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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 22:15:00

At 12/2/05 09:29 PM, CUBErt wrote: Sir! Permission to enter. SIR!

Welcome to the Barracks, Corporal CUBErt! Glad to have another Elite Guard member here!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 23:05:15

At 12/2/05 08:30 PM, psykolord wrote: Could one of you explain to me how file swapping works? I mean, I've seen its effects, when I've gone on missions to take out abusive reviews, but I still don't know exactly how it can work. :\

File swapping is simple- you go to your Grounds Gold Account, replace the file, and change the name.

I've actually seen it before where the BB had the actionscript so advanced, that it only displayed the Barney crap for some people, and others saw an incredible quality Frame by Frame... a dissapointment.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 23:31:03

I suggest our plan of action tomarrow should be not to blam everthing that comes through the portal, but only blam stuff that comes through using suspicious accounts or maybe even newer accounts with little or no previous flash submissions, but if they have a alot of submissions and/or have a higher level, let it go ,that's if it's a good flash of course, bascially anybody with alot to lose, because I've heard that wade has been deleting accounts associated with the barney bunch, so i highly doubt that would risk a good account to submit a barney bunch flash. So keep those things in mind when you're out voting tomarrow, so we can keep friendly fire to a minimum

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 23:38:19

At 12/2/05 11:05 PM, Nomader wrote: I've actually seen it before where the BB had the actionscript so advanced, that it only displayed the Barney crap for some people, and others saw an incredible quality Frame by Frame... a dissapointment.

Ah, I've seen this technique too, Corporal. It is commonly referred to as "Time-Bombing." The maker of the flash will encode actionscript that will automatically change the entire flash name, file, and size on it's own. The code is activated instantly after the submission passes judgement. An example of this can be found here. (Change the date on your computer to the date before the movie was submitted to see the file switch.)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 23:57:28

At 12/2/05 11:38 PM, TITROTU wrote:
Ah, I've seen this technique too, Corporal. It is commonly referred to as "Time-Bombing." The maker of the flash will encode actionscript that will automatically change the entire flash name, file, and size on it's own. The code is activated instantly after the submission passes judgement. An example of this can be found here. (Change the date on your computer to the date before the movie was submitted to see the file switch.)

It didnt switch for me... I changed my date on my computer to the day before and refreshed the page and it was the same thing, I went back and reclicked your link and it was the same thing.

Oh and BTW if anyone was looking forward to an updated list of the members well not tonight, not enough has changed for it to be meaningful.
Lets see if i can get a screenshot of The Elite Guard Barracks 1337th view.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-02 23:58:56

Also, here is a example of a flash for Milano Day. Please don't get this confused with a Barney Bunch flash.

Brigadier General TITROTU, out! :)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 00:07:06

At 12/2/05 11:57 PM, major_punk wrote: Lets see if i can get a screenshot of The Elite Guard Barracks 1337th view.

Already taken care of, Master Sergeant. :)

The Elite Guard Barracks

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 00:10:23

At 12/3/05 12:07 AM, TITROTU wrote:
At 12/2/05 11:57 PM, major_punk wrote: Lets see if i can get a screenshot of The Elite Guard Barracks 1337th view.
Already taken care of, Master Sergeant. :)

Haha good thing you got it I missed it. : '(
I got 1335 then I quickly refreshed and i got 1342... heres my screenie

The Elite Guard Barracks

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 00:29:12

This Milano/ BB is gonna be hard but I have all day in front of the portal... It will be hard to tell because the BB can make good flash to pass judgment... Best to trick them and tell the Milano crew to wait for a day or add a sign of some sort to their movie title that marks them as the right crew...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 00:35:33

At 12/2/05 11:05 PM, Nomader wrote: I've actually seen it before where the BB had the actionscript so advanced, that it only displayed the Barney crap for some people, and others saw an incredible quality Frame by Frame... a dissapointment.

As have I, Corporal Nomader. We must do our best tomorrow to single out the Barney Bunch from the ranks coming through the Portal!

At 12/2/05 11:31 PM, Turk wrote: I suggest our plan of action tomarrow should be not to blam everthing that comes through the portal, but only blam stuff that comes through using suspicious accounts or maybe even newer accounts with little or no previous flash submissions, but if they have a alot of submissions and/or have a higher level, let it go ,that's if it's a good flash of course, bascially anybody with alot to lose, because I've heard that wade has been deleting accounts associated with the barney bunch, so i highly doubt that would risk a good account to submit a barney bunch flash. So keep those things in mind when you're out voting tomarrow, so we can keep friendly fire to a minimum

Staff Sergeant Turk, your works speak wisdom. Your plan of action is a good one which we should all enforce if possible tomorrow. As I said, soldiers, I will be AWOL until 1700 hours tomorrow, which leaves me at a disadvantage of protecting the Portal. My apologies to my COs and to my fellow soldiers in advance for this absence in such an untimely manner. But, as I said, it is unavoidable.


I also recommend the following guide for tomorrow:
- Do not assume flash are good or bad either way
- Do not fire until ready
- Check for suspicious usernames and authors that have not submitted other material
- Check for authentic Milano Crew loading screens and whatnot
- Otherwise, just exercise necessary precautions with generic flash

Good luck, soldiers...I certainly hope we can intercept the Barney Bunch and minimize the work of the Special Forces Team!

At 12/2/05 11:57 PM, major_punk wrote: It didnt switch for me... I changed my date on my computer to the day before and refreshed the page and it was the same thing, I went back and reclicked your link and it was the same thing.

Master Sergeant, sir, you have to actually start the flash. The loading screen is the same either way. If you start it before the date, it shows a flash about Foamy. After that date, it shows a BBS post of Wade Fulp.

Oh and BTW if anyone was looking forward to an updated list of the members well not tonight, not enough has changed for it to be meaningful.
Lets see if i can get a screenshot of The Elite Guard Barracks 1337th view.
At 12/3/05 12:07 AM, TITROTU wrote: Already taken care of, Master Sergeant. :)

An excellent accomplishment for the Barracks this is! Thank you Master Sergeant major_punk and Brigadier General TITROTU for capturing this event. Sirs, I am glad you have joined the barracks and see this fit for your home base!

I must go AWOL now as I had stated before. However, I wish all of the Elite Guard the best of luck in protecting the portal today, and thank you all for your undaunted efforts here! It makes me proud to be here in the Barracks and in the Elite Guard!

Staff Sergeant EagleRock out! To the Portal and to the Guard! Hooah!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 00:58:24

At 12/3/05 12:35 AM, EagleRock wrote: Staff Sergeant EagleRock out!

I will guard the portal the best I can until you get back.
*Faces front*
Come soldiers! To the portal we must go!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 01:04:40

So its true the 3rd will have a bb Day, sounds like it will be a blast then, these days seem to bring the most joy dont you think hehe...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 01:13:21

Some one should contact the Milano crew and tell them to put a mark on their flash movies title for us to tell... they should put maybe an X after the M... something that the BB don't know of or simply ask them to hold it off till tomorrow.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 03:32:50

At 12/3/05 12:35 AM, EagleRock wrote: Staff Sergeant EagleRock out! To the Portal and to the Guard! Hooah!

I will do my best to be present a large portion of this day, sir. It's been a bit frustrating to recieve such small amount of points this week, i must do well today. And i think i will stick to Turk's plan, it seems logical enough.

Very well, of to the portal i go. Onwards!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 04:39:59

At 12/2/05 07:19 PM, Turk wrote: tomarrow might be barney bunch day, as the Elite Guards of the Portal, I think we have job to do tomarrow.

Yes, sir. I saw that thread and I am already aware of their Drew Pickles day.

At 12/2/05 08:11 PM, TITROTU wrote: Good catch, Staff Sergeant, but be aware that tomorrow is also Milano Day.

Milano Day and Drew Pickles Day. This will be a lot of fun.

At 12/2/05 11:38 PM, TITROTU wrote: The code is activated instantly after the submission passes judgement. An example of this can be found here.

Oh, I remember that flash. It was the flash that was said to have a BSOD in it. Good thing it wasn't in that flash at all. Just the timebomb was the only thing in that flash. I remember seeing that flash. Big filesize and just a screenshot. I was thinking why that flash had high file size, but now I know why.

At 12/3/05 12:07 AM, TITROTU wrote: Already taken care of, Master Sergeant. :)

You either photoshopped or kept on refreshing the page to get that. :) Or just got it by luck.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 05:03:09

There was a few BB Flashworks just a short time ago, not that its part of the massive amounts that might come in later but i did see 2-3...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 09:59:13

At 12/2/05 02:55 PM, DaMainman wrote:
At 12/2/05 08:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: *Salutes a whole damn lot within fifteen seconds*
Careful, Master Sergeant. You may just concuss yourself, and have to put you on sick leave.

Well, the front of the skull is thick, so I wouldn't think that saluting is going to leave me with a concussion, Private. Thank you for you concern *salutes yet again*

At 12/2/05 09:11 PM, major_punk wrote: Milano Crew Forum and the Barney Bunch Forum too bad for me I wont be home much tommorow, It appears that we could have 500+ flash submitted. Alot of B/P points there...

The Milano crew has one great thing going for their flashes. That being the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles flash at the start of some of their movies. It is worth a few points though.

PEAB0 has submitted On the Moon episode 4. Report to the portal for protection duties, men!

At 12/3/05 12:58 AM, TITROTU wrote: I will guard the portal the best I can until you get back.
*Faces front*
Come soldiers! To the portal we must go!

Very good sir! *Salutes, grabs Blamming gun and Protecting net*

Let's roll!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 11:27:09

Hello, felllow soldiers...I have but a moment to return to the Barracks before I must journey away again. I have inspected the portal, and see that few of the Barney Bunch have gotten past our grip, which shows resiliance on the part of all Elite Guards. Hooah!

I wish to thank one of my COs, Brigadier General TITROTU for taking up leadership on the Portal today. Thank you sir for your service here! I'd also like to thank Master Sereant Coop83 in assisting our Brigadier General in his post.

However, the day is not out soldiers. The Barney Bunch is still out there, under the guise of innocent bystanders, ready to infiltrate the Portal with their sabotage work. Please be on alert until tonight when the onslaught has died down.

Also, might I add, a quick recon job while I was around showed more mentioning of the Elite Guard here and here. An individual by the name of RedGlare is talking about potential alliances, which we should evaluate here in the Barracks.

However, please be advised this is a low level priority until the Barney Bunch has been defeated today on the Portal. I shall present this to the Barracks with a full recon and intel ops report upon the ending of Milano/Barney Bunch day.

Thank you for your Portal work, soldiers. I unforunatly must go AWOL again. To the Portal, soldiers! Hooah!


Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 12:30:23

I just Reached Elite Guard Master Sergeant. The last of the silver ranks. I’m about 2-3 days behind on my schedule of b/p but still doing well. I’d like to thank all good and bad flash movies that made this possible…

The Elite Guard Barracks

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 13:39:20

hey guys theres a barny bunch flash called DOUG FUNNY its alright but the guy who made swaps his files so you might want to blam it.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 13:53:40

At 12/3/05 01:39 PM, RedGlare wrote: hey guys theres a barny bunch flash called DOUG FUNNY its alright but the guy who made swaps his files so you might want to blam it.

I'm not sure... The author has over 1000 XP account with a lot of submissions... I think it just sucks. But not a Barney movie... I blammed it any way since video on the flash portal makes me furious...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 14:49:30

At 12/3/05 01:39 PM, RedGlare wrote: hey guys theres a barny bunch flash called DOUG FUNNY its alright but the guy who made swaps his files so you might want to blam it.

I've just seen it go through the Portal threshold, it was protected. Keep an eye on it though, the Barney Bunch has done too much in the past for us to be lax about their members' submissions.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 14:53:31

At 12/3/05 01:53 PM, the_phantom16 wrote:

I'm not sure... The author has over 1000 XP account with a lot of submissions... I think it just sucks. But not a Barney movie... I blammed it any way since video on the flash portal makes me furious...

my mistake sorry about that

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 15:02:08

At 12/3/05 01:39 PM, RedGlare wrote: hey guys theres a barny bunch flash called DOUG FUNNY its alright but the guy who made swaps his files so you might want to blam it.

It's passed, but I don't think there'll be any file swaps from this author. Hmm, today, I've only seen three Drew Pickles flashes. I guess the rest of the flashes will be submitted when I'm off the internet, which is in an hour's time. :(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 15:33:10

Good Work... No one here fell for it. I wrote and showed different ranks the Wi/Ht guys fell for it... But not you guys. Maybe because you just don't care but eh...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 16:04:01

I just updated the membership list. This time its much more accurtate and some added stats. ( 2:26pm )

01.) XwaynecoltX 25898 Elite Guard Genral
02.) DonDoli 23744 Eite Guard Lieutenant General
03.) iscRulz 22138 Elite Guard Major General
04.) LittleMissVixen 20764 Elite Guard Brigadier General
05.) TITROTU 20211 Elite Guard Brigadier General
06.) Bahamut7 19774 Elite Guard Brigadier General
07.) Andersson 16704 Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel
08.) EnglishPhantom 12822 Elite Guard Captain
09.) Frostbreath 7856 Elite Guard Sergeant Major
10.) thephantom_16 7006 Elite Guard Sergeant Major
11.) Coop83 6870 Elite Guard Master Sergeant
12.) major_punk 6395 Elite Guard Master Sergeant
13.) -repent- 4662 Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
14.) Turk 4233 Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
15.) EagleRock 4220 Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
16.) Vince50 3011 Elite Guard Sergeant
17.) Nomader 2653 Elite Guard Corporal
18.) Quixoni 2584 Elite Guard Corporal
19.) CUBErt 2502 Elite Guard Corporal
20.) psykolord 2487 Elite Guard Private First Class
21.) BIgmac_318 1683 Elite Guard Private
22.) -Mitsubishi- 1623 Elite Guard Private
23.) DaMainman 1515 Elite Guard Private

#'s 13 and 14 looked different in the post it screen so they may be messed up : (

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 16:31:57

It's a bit off now, sir.
Because, due to actions on the front lines in the Portal, I was promoted from Private First Class to Corporal just a few minutes ago.
And I've noticed that some of the flashes made for Milano Day weren't actually that bad. Some were, but others were actually quite decent. :O

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 16:54:52

At 12/3/05 04:04 PM, major_punk wrote: I just updated the membership list. This time its much more accurtate and some added stats. ( 2:26pm )

Cool. Well done, sir. This is great...it lets you see where you stand amung the ranks!

Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 17:52:26

At 12/3/05 12:30 PM, the_phantom16 wrote: I just Reached Elite Guard Master Sergeant. The last of the silver ranks. I’m about 2-3 days behind on my schedule of b/p but still doing well. I’d like to thank all good and bad flash movies that made this possible…

Congratulations on your advancement, Sir!

At 12/3/05 02:49 PM, DaMainman wrote:
At 12/3/05 01:39 PM, RedGlare wrote: hey guys theres a barny bunch flash called DOUG FUNNY its alright but the guy who made swaps his files so you might want to blam it.
I've just seen it go through the Portal threshold, it was protected. Keep an eye on it though, the Barney Bunch has done too much in the past for us to be lax about their members' submissions.

Excellent observation, Private. Diligence at all times!

At 12/3/05 04:04 PM, major_punk wrote: I just updated the membership list. This time its much more accurtate and some added stats. ( 2:26pm )

Excellent stats page, Master Sergeant, sir!

At 12/3/05 04:31 PM, psykolord wrote: It's a bit off now, sir.
Because, due to actions on the front lines in the Portal, I was promoted from Private First Class to Corporal just a few minutes ago.
And I've noticed that some of the flashes made for Milano Day weren't actually that bad. Some were, but others were actually quite decent. :O

Well, Corporal, congrats on your advancement! However, you can't expect Master Sergeant major_punk to be updating the list every second now, can you? Your status change will come in due time, Corporal!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2005-12-03 18:27:56

To: E.G. Staff Sergeant EagleRock - Sir, yes Sir! Reporting for duty Sir! As you can see from my profile I have risen through the NG Ranks very quickly! As a matter of fact Sir, I only became interested in increasing my rank during the last couple of weeks. For the first month-and-a-half that I became an NG member, I did not patrol the Portal. Then I realized it was my duty to help protect the NG community by Blamming the vile crap that appeared at the Portal; and to protect entertaining flash submissions! I shall not waver from my duty, Sir! I shall continue to patrol the Portal and check in for updates here at the Elite Guard Barracks, regularly, Sir! I salute you!