I've done a study of the active members of this wekend , theire b/p ratio and rank, number of blams, and number of saves and of course number of posts:
Peregrinus- Elite Guard sargeant First class- 3872blams, 1622protects and a b/p ratio of 2,38 (5posts)
dawin45(me)- Elite guard private First class -1321blams, 849 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,55 (3 posts)
Phantom - EGSC -25144blams , 10751 protects, and a blamm ratio of 2,33 (9 posts)
Tannerite- EGSC - 26,772 blams , 11,152 protects, and a blamm ratio of 2,40 (5 posts)
Hemlok - Elite Guard Major - 8,439blams, 5,831 saves, and a blam ratio of 1,44 (3 posts)
Casualty- Elite Guard First Lieutenant- 7,264 blams and 4,959 protects , and b/p ratio of 1,47 (3 posts)
FrankTheHedgehog- Elite Guard Second Lieutenant - 3,646 blams and 6,039 protects, and a b/p ratio of 0,060
Washu-chan- Elite Guard Major General -14,054 blams and 7,869 protects , and a b/p ratio of 1,78 (2 posts)
Dela- Elite Guard Private- 1,311 blams and 582protects and b/p ratio of 2,25 (2 posts)
HoboPorn- Elite Guard Master Sergeant- 3,324 blams and 3,283 ,b/p ratio of 1,01 (2 posts)
Seamonky- Elite Guard Lieutenant General - 13,697 blams and 9,987 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,37
ThePunisher52- Elite Guard General - 18,532blams and 10,998 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,68
Dante-Son-Of-Sparda -Elite Guard Private - 957blams and 784 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,22 (7 posts)
Major-punk- EGSC- 18,198 blams and 12,226 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,48 (4 posts)
Pepeatumi-Elite Guard General 16,598 blams and 11,124 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,49 (6 posts)
SlashFirestorm- EGSC-19,098 blams and 11,036 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,73 (4 posts)
ADT- EGSC- 29,870 blams and 10,029 protects and a b/p ratio of 2,97 (4 posts)
Turkeybean- Elite Guard Sergeant- 1,971 blams and 1,658 protects and b/p ratio of 1,18
RSQViper- Elite Guard Sergeant - 2,185 blams and 1,262 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,73 (2posts)
fadedshadow- Elite Guard Private - 1,071 blams and 552 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,94
EagleRock- EGSC- 19,483 blams and 11,205 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,73 (6 posts)
EIMaster- Elite Guard Praporshchik- 4,909 blams and 3,828 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,28
ever-vigilant- Elite Guard Sergeant First Class- 2,738 blams and 2,599 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,05
Sisers1fan- Elite Guard Sergeant First Class - 2,355 blams and 1,428 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,64
MetalDart- Elite Guard Major - 8,457 blams and 5,577 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,51 (2posts)
ariana1- Elite Guard Sergeant Major - 4,402 blams and 3,521 protects and a b/p ratio of 1,25