At 10/23/06 10:49 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:At 10/23/06 09:26 PM, Hemlok wrote:More like the fifth time I've seen that one. I'm pretty sure we'll get another chance to flag it.At 10/23/06 09:01 PM, milinko959 wrote: This is at least the third time this has been submitted without improvement. Flag for malicious if you will.It's been blammed, too bad.
I have only seen that particular one twice. There's one he has made that I have seen at least ten times. You know the one were that green worm gets crushed by the fan, right?
On a related topic it seems that all of ryoshenron1's flash has been deleted and possibly the account. Almost all the flash I've pointed out as stolen was from him. Just goes to show that stealing doesn't pay!
That it does not.
At 10/23/06 09:44 PM, Hemlok wrote:Yes but your badge is super sexy! It's worth it. I wish I had only 199 to go.At 10/23/06 09:40 PM, generalmario wrote: hey guys just wanted to say i have abow 199 more points to go until my next rank but i think it is worth it.Lucky you. I need 1,748 more points until my next badge. :(
I can't deny that statement! Ya, it would be nice to have less then 200 to go again.
I'll probably be able to pass up Casualty in the next week. But I'll be going on leave next week until the 12th so he'll probably pass me while I'm gone. :'(
Poor Casualty, always trying his best.
At 10/22/06 06:32 PM, ElMaster wrote: I just passed 9,900 BP points so that means I'm finally in the top 300 BPers!Welcome to the top 300 and congratulations!
I forgot to congratulate you so I am now.
Congrats Elmaster!