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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 01:57:25

Many of you guys here are way, and I mean WAY above my B/P rank. It would take me years to reach you guys. And by the time I do, you'll guys'll probably have more than 100,000 points by then... Oh, and what goals do you guys have for the end of the year? Such as, what number of points do you guys want to have by 2007? I'm hoping, HOPING to get a total of 3,500 protection points and a total of 2,500 blam points by the end of this month.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 02:29:27

At 12/3/06 01:57 AM, PenguinLink wrote: Many of you guys here are way, and I mean WAY above my B/P rank. It would take me years to reach you guys. And by the time I do, you'll guys'll probably have more than 100,000 points by then... Oh, and what goals do you guys have for the end of the year? Such as, what number of points do you guys want to have by 2007? I'm hoping, HOPING to get a total of 3,500 protection points and a total of 2,500 blam points by the end of this month.

That seems like a reasonable goal. You should be able to accomplish that no problem. My own personal goals are to reach EGLtCol by the 7th then I'll be gone till around Febuary. My wife is going to deposit for me while I'm gone (hopefully). I also asked her to b/p for me but I doubt she'll get into it very much. It would be cool to come back and log in as a Colonel or Brigadier General, but I'll be happy if it's only 10 a day. We'll see how that goes.

As far as your b/p goals go they seem pretty reasonable. I didn't start getting into b/p until about 6 months ago and look how far I've gotten already. Take into consideration that I work, go to college, and am flying to get my private pilots license. I keep pretty busy but still manage to get a lot of b/ping done. 2000-3000 points a month is doable and you've got less than a thousand to go. I think you'll make your goal.

Good luck!

...lol at MP's goal of passing Ramagi!! :D
..maybe in 5 years ..if she ever stops.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 03:40:01

Wow, I just woke up at 4am I don't know why...my sleep pattern's really messed up. I don't know at what time I went to sleep nor what I was doing when I went to sleep.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 03:47:36

Yo sorry for not posting much still behind in school and the last thing I need to do is get kicked out for not having 2 classes done by each quarter so I am hurrying up on this, I doub ti'll be posting much in general for a while (added onto the time I havn't posted on for a while) so i'll be back whenever.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 04:30:18

Hey, i'm a NGPD Captain that just turned into a Elite guard. I was hoping i could join up with you guys. Are there any requirements i need to meet (other than the obvious 1500 B/P)?

Relationship Crew

NG Radio podcast Club

Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 08:24:31


I just leveled up to sergeant, aided by the fact I got 118 b/p points yesterday :D.

... And now my next goal is 986 points away..... :'(

The Elite Guard Barracks

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 09:52:23

Everything sucks. Congrats to Dela and any one else who might deserve it. Busy as fuck.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 12:30:24

At 12/2/06 05:07 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Stolen alert: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/352162. now go and get the whistle points!Missed it!:(
At 12/2/06 05:32 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: Stolen alert!



Missed it! :(

At 12/2/06 09:21 PM, Imacow wrote: Hey I was thinking of joining this. It looks like it will help my whistle level. Sorry if theres something im suposed to fill out that I missed.

Welcome to the Elite Guard Barracks! By now I hope you have read the FAQ's and Phantom has gave you the ok.

At 12/2/06 09:40 PM, Sterockicy wrote: Elite Guard Corporal!

I tried to get 1250 blams 1250 saves but was one off dammit!

Congratulations to you!

At 12/3/06 03:24 AM, FrankTheHedgehog wrote: I'm sorry for not posting much, I need to post more.

Yes you do.

At 12/3/06 03:47 AM, HoboPorn wrote: Yo sorry for not posting much still behind in school and the last thing I need to do is get kicked out for not having 2 classes done by each quarter so I am hurrying up on this, I doub ti'll be posting much in general for a while (added onto the time I havn't posted on for a while) so i'll be back whenever.

I understand how school can be a pain in the ass but try and be as active as possible. You have really slipped behind the time you have been gone. I wish you luck on all of your school work and all of that crap.

At 12/3/06 04:30 AM, Gorillazrock wrote: Hey, i'm a NGPD Captain that just turned into a Elite guard. I was hoping i could join up with you guys. Are there any requirements i need to meet (other than the obvious 1500 B/P)?

You reach the requirements, just read the FAQ and wait for Phantom's approval.

At 12/3/06 08:24 AM, Dela wrote: HO HO HO!

It ain't Christmas yet!

I just leveled up to sergeant, aided by the fact I got 118 b/p points yesterday :D.

Congratulations! At least you have one of the better badges for awhile.

... And now my next goal is 986 points away..... :'(

If you really try you can get that in two weeks, maybe less!

At 12/3/06 09:52 AM, Phantom wrote: Everything sucks. Congrats to Dela and any one else who might deserve it. Busy as fuck.

Same here. I have a boat load of homework to do that I left for the last minute.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 12:42:49

Thanks for the praise guys n_n.

And yeah, hopefully I should get EGSS within two weeks, but I have a whole load of essays to do =/. Damn, I hate school.

Aside from ranks, it seems I have a battle going on with darwin45! Last week he was about 300 points away from me, and I have reduced that to a measly 26 points. Watch out darwin, I'll catch you by tonight ;).

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 12:44:40

At 12/3/06 12:30 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 12/2/06 05:07 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:

Same here. I have a boat load of homework to do that I left for the last minute.

Man, are we bad procrastinators.... I also have homework to that I left to the last minute that I really don't feel like doing but I still have to do it anyway... Well, good luck to everyone on their assignments! Work, school, whichever it may be.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 12:52:45

Procrestinate now! Don't hold it off.

lol. Any way, I myself have lots to write, essays, stories, exams. Lots to to read, lots to do. And I feel like the whole fucking world is on my fucking shoulders. And women, is it just me or do they have knack for playing us for fools...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 13:03:15

At 12/3/06 12:59 PM, OtakuAl wrote: Yeah, thanks. I'm also very procrastinate when it comes to school, ans I never bring home my work. I'm gonna try to study for my mid-terms today though...

*See procrastination related comment on my last post. I do the same as you for the most part, except for History Class because the bitch checks assignments like her ass is on fire.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 13:38:59

Hey, OtakuAl, I noticed that you got your sig "Snowdified". It looks great!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 14:12:56

At 12/3/06 12:52 PM, Phantom wrote: Procrestinate now! Don't hold it off.

lol. Any way, I myself have lots to write, essays, stories, exams. Lots to to read, lots to do. And I feel like the whole fucking world is on my fucking shoulders. And women, is it just me or do they have knack for playing us for fools...

Wow it seems like you have a lot of do. Hope you can keep up with all of it. Also my advice to you Never try to date when tou have a ton of stuff to do it will mess you up big time. Also don't put all women in th same boat you just got to find the right one simple as that.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 14:15:59

At 12/3/06 02:12 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Wow it seems like you have a lot of do. Hope you can keep up with all of it.

I'll probably have a nervous breakdown some time this week :-D

Also my advice to you Never try to date when tou have a ton of stuff to do it will mess you up big time. Also don't put all women in th same boat you just got to find the right one simple as that.

I wish I was dating right now...It's a long frustrating story, but women are cruel, the end.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 14:30:32

I was just informed that my power will be out all day on tuesday. First O had to go to a crummy barmitzvah my whole saturday and now on tuesday I wont be getting any B/P points at all. No, this week is not looking good for me at all.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 14:46:41

At 12/3/06 02:30 PM, Hemlok wrote: I was just informed that my power will be out all day on tuesday. First O had to go to a crummy barmitzvah my whole saturday and now on tuesday I wont be getting any B/P points at all. No, this week is not looking good for me at all.

Oooh, a who's week is crappier contest. This I love. 4 exams a week, English, Math and everything else you can think off, including pop quizzes. A test tomorrow, which I'm not sure what it's about, a long ass trip to some desolate desert on Wednesday which means I won't be seeing my shrink this week since she's only available on Wednesdays, and I'll miss a full day of B/P, even though I'll have power.

Wanna beat that?

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 15:27:59

At 12/3/06 02:46 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 12/3/06 02:30 PM, Hemlok wrote: I was just informed that my power will be out all day on tuesday. First O had to go to a crummy barmitzvah my whole saturday and now on tuesday I wont be getting any B/P points at all. No, this week is not looking good for me at all.
Oooh, a who's week is crappier contest. This I love. 4 exams a week, English, Math and everything else you can think off, including pop quizzes. A test tomorrow, which I'm not sure what it's about, a long ass trip to some desolate desert on Wednesday which means I won't be seeing my shrink this week since she's only available on Wednesdays, and I'll miss a full day of B/P, even though I'll have power.

Wanna beat that?

As for having your power out for all day on tuesday, i have to say that blows pretty bad.

As for having a bunch of tests, every school and college in america is having tests right now. Everyone has to go through finals this week.

Relationship Crew

NG Radio podcast Club

Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 15:34:43

At 12/3/06 02:46 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 12/3/06 02:30 PM, Hemlok wrote: I was just informed that my power will be out all day on tuesday. First O had to go to a crummy barmitzvah my whole saturday and now on tuesday I wont be getting any B/P points at all. No, this week is not looking good for me at all.
Oooh, a who's week is crappier contest. This I love. 4 exams a week, English, Math and everything else you can think off, including pop quizzes. A test tomorrow, which I'm not sure what it's about, a long ass trip to some desolate desert on Wednesday which means I won't be seeing my shrink this week since she's only available on Wednesdays, and I'll miss a full day of B/P, even though I'll have power.

Wanna beat that?

We'll I'm not going to get into a pissing contest about who's week is crappiest but I will say that this upcoming week will be one of my busiest and hardest weeks to get through. All I can say is that as you get older it only gets better.

lol, please note the sarcasm.

Congratulations to Sterockicy on getting the EG Corporal badge! One of my favorites.

Congratulations to Dela on EG Sergeant! Good work!

Welcome to Gorillazrock and Imacow!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 15:44:24

At 12/3/06 02:46 PM, Phantom wrote:

Oooh, a who's week is crappier contest. This I love. 4 exams a week, English, Math and everything else you can think off, including pop quizzes. A test tomorrow, which I'm not sure what it's about, a long ass trip to some desolate desert on Wednesday which means I won't be seeing my shrink this week since she's only available on Wednesdays, and I'll miss a full day of B/P, even though I'll have power.

Wanna beat that?

Yes, I wanna beat that! 5 exams, 2 presentations, one being 15 minutes long, which I haven't even prepared for, and one essay. No trips for me though! Oh, and one more thing, School sucks. (By the way, I made a new sig, what do you guys think about it?)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 15:48:18

At 12/3/06 02:46 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 12/3/06 02:30 PM, Hemlok wrote: I was just informed that my power will be out all day on tuesday. First O had to go to a crummy barmitzvah my whole saturday and now on tuesday I wont be getting any B/P points at all. No, this week is not looking good for me at all.
Oooh, a who's week is crappier contest. This I love. 4 exams a week, English, Math and everything else you can think off, including pop quizzes. A test tomorrow, which I'm not sure what it's about, a long ass trip to some desolate desert on Wednesday which means I won't be seeing my shrink this week since she's only available on Wednesdays, and I'll miss a full day of B/P, even though I'll have power.

I was not asking for a contest, just informing how some people have a good chance on passing me up. I have a lot of tests this week as well, plus a project due and I'm starting a whole bunch of homework. I see my shrink once every other friday and this is the friday. I'm going to see a Christmas Carol on thursday for some reason also. I have a pretty bad week too.

Wanna beat that?

Naw, not really.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 16:22:14

Hey guys, where is EagleRock, our leader? I've checked the thread and he has been away for 3 or 4 days now...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 16:29:58

Today has been a good day for b/p so far. Seems like they just keep rolling in!

At 12/3/06 03:48 PM, Hemlok wrote: I was not asking for a contest, just informing how some people have a good chance on passing me up. I have a lot of tests this week as well, plus a project due and I'm starting a whole bunch of homework. I see my shrink once every other friday and this is the friday. I'm going to see a Christmas Carol on thursday for some reason also. I have a pretty bad week too.

I wish I could pass you! Unfortunately you are something like 4000 points in front of me so I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen anytime soon.

As for us people with the hard week coming up (myself included) a little advice seems like it could help. This is what I do. Shut up, quit your bitching, take care of your shit, and do the best you can do! :O This goes out to no one in particular and everyone who needs it.

It's also not meant to be taken offensively so hopefully none is taken.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 16:50:16

At 12/3/06 04:22 PM, PenguinLink wrote: Hey guys, where is EagleRock, our leader? I've checked the thread and he has been away for 3 or 4 days now...

He has a busy job and wife now, so that leaves him little time for NG, even less for us. But in case you were wondering, for whenever he isn't around every question, suggestion, whatever goes to me.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 18:53:57

At 12/3/06 04:50 PM, Phantom wrote:

He has a busy job and wife now, so that leaves him little time for NG, even less for us. But in case you were wondering, for whenever he isn't around every question, suggestion, whatever goes to me.

Don't worry, Phantom. I'm not questioning your authority. I was just wondering where he was, that's all.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 19:03:25

I'm telling you guys I'm racking up some points today, I sure hope none of you are missing out.

...or maybe I do. >:)

Seems like I always come within under 1000 points of MadCow and then I have to leave! >:|

..someday I will pass you just like I said I would. :)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 19:08:13

At 12/3/06 07:03 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: I'm telling you guys I'm racking up some points today, I sure hope none of you are missing out.
...or maybe I do. >:)

I'm racking up some points as well. Shh, don't tell anyone, it's between you and me, pwroftheseagoat......

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 19:31:40

I'm trying to get the same amount of saves as blams. I'm also getting close. I'm only about 50 saves away. There are so much good flash coming through these days. I remember, back in the day, it was like crap after crap after crap. I wanna get deity whistle and the gold badges.

Charlie: I'm about to show you the white-hot cream of an 8th grade boy.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 19:35:13

At 12/3/06 07:31 PM, HomerDough wrote: I'm trying to get the same amount of saves as blams. I'm also getting close. I'm only about 50 saves away. There are so much good flash coming through these days. I remember, back in the day, it was like crap after crap after crap. I wanna get deity whistle and the gold badges.

I agree. Way back in 2005, the majority of flashes under judgement were pure crap. But now, there seems to be more quality ones than crappy ones. That's why I have more saves than blams, currently.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-12-03 19:51:34

At 12/3/06 07:35 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 12/3/06 07:31 PM, HomerDough wrote:
...more good flash than bad..
..I agree.

I don't really think so it's just that the bad flash gets blammed so quickly now that most don't even realize it's there. But the crap is still plentiful you just have to stick around and wait for it so you can kill it while it's there. If you are like me, where most days you just log in a few times a day to get points then you'll miss most of the crap because it's already in the obituaries.