At 12/2/06 05:07 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Stolen alert: now go and get the whistle points!Missed it!:(
At 12/2/06 05:32 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
Stolen alert!
Missed it! :(
At 12/2/06 09:21 PM, Imacow wrote:
Hey I was thinking of joining this. It looks like it will help my whistle level. Sorry if theres something im suposed to fill out that I missed.
Welcome to the Elite Guard Barracks! By now I hope you have read the FAQ's and Phantom has gave you the ok.
At 12/2/06 09:40 PM, Sterockicy wrote:
Elite Guard Corporal!
I tried to get 1250 blams 1250 saves but was one off dammit!
Congratulations to you!
At 12/3/06 03:24 AM, FrankTheHedgehog wrote:
I'm sorry for not posting much, I need to post more.
Yes you do.
At 12/3/06 03:47 AM, HoboPorn wrote:
Yo sorry for not posting much still behind in school and the last thing I need to do is get kicked out for not having 2 classes done by each quarter so I am hurrying up on this, I doub ti'll be posting much in general for a while (added onto the time I havn't posted on for a while) so i'll be back whenever.
I understand how school can be a pain in the ass but try and be as active as possible. You have really slipped behind the time you have been gone. I wish you luck on all of your school work and all of that crap.
At 12/3/06 04:30 AM, Gorillazrock wrote:
Hey, i'm a NGPD Captain that just turned into a Elite guard. I was hoping i could join up with you guys. Are there any requirements i need to meet (other than the obvious 1500 B/P)?
You reach the requirements, just read the FAQ and wait for Phantom's approval.
At 12/3/06 08:24 AM, Dela wrote:
It ain't Christmas yet!
I just leveled up to sergeant, aided by the fact I got 118 b/p points yesterday :D.
Congratulations! At least you have one of the better badges for awhile.
... And now my next goal is 986 points away..... :'(
If you really try you can get that in two weeks, maybe less!
At 12/3/06 09:52 AM, Phantom wrote:
Everything sucks. Congrats to Dela and any one else who might deserve it. Busy as fuck.
Same here. I have a boat load of homework to do that I left for the last minute.