/15/06 09:02 PM, HoboPorn wrote: Hemlok you wern't missing much by missing QuickFox if you ever see a picture of him he looks like he is 40 and is literally a gomosexual, plus all he did was flame people out the ass, 1 good quality I can say about him is he is pretty damn smart.

He liked to spam a lot when he was here. From my knowledge, he also wants people believe that he is a hottie, just look at his profile and posts. :P When I pass him, it is going to be a great achievement. He is currently ranked No.6 of my most wanted list for passing by.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 04:02:20

At 12/16/06 02:04 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 12/16/06 01:53 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Washu, do you want whistle points? I bet so! Go and search the user name Blastlord25, and you will find a gold mine ---- almost all his reviews are abusive, have fun there! ;)
Haha, did you guys look at the submission about the person complaining about that dude?

Yea, now he is in a WORLD of trouble. My guess is that he will get his account deleted. :P

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 08:19:04

At 12/16/06 03:55 AM, SilentSoldier wrote: Well I did pretty good I guess, I just broke into the four digit numbers for my blam points.

congratulations i guess? So anybody going on vacation during there Christmas vacation?

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 10:00:53

Wow, I've been busy lately, so I haven't had much time for the EGB. Sorreh :(

Anyway, my B/P'ing has been going tremendously well :) I'm 400-ish away from my next badge, and since my last post here I have taken over quite a few people.

Even some EGB members:



I'm proud of how much I've done since slacking off from the portal. I'm still making up lost time :0.

Wii shiz.

Goddamn it, I still don't have a wii! Since the pre-orders are gone as well, I'm not even going to get one for Christmas :'(. How am I meant to guard myself, from the perilous members of the EGB?

My gamecube controller has a limited range, but the wavebird is pretty effective >:D

*brandishes wavebird*

Merry christmas everyone!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 10:13:25

My gamecube controller has a limited range, but the wavebird is pretty effective >:D

*brandishes wavebird*

Merry christmas everyone!

Good idea, Good thing I have 6 regular GC controlers and 2 wavebirds...

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 12:22:24

At 12/16/06 10:13 AM, Imacow wrote:
My gamecube controller has a limited range, but the wavebird is pretty effective >:D

*brandishes wavebird*

Merry christmas everyone!
Good idea, Good thing I have 6 regular GC controlers and 2 wavebirds...

Hahaha, I have 8 Wave Birds. My friend modded one to work with the Nintendo 64, which gives it the power of two Wiimotes.

I may not be active for the next few days, because of finals, and my sister's boyfriend came home today, so him and I may hang a bit. Not to mention I have my own girlfriend to please. I'll still to try and post, but I may not be B/P active.

Fudge dapping.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 12:39:29

At 12/16/06 02:51 AM, Phantom wrote:
I'll post this story in the mafia, you must understand the context of a rich mafia and its members to understand it better. But it's a big beautiful story, so far it will fill two full posts, considering the bigger length we have now...

No B/Ping yet today? I have got around 25 points today and 35 flashes are still under judgement. I can't wait for the 51+ list to be updated, so I can see my great pace on the board! Wow, you write fast. I never finish stories I start writing. Good luck on finishing it by the end of the week. I'll start reading it now.

Have you guys heard they are re calling all of the Wii's? I dunno, my dad told me. I'll be damned if I'm taking my wii back. He said it was because of the people who are getting pissed and ruining there TV's. I just lol'd.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 13:13:07

Hey guys, I'm going to start working on my Christmas aimation today. I hope I make it by the deadline!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 13:15:30

At 12/16/06 01:13 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Hey guys, I'm going to start working on my Christmas aimation today. I hope I make it by the deadline!

Good luck with that.

Phantom, I just read what you posted in the Mafia, over all I liked it. I thought it was a bit shaky at the beginning but the more and more I read, the more and more I was enjoying it. Can't wait to read what's next!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 13:50:48

Hello people!!! I wasn't active for quite a while so how are things going the reason for this is because I had my simester finnal and had to study.... /party (sorry) alot some good notes some bad, but still I'm gonna end up the guy whith the highes mark in the class...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 15:26:02

At 12/16/06 01:50 PM, dawin45 wrote: Hello people!!! I wasn't active for quite a while so how are things going the reason for this is because I had my simester finnal and had to study.... /party (sorry) alot some good notes some bad, but still I'm gonna end up the guy whith the highes mark in the class...

Welcome back! You certainly aren't the only person who has been busy recently so I wouldn't worry much about not being active. The Barracks have been busy this week with new officer appointments so it might be worth your while checking out the last few pages if you have time. At least you seem to have done well with your exams- real life is more important than here after all (yeah, really!)

Right, thats enough quoted posts for one day- it's off to the gym for me for a couple of hours. If I'm going to eat as much as I want to this Christmas then I need to be in good shape before I go home :)


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 15:28:32

At 12/16/06 02:33 AM, Hemlok wrote:
That sucks about being indept. That is something I never want to experience. Glad your making some nice cash though.

It does indeed suck, but that is the life of a student in the UK. Hopefully getting a good degree from a top university will get me a good job in a few years and that debt will be wiped out in no time.

Jeez! I've been waiting here ya know!
4) To see the smile on my ex-girlfriends face when she sees the present I've bought her (we broke up because I moved away, so we're closer than it sounds). That should be number 1, but they aren't in order...
Yes, please tell us what the hell you got her.

As much as I would love to it a) wouldn't mean anything to you as it is very personal between the two of us, and b) I have a suspicion she reads my posts so I can't reveal it here anyway :). I have no doubt she will love it though.

Hah, the Wii during the summer time. I just can't wait until Brawl comes out so I can own everyone online. I will never leave the house again for at least a month.

It is going to be awesome :).

I'm getting some major Zelda cravings though :(
It's a fun game. Your missing out.

lol, rubbing in face!

Son of a... don't make me come and steal yours!

not that I know where you live... damn!
Penguinlink's List

1) 10,000 free blam points.
2) 10,000 free protection points.

Hehe, wouldn't we all!

At 12/16/06 10:00 AM, Dela wrote: Wow, I've been busy lately, so I haven't had much time for the EGB. Sorreh :(

Good to see your still around. That damn 'real life' thing gets in way for a lot of people.

Anyway, my B/P'ing has been going tremendously well :) I'm 400-ish away from my next badge, and since my last post here I have taken over quite a few people.

Even some EGB members:



Congrats on passing them up- it always feels good to pass a Barracks member :)

Merry christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas to you as well!

At 12/16/06 12:39 PM, Hemlok wrote:
No B/Ping yet today? I have got around 25 points today and 35 flashes are still under judgement. I can't wait for the 51+ list to be updated, so I can see my great pace on the board! Wow, you write fast. I never finish stories I start writing. Good luck on finishing it by the end of the week. I'll start reading it now.

Gah, I've hardly got anything this morning as I had to go and do my weekly food shop. I'm just about clinging on to 100 points per day this week, but I need another 40 or so before the update if I am going to make it. I've noticed your awesome week- can you stop it please!

Come on, I asked nicely, call it an x-mas present? :)
Have you guys heard they are re calling all of the Wii's? I dunno, my dad told me. I'll be damned if I'm taking my wii back. He said it was because of the people who are getting pissed and ruining there TV's. I just lol'd.

Yeah, I did hear that. I think it is just the remotes though as they are changing the straps. Quite honestly I think you have to be a total moron to throw a remote across the room anyway, so hardly a big deal.

At 12/16/06 01:13 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Hey guys, I'm going to start working on my Christmas animation today. I hope I make it by the deadline!

Good luck! I look forward to checking it out in the portal.

Gah, I sent the wrong post- damn tabbed browsing! Sorry for the double, at least this one has all the other stuff in it! *waits to be allowed to post this*

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 15:36:19

At 12/15/06 06:16 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/15/06 05:12 PM, EagleRock wrote: By "report to" I mean that the Chief Barracks Officer is the direct commanding officer, that's all. Your position doesn't need "reporting" per se.
Alright, good. Just making sure here.

Good. You do that. :-)

Man, since you have come back the salutes are comming out of everybody!

I guess it's infectious...it's like old times in the Barracks all over again!



At 12/15/06 07:16 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/15/06 07:09 PM, Albert-Ice wrote: Alright, I made EGPFC! After a while of b/ping, I finally got it!
Alright! Good to hear a member of the Elite Guard Barracks ranking up. Stay on the ball now, don't want you to fade away from B/Ping. Keep up the good work and you should reach Corporal in a few weeks.

Nice, Brigadier General...I like to hear the encouragement! And to PFC Albert-Ice, keep at it!

At 12/15/06 11:40 PM, Phantom wrote: I'm up! And like Hemok said well "Busy, busy, busy", and Eagle agreed being in both EGB and NGDD important position (Hope to have one again in the NG mafia soon) means a lot of work.

You have confused me by your sentence. What did I do?

I am also a writer, currently working on a short story trilogy revolving mythologies and the mafias, so obviously I was a bit angry at dave when he came to me, but seriously people, I'll eat the soul of whoever sees a submission to be flagged and doesn't even check it out...

Very nice. I write in my spare time, too...I'm writing out the backend of a story...working out how the world, well, works. Lots of writing considering I haven't written any of the actual story yet...

At 12/16/06 10:00 AM, Dela wrote: Wow, I've been busy lately, so I haven't had much time for the EGB. Sorreh :(

Oh no, you have a LIFE! PUNISH YOU!

Seriously, it's okay... :-)

Wii shiz.
Goddamn it, I still don't have a wii! Since the pre-orders are gone as well, I'm not even going to get one for Christmas :'(. How am I meant to guard myself, from the perilous members of the EGB?

My gamecube controller has a limited range, but the wavebird is pretty effective >:D

*brandishes wavebird*

Merry christmas everyone!

Well, if you can't get your hands on a Wii controller, why don't you go ahead and grab a blam rifle from the armory...sure, it's not nearly as powerful, but it works.

At 12/16/06 01:50 PM, dawin45 wrote: Hello people!!! I wasn't active for quite a while so how are things going the reason for this is because I had my simester finnal and had to study.... /party (sorry) alot some good notes some bad, but still I'm gonna end up the guy whith the highes mark in the class...

Another one with a life. Why feel bad if you're actually doing things? I don't want people to feel like they're REQUIRED to be here. Enjoy your life, and come here when you're not busy or just B/Ping.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 15:58:58

Hi! Checking in to let you all know I am still here. I've been having some computer problems lately..something about a processor fan going bad...the part is on order, but since the computer is running without the whirrwhirrgrindscreech of the past few days, I've been able to get back online for a little bit here. In the past couple of days, I have barely managed to deposit points, which equals lost b/p points, but what can you do?

Congrats to all those who have received new Barracks appointments over the past week. Well done! As for me, I am slowly (!!) but surely closing in on EG Captain. Woo-Hoo!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 16:31:08

Just firmly checking any posts I missed.

At 12/16/06 11:05 AM, Ocelot wrote: Nice story Phantom, very creative and keeps you hooked - 5/5. I think you're like the next Nomader at this stuff, as he is away. Keep up the good work.

Heh, thanks I guess. Nomader was really good so I'll take that as a complement. This Trilogy is an original and great new idea indeed, but I warn you, unlike Noamder I'll need a while before finding an idea as good as that.

At 12/16/06 03:36 PM, EagleRock wrote: You have confused me by your sentence. What did I do?

You sounded surprised when you learned I hold a key position in the NGDD as well which would easily explain how my life is a mess in its online duration alone...

Also, as I said before, I posted an original story in the mafia, every one is here by ordered to read it. I didn't want to pull rank here but...I feel like it.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 16:34:57

EagleRock, today is gost party day which means that we wioll seee tons of spammy entries from the SS. Considering that the portal is in an average speed right now, I would suggest DEFCON 3 at the moment.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 16:47:19

Before my mistake goes noticed, I would like to mention the first quote of my last post was from another thread. Get used to these errors of idiocy and sleep deprivation I will go through all of this week.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 16:47:20

At 12/16/06 03:58 PM, arianna1 wrote: Hi! Checking in to let you all know I am still here. I've been having some computer problems lately..something about a processor fan going bad...the part is on order, but since the computer is running without the whirrwhirrgrindscreech of the past few days, I've been able to get back online for a little bit here. In the past couple of days, I have barely managed to deposit points, which equals lost b/p points, but what can you do?

Congrats to all those who have received new Barracks appointments over the past week. Well done! As for me, I am slowly (!!) but surely closing in on EG Captain. Woo-Hoo!

Hrm...I dunno if I'd recommend using your computer if that's the case...just because the whirring is gone doesn't mean that the fan is working...the fan could have stopped completely. I'd check to see if it's working...you don't want to fry the processor...

At 12/16/06 04:31 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 12/16/06 03:36 PM, EagleRock wrote: You have confused me by your sentence. What did I do?
You sounded surprised when you learned I hold a key position in the NGDD as well which would easily explain how my life is a mess in its online duration alone...

Ahh, understood. I sadly know very little about the NGDD, but it's good to have someone like you at the helm.

At 12/16/06 04:34 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: EagleRock, today is gost party day which means that we wioll seee tons of spammy entries from the SS. Considering that the portal is in an average speed right now, I would suggest DEFCON 3 at the moment.

Duly noted:

DEFCON Update:

I thought the DEFCON was at DEFCON 3, but in case it wasn't, it is now. Watch for many spamlike or malicious flash. Barracks members should be on patrol in the Portal when they can to ensure flashes are voted upon fairly and are not influenced by mass-voing. I will continue to observe the Portal and will raise the DEFCON again if needed.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 16:51:06

At 12/16/06 04:47 PM, Phantom wrote: Before my mistake goes noticed, I would like to mention the first quote of my last post was from another thread. Get used to these errors of idiocy and sleep deprivation I will go through all of this week.

You need to take a break, buddy. Get some rest. I've got the Barracks covered, and I'm sure the NGDD can deal without you for a day. The Barracks did well without me for a few months...well...thanks to you, lol. Either way, don't kill yourself. The Internet is serious business, but not THAT serious...

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 17:02:25

At 12/16/06 04:51 PM, EagleRock wrote: You need to take a break, buddy. Get some rest. I've got the Barracks covered, and I'm sure the NGDD can deal without you for a day. The Barracks did well without me for a few months...well...thanks to you, lol. Either way, don't kill yourself. The Internet is serious business, but not THAT serious...

I'm just rambling since I've procrastinated myself into a week of projects, writing, managing and more and more work. It'll be tight, and I'll walk of out of it likely in a straight jacket, but I'll walk out. And if you excuse me now I must prepare as I have much work to be done, stories to be written, papers to be completed ,documents to be updated and contests to host. Wish me luck and sanity, for tonight I bid you, farewell.

P.S: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH iveprocrastinatedforfartoolongandnowimgoingfu ckingnus.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 17:09:43

EagleRock, Sir, I truly hate bowling. I always throw the bowling ball in a strainght line but it always goes crooked! May I have some advice from the bowilng expert, which is you sir?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 18:06:33

At 12/16/06 05:02 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 12/16/06 04:51 PM, EagleRock wrote: You need to take a break, buddy. Get some rest. I've got the Barracks covered, and I'm sure the NGDD can deal without you for a day. The Barracks did well without me for a few months...well...thanks to you, lol. Either way, don't kill yourself. The Internet is serious business, but not THAT serious...
I'm just rambling since I've procrastinated myself into a week of projects, writing, managing and more and more work. It'll be tight, and I'll walk of out of it likely in a straight jacket, but I'll walk out. And if you excuse me now I must prepare as I have much work to be done, stories to be written, papers to be completed ,documents to be updated and contests to host. Wish me luck and sanity, for tonight I bid you, farewell.

A HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLACKER! I did that too in college...end-of-term was a nightmare. One thing that I always forgot about that was, simply, that you will work past it. I remembered this more and more once I got to grad school, and it helped.

At 12/16/06 05:09 PM, PenguinLink wrote: EagleRock, Sir, I truly hate bowling. I always throw the bowling ball in a strainght line but it always goes crooked! May I have some advice from the bowilng expert, which is you sir?

Hah...I do pretty good. My last record was a 280...I got a strike, then a spare, then 10 strikes in a row. I recommend try deliberately curving the ball into the 1 pin. It's really the best way to get a strike. However, pulling off spares requires a straight or near-straight shot. I recommend holding the controller differently for a straight shot. The slightest bit of tilt will curve the ball, especially if you bowl slower. Try this:

When you need to bowl straight, do not put your thumb across the top of the Wiimote, but rather, hold it to your side. Line up your shot for the spare with the D-Pad. When you bowl it, hold your hand straight out, elbow locked, pointed level and straight to the TV. Hold B, bring your hand back, bring forward and release B. When you do that, concentrate on keeping your hand straight, and do NOT bend your arm or tilt it. Also, bowl faster and release B late. That way, the ball jumps. I find that when I do this, I might not get an exact straight shot, but the shot is relatively straight. Also, the faster you bowl and the later you release, the less the ball will curve. Give it a shot and let me know how you do.



Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 18:17:22

At 12/16/06 06:06 PM, EagleRock wrote:

When you need to bowl straight, do not put your thumb across the top of the Wiimote, but rather, hold it to your side. Line up your shot for the spare with the D-Pad. When you bowl it, hold your hand straight out, elbow locked, pointed level and straight to the TV. Hold B, bring your hand back, bring forward and release B. When you do that, concentrate on keeping your hand straight, and do NOT bend your arm or tilt it. Also, bowl faster and release B late. That way, the ball jumps. I find that when I do this, I might not get an exact straight shot, but the shot is relatively straight. Also, the faster you bowl and the later you release, the less the ball will curve. Give it a shot and let me know how you do.

Thanks a lot for the advice, Sir! I should try that pretty soon, Sir!

Oh man, I'm having difficulties in starting my Christmas animation... I'm short in ideas. Do you guys have any ideas that you wish could have been animated? Or would be nice to animate? Thanks a lot for the ideas, guys!


The Winter Preloader from Newgrounds is awesome!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 18:24:25

Oh man, I'm having difficulties in starting my Christmas animation... I'm short in ideas. Do you guys have any ideas that you wish could have been animated? Or would be nice to animate? Thanks a lot for the ideas, guys!

Leaving it a bit late aren't you..?

Anyway, I think a Christmas time at the EGB would be nice :)! You could do a huge wiimote battle! Har, it would look quite awesome. Just remember to have nice camera angles =].



BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 18:44:37

At 12/16/06 06:24 PM, Dela wrote:
Oh man, I'm having difficulties in starting my Christmas animation... I'm short in ideas. Do you guys have any ideas that you wish could have been animated? Or would be nice to animate? Thanks a lot for the ideas, guys!
Leaving it a bit late aren't you..?

Anyway, I think a Christmas time at the EGB would be nice :)! You could do a huge wiimote battle! Har, it would look quite awesome. Just remember to have nice camera angles =].


Haha, yes I'm a bit of a procrastinator...

That would be an awesome concept, but my flash skills are limited. Which means it would be quite hard to do that... But that's a nice plot though!


I wish I was good at flash...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 19:30:50

At 12/16/06 06:17 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
The Winter Preloader from Newgrounds is awesome!

Am I the only one who has extre snow flying around the preloader?

Well anyways I bought Twighlight Princess today(Even though I hope to get Wii tomorow). I basicly read the manual and watched a video or two so that tomorow morning I can get right into the action.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 19:39:42

At 12/16/06 07:30 PM, Imacow wrote:
At 12/16/06 06:17 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
The Winter Preloader from Newgrounds is awesome!
Am I the only one who has extre snow flying around the preloader?

Well anyways I bought Twighlight Princess today(Even though I hope to get Wii tomorow). I basicly read the manual and watched a video or two so that tomorow morning I can get right into the action.

Fun, fun, fun! It's a great, great game. I recommend reading an FAQ so you don't miss the heart containers and heart pieces, though...they are VERY obscure.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 19:46:59

At 12/16/06 07:39 PM, EagleRock wrote: Fun, fun, fun! It's a great, great game. I recommend reading an FAQ so you don't miss the heart containers and heart pieces, though...they are VERY obscure.

I wanna ride the pony!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-16 19:47:44

At 12/16/06 07:39 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Fun, fun, fun! It's a great, great game. I recommend reading an FAQ so you don't miss the heart containers and heart pieces, though...they are VERY obscure.

Twilight Princess is the only reason why I'm leaning towards getting a Wii. But I don't like the fact that GTA may not be released for that system... or the lack of Final Fantasy.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!