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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 20:18:52

At 10/21/06 07:24 PM, Casualty wrote:
At 10/21/06 07:22 PM, Hemlok wrote: Breaking away from your heated conversation, I would like to say that I just upgraded to Elite Guard Liutenant Colonel. I must say that this badge is extremely sexy.
2 grades ahead of me, and started one year later... Ah I'll be fast but hey who cares anyway.

I wouldn't worry about it. I've only been succesfully passed up once.

God damn you Omgee!
At 10/21/06 08:13 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
Very nice! Congratulations on EG Lieutenant Colonel one of the cooler looking badges I think.

Thanks! Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel is my second favorite badge. Colonel is my favorite.

The 40% extra VP doesn't hurt either. :P

No it does not. :)

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 22:07:14

Rank up congrats to:

ElMaster - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Casualty - Elite Guard Captain
Hemlok - Elite Guard Liutenant Colonel

At 10/16/06 04:04 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
And since I'm posting, Join my new forums!

Just did. Cool site. Hopefully it's a success. =)

At 10/21/06 03:11 PM, Casualty wrote:
The stats per period thing. Log in and click the link if you haven't seen it yet, and... FEEDBACK PLEASE! =P

I noticed it right away. Interesting to know how many B/P (what I'll use it most for) I gain on average per week, month and year etc.

But if your looking for more ideas (or a reminder) I'd like to see a feature where it tells you what your 'per whatever time period' since a certain date.

Like say I wanted to know how many posts I average a week since July 1st or something, because we all go through super active streaks and inactive streaks; and an overall average can be misleading, yanno?


Barracks Roster - October 21st 2006

Last update page 538.

Congrats again to ThePunisher52 for reaching EGSC!

Welcome to: ArtDanVal, pwroftheseagoat, DarkSoldier, RyanKajito and Irish-Pimp
Goodbye: Frenzy, fadedshadow, homer8722 and Black-Flame.

Top 10 Gainers:

2048 - pepeatumi
1734 - Phantom
1731 - Seamonky
1451 - Donthurtme
1413 - ADT
1344 - Major-punk
1338 - Tannerite
1311 - dave
1223 - BlueHippo
1218 - Hemlok

Rank // B/P // Gain // Name

01 // 41,885 // 1223 // BlueHippo
02 // 41,341 // 1413 // ADT
03 // 39,313 // 1338 // Tannerite
04 // 37,704 // 1734 // Phantom
05 // 31,815 // 1344 // Major-punk
06 // 30,871 // 0165 // EagleRock
07 // 30,294 // 0715 // ThePunisher52
08 // 30,153 // 0019 // SlashFirestorm
09 // 29,850 // 2048 // pepeatumi
10 // 25,486 // 1731 // Seamonky
11 // 22,138 // 0206 // llusion-Washu
12 // 21,244 // 0751 // Dream-of-Duke
13 // 19,122 // 0053 // worldfamous
14 // 17,763 // 0677 // Coop83
15 // 15,513 // 1218 // Hemlok
16 // 15,285 // NEW! // ArtDanVal
17 // 14,974 // 1311 // dave
18 // 14,618 // 0537 // RoobyKillAll
19 // 14,434 // 1451 // Donthurtme
20 // 13,330 // 1087 // MadCow
21 // 12,715 // 0458 // Casualty
22 // 12,323 // NEW! // pwroftheseagoat
23 // 09,814 // 1055 // ElMaster
24 // 09,099 // 1144 // arianna1
25 // 07,638 // NEW! // Irish-Pimp
26 // 07,320 // 0687 // HoboPorn
27 // 05,870 // 0516 // ever-vigilant
28 // 05,719 // 0213 // Peregrinus
29 // 05,469 // 0070 // KungFuCow
30 // 04,846 // 0034 // AustinR
31 // 04,228 // NEW! // RyanKajito
32 // 04,052 // 0269 // Sixers1fan
33 // 04,013 // 0271 // Socially-Failed
34 // 03,630 // 0001 // Turkeybean
35 // 03,471 // 0023 // RSQViper
32 // 03,166 // 0000 // Mitsubishi
33 // 02,389 // 0217 // dawin45
35 // 02,034 // 0140 // Dela
36 // 01,828 // 0086 // Dante-Son-Of-Sparda
37 // 01,793 // 0051 // generalmario
38 // 01,56 // NEW! // DarkSoldier

worldfamous and Coop83 post more please. Haven't heard from you guys in weeks.

I keep thinking I'm forgeting something... =/

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 22:18:18

At 10/21/06 10:07 PM, Major-punk wrote: Rank up congrats to:

ElMaster - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant


Like say I wanted to know how many posts I average a week since July 1st or something, because we all go through super active streaks and inactive streaks; and an overall average can be misleading, yanno?

That's a great idea. There are weeks that I get barely any points at all, and others where I do great.


Barracks Roster - October 21st 2006
Last update page 538.


Top 10 Gainers:

2048 - pepeatumi

Wow almost double of what I did. Great job.

Rank // B/P // Gain // Name
23 // 09,814 // 1055 // ElMaster

1055 points divided by 19 days(you posted last update on 10/2) is 55.52 bp points per day.
That's excellent for me considering I have school. I'm happy with that per day average.

24 // 09,099 // 1144 // arianna1

You posted some time ago that you wanted to pass me...well you're going to have to do better than that =D

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 22:26:51

At 10/21/06 10:07 PM, Major-punk wrote: Rank up congrats to:

ElMaster - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant


Casualty - Elite Guard Captain


Hemlok - Elite Guard Liutenant Colonel

Thanks for posting me up here.


Barracks Roster - October 21st 2006

This is awesome. Thank you so much Major!

Last update page 538.
Congrats again to ThePunisher52 for reaching EGSC!

Ya, he deserves it.

Welcome to: ArtDanVal, pwroftheseagoat, DarkSoldier, RyanKajito and Irish-Pimp


Goodbye: Frenzy, fadedshadow, homer8722 and Black-Flame.

Good bye.

Top 10 Gainers:

2048 - pepeatumi
1734 - Phantom
1731 - Seamonky
1451 - Donthurtme
1413 - ADT
1344 - Major-punk
1338 - Tannerite
1311 - dave
1223 - BlueHippo

Only by five points. :(

1218 - Hemlok

Sweet, I made this list!

Rank // B/P // Gain // Name

01 // 41,885 // 1223 // BlueHippo
02 // 41,341 // 1413 // ADT
03 // 39,313 // 1338 // Tannerite
04 // 37,704 // 1734 // Phantom
05 // 31,815 // 1344 // Major-punk
06 // 30,871 // 0165 // EagleRock
07 // 30,294 // 0715 // ThePunisher52
08 // 30,153 // 0019 // SlashFirestorm
09 // 29,850 // 2048 // pepeatumi
10 // 25,486 // 1731 // Seamonky
11 // 22,138 // 0206 // llusion-Washu
12 // 21,244 // 0751 // Dream-of-Duke
13 // 19,122 // 0053 // worldfamous
14 // 17,763 // 0677 // Coop83

I'll pass you someday.

15 // 15,513 // 1218 // Hemlok

Wow, I feel proud of myself.

16 // 15,285 // NEW! // ArtDanVal

Your getting close!

worldfamous and Coop83 post more please. Haven't heard from you guys in weeks.

I don't know what's up with Coop but Worldfamous is enjoying his time in college.

I keep thinking I'm forgeting something... =/

Who cares? This was an awesome update!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 22:28:36

Congrats to Hemlok who I am totally jealous of. >:C

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 22:43:57

At 10/21/06 10:28 PM, MetalDart wrote: Congrats to Hemlok who I am totally jealous of. >:C

Thank you! Don't worry, you'll get there eventually.


I'm touched.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 23:00:05

At 10/21/06 03:48 PM, Seamonky wrote:
At 10/21/06 03:46 PM, Phantom wrote:
At 10/21/06 03:35 PM, pepeatumi wrote: Something is very wrong as in, someone may have stolen his account? The way I see it its either that or Deucenine has flipped his lid.
Anything is possible, but I think he was hacked. Strange none the less.
Yeah, I have to agree with Phantom here. There is no freakin way that he would just summit the Jive Machine(Stolen) and the same episode of Final Fantasy Jail Break. Someone is hacking his profile.

Ha ha, wow this is peculiar.

I'm quite flattered actually, why would he steal my game out of all the games he could have stolen? This whole situation is ridiculous, and I'm positive his accounts password has fallen into the wrong hands.

Has anyone contacted Wade (or even the author himself) yet?

I think it's hilarious that the flash that is featured on the front page was resubmitted, and passed judgement. This shows that people really don't watch the movie before voting high.

I'm sure some of you here are guilty of this, so try to clean it up, okay? :)

Barracks Roster - October 21st 2006
Last update page 538.

Well, this is new to me. :o

Congrats again to ThePunisher52 for reaching EGSC!

Big congrats.

Top 10 Gainers:
1311 - dave

Wow, I'm even on it.

Ha ha, I owned you BlueHippo. :p

This is a pretty neat list, I like being on the top 50 of something! :D Thanks for taking the time to make it.

I keep thinking I'm forgeting something... =/

Needs more cowbell.

*Wipes sweat off forehead*

Whew! Finally half way there!

I cracked 15,000 total blams/saves.

I'm halfway to the big one, but the big climb is only going to get bigger from here.

and even bigger if they add new levels :o

I think I kept a decent blam to save ratio, but it would be cool to have even blams/saves. I think I might even go for that. When one of my stats reaches 15,000 I may stop and just work on the other one to end it on an even note (I am stopping when I get EGSC). Has anyone else ever done this?

</copy and paste>

The Elite Guard Barracks

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-21 23:06:54

At 10/21/06 11:00 PM, dave wrote:
I think I kept a decent blam to save ratio, but it would be cool to have even blams/saves. I think I might even go for that. When one of my stats reaches 15,000 I may stop and just work on the other one to end it on an even note (I am stopping when I get EGSC). Has anyone else ever done this?

I'm pretty sure there is if I find the profile I'll put it here... There's even a dude who got to EGSC with only saves. Anyways, congrats on getting to 15000 BP.

And I'm only 124 BP to EGSC... I'll get there tomorrow.... Hopefully.

My name is pepeatumi... But you already knew that!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 00:36:12


Final Fantasy JailBreak 1, but he's posting it as 3. Can we flag it or what?

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 00:39:59

At 10/22/06 12:36 AM, MetalDart wrote: http://newgrounds.com/portal/view/345318

Final Fantasy JailBreak 1, but he's posting it as 3. Can we flag it or what?

Something dear wrong is going on. It has to be that his account is getting hacked.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 00:58:32

I see you have made it to Elite Guard General. Congratulations, your almost to the ultimate badge!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 01:00:28

At 10/22/06 12:58 AM, Hemlok wrote: I see you have made it to Elite Guard General. Congratulations, your almost to the ultimate badge!

Oh geez, I forgot to say the person's name.

Good job Seamonky!

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 01:09:06

At 10/22/06 01:00 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Good job Seamonky!

What? I didn't do anything. If I would to PM Wade about this, he would automatically ignore me and delete my PM because he's mean like that.

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 01:10:42

At 10/22/06 01:09 AM, Seamonky wrote:
At 10/22/06 01:00 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Good job Seamonky!
What? I didn't do anything. If I would to PM Wade about this, he would automatically ignore me and delete my PM because he's mean like that.

Didn't you just become an Elite Guard General?

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 01:12:30

At 10/22/06 01:10 AM, Hemlok wrote:
At 10/22/06 01:09 AM, Seamonky wrote:
At 10/22/06 01:00 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Good job Seamonky!
What? I didn't do anything. If I would to PM Wade about this, he would automatically ignore me and delete my PM because he's mean like that.
Didn't you just become an Elite Guard General?

O shit, that's right. Didn't even notice that. Why thank you sir. :D lol!

Guinness Book of World Record holder for the game Blur on Xbox 360, NG's Legendary Member.

Click my sig to see the best Newgrounds flash EVA! Give it a review as well. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 01:17:23

At 10/22/06 01:12 AM, Seamonky wrote:
At 10/22/06 01:10 AM, Hemlok wrote:
Didn't you just become an Elite Guard General?
O shit, that's right. Didn't even notice that. Why thank you sir. :D lol!

Hah! Anytime. I'm glad to see you check your profile often.

Xbox Live Gamertag: POTM

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 02:22:43

Due to anger issues I went on part time duty for a short period of time duty. I would like to sa sorry again for my anger issues I was only trying to get that push of motivation like I would always do in the past. But I went to far this time. While I was resting I was able to find some peace within myself and I even started working on another story (which I think is good considering I was in a rut) I even used some usernames as Characters in this story and even a member of the EGB in it as well. when it is finished I will put a new link in my sig to it.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 03:29:56

Don't apologize washu, you don't see Phantom apologizing everytime he gets angry do you?

Do what the fuck you want and don't care what anyone else thinks.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 03:59:24

At 10/21/06 10:07 PM, Major-punk wrote: Rank up congrats to:
Casualty - Elite Guard Captain

Why thank you sir.

At 10/21/06 03:11 PM, Casualty wrote:
I noticed it right away. Interesting to know how many B/P (what I'll use it most for) I gain on average per week, month and year etc.

But if your looking for more ideas (or a reminder) I'd like to see a feature where it tells you what your 'per whatever time period' since a certain date.

Like say I wanted to know how many posts I average a week since July 1st or something, because we all go through super active streaks and inactive streaks; and an overall average can be misleading, yanno?

I can do that, it'll take some time, but eventually it'll get there!

Barracks Roster - October 21st 2006

Congrats again to ThePunisher52 for reaching EGSC!

Congrats again indeed!

Welcome to: ArtDanVal, pwroftheseagoat, DarkSoldier, RyanKajito and Irish-Pimp
Goodbye: Frenzy, fadedshadow, homer8722 and Black-Flame.

Hi, goodbye.

Rank // B/P // Gain // Name
21 // 12,715 // 0458 // Casualty

Meh I'm going slowly because of school but that's ok, I don't care. Thanks for the update!




BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 03:59:45

At 10/22/06 03:29 AM, HoboPorn wrote: Don't apologize washu, you don't see Phantom apologizing everytime he gets angry do you?

Do what the fuck you want and don't care what anyone else thinks.

Thanks for that I needed that.

Actually I wasn't planning on coming back full time until tuesday. but when I saw the last ATWI80D get flagged by people I won't say out loud, I got so pissed off that I am coming back full time. Maybe I will take breaks more often since I got my creative juices following again. Oh if anyone can guess which Elite guard I used in this story on the first try I will give them a lap dance

am I joking? guess and find out

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 04:23:57

At 10/21/06 10:18 PM, ElMaster wrote:
24 // 09,099 // 1144 // arianna1

You posted some time ago that you wanted to pass me...well you're going to have to do better than that =D

I know...I'm falling apart again. For a while there I could rack up blam points like there was no tomorrow. Somewhere along the line, though, I started getting way more protect points. I still think a lot of what I blam, passes anyway. I've not had a good day in ages. For me, I would consider any day with over 70 b/p to be a halfway decent day and I've not had one like that in a long time. My guess is, you will reach EGSC first and about one month later, I will follow. I have always said, I will not go for the easy point by passing something that I think is junk. I am not accusing anyone of doing that, merely offering one possible explanation for a lack of b/p points on my part....along with the fact that some mornings I am just too darned lazy to watch anything...I doubt I will pass you as your dedication is most likely higher. I will still try to stay within 700-800 points of you, if not closing that range to a tighter race. I hope to reach EG Lieutenant First Class by the end of the year...at least, perhaps a bit beyond...we'll see.
Then, I decided to try and flag some abusive reviews. I've spent a good deal of time in the Abusive Review Thread and have flagged a bit...am still at red whistle. I am tempted to just leave it at that and stay at red whistle for as long as possible...still, some of those reviews were just too funny to read...flag-worthy of course, but funny nonetheless. I am amazed by the tiny vocabulary evidenced by many reviewers as well as some of the most creative (in a bad way) spelling I have ever encountered.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 05:02:04

At 10/22/06 04:23 AM, arianna1 wrote:
At 10/21/06 10:18 PM, ElMaster wrote:
24 // 09,099 // 1144 // arianna1

You posted some time ago that you wanted to pass me...well you're going to have to do better than that =D
I know...I'm falling apart again. For a while there I could rack up blam points like there was no tomorrow. Somewhere along the line, though, I started getting way more protect points. I still think a lot of what I blam, passes anyway. I've not had a good day in ages. For me, I would consider any day with over 70 b/p to be a halfway decent day and I've not had one like that in a long time. My guess is, you will reach EGSC first and about one month later, I will follow. I have always said, I will not go for the easy point by passing something that I think is junk. I am not accusing anyone of doing that, merely offering one possible explanation for a lack of b/p points on my part....along with the fact that some mornings I am just too darned lazy to watch anything...I doubt I will pass you as your dedication is most likely higher. I will still try to stay within 700-800 points of you, if not closing that range to a tighter race. I hope to reach EG Lieutenant First Class by the end of the year...at least, perhaps a bit beyond...we'll see.
Then, I decided to try and flag some abusive reviews. I've spent a good deal of time in the Abusive Review Thread and have flagged a bit...am still at red whistle. I am tempted to just leave it at that and stay at red whistle for as long as possible...still, some of those reviews were just too funny to read...flag-worthy of course, but funny nonetheless. I am amazed by the tiny vocabulary evidenced by many reviewers as well as some of the most creative (in a bad way) spelling I have ever encountered.

Hey at least you can keep a B/P pace and you are doing a lot better then I am in that now. I also know how it is as well when trying to vote correctly. A lot of stuff that you may not think is worthy of passing does just that passes the portal. I am not sure but I think they lower the number of blam votes needed to blam certain things for a faster Blam point so you got to be quick when it comes to try and get Blam points. I myself want to get more protect points but I find myself getting Blam points when I do get them.

As for flagging abuse reviews did you read the Review guildlines? If you didn't you should so you don't flag incorrectly. As for that crappy vocabulary Sometimes those aren't flag worth depending on what they say. here is a link to the review guildlines if you need to read them. as for the funny flag worthy reviews I been there it is those reviews that kept me in the game for a while make sure you get those before they are gone since the abuse reviews go real fast now due to the extra review mods deleting abusive reviews. I wish you luck in both your goals

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 05:11:22

Private L. McQueen reporting for duty, Sir! Permission to join the Elite Guards. You can call me Tak or McQueen. I will try serve with honor, even though i'm not a Elite Guard. Hope to hear from you soon, Sir!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 05:17:56

At 10/22/06 05:11 AM, Takutanuva112 wrote: Private L. McQueen reporting for duty, Sir! Permission to join the Elite Guards. You can call me Tak or McQueen. I will try serve with honor, even though i'm not a Elite Guard. Hope to hear from you soon, Sir!

Sorry McQueen but you need to gain 1499 more B/P points in order to be able to join the EGB. So go to the Flash portal and start racking in some B/P points. Hope to hear from you in the future.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 07:09:43

At 10/22/06 05:17 AM, illusion-Washu wrote:
At 10/22/06 05:11 AM, Takutanuva112 wrote: Private L. McQueen reporting for duty, Sir! Permission to join the Elite Guards. You can call me Tak or McQueen. I will try serve with honor, even though i'm not a Elite Guard. Hope to hear from you soon, Sir!
Sorry McQueen but you need to gain 1499 more B/P points in order to be able to join the EGB. So go to the Flash portal and start racking in some B/P points. Hope to hear from you in the future.

Yes Sir! I have already racked up points for today. I have a question Sir. How do we gain ranks in the EGB?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 07:16:31

At 10/21/06 10:07 PM, Major-punk wrote: ElMaster - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Casualty - Elite Guard Captain
Hemlok - Elite Guard Liutenant Colonel

Congrats to them.

1338 - Tannerite

One more than 1,337. :D

03 // 39,313 // 1338 // Tannerite

#3. Not bad.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 10:03:13

At 10/22/06 07:09 AM, Takutanuva112 wrote: Yes Sir! I have already racked up points for today. I have a question Sir. How do we gain ranks in the EGB?

First, we all read the bloody EGB FAQ then we understand everything, clear?

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 13:33:03

Thanks to Major-punk for the cool update! :P

At 10/21/06 10:07 PM, Major-punk wrote: Rank up congrats to:

ElMaster - Elite Guard Second Lieutenant
Casualty - Elite Guard Captain
Hemlok - Elite Guard Liutenant Colonel

Congratulations to these people for their rank ups. Also congratz to Seamonkey for EG General!

At 10/22/06 03:29 AM, HoboPorn wrote: Don't apologize washu, you don't see Phantom apologizing everytime he gets angry do you?

Do what the fuck you want and don't care what anyone else thinks.

I agree if you can't post your opinion then what's the point of posting at all!

At 10/22/06 04:23 AM, arianna1 wrote:
At 10/21/06 10:18 PM, ElMaster wrote:
24 // 09,099 // 1144 // arianna1

... I am amazed by the tiny vocabulary evidenced by many reviewers as well as some of the most creative (in a bad way) spelling I have ever encountered...

I laughed at the "tiny" vocabulary pretty funny. :)

Also this is a screamer they're flaggable now right?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 13:43:26

At 10/22/06 01:33 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
Also this is a screamer they're flaggable now right?

I know theres been alot of changes with reviews and bans etc.

But I wouldn't flag it. It's no big deal.

I gave it a 0 and it'll be removed faster if it's blammed instead of being put under admin review.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-10-22 15:12:15

At 10/22/06 07:09 AM, Takutanuva112 wrote: Yes Sir! I have already racked up points for today. I have a question Sir. How do we gain ranks in the EGB?

Like Phantom said, read the FAQ he linked to. Also, it would be wise to stop picture spamming that Halo 3 logo. I am a huge fan of Halo also, but if you like the pic so much, just make it your signature pic. If you don't know how to do this, PM me.

Picture spamming can get you banned.

BBS Signature