At 5/19/06 06:31 PM, Major_punk wrote:
Well Afro_Stud recently said that he consistantly checks my account just incase I forgot to deposit a few minutes before midnight so I doubt I'll ever miss one as long as hes active.
Heh, nice. I am trying to deposit around midnight NG time each day now. I used to just deposit about in the middle of the day though =P, Afro_Stud sure is a swell guy =P.
He probibly does the same for you too, so this is most likely the right call. =P
Yeah, I think it is neat that we are 40 apart though, a nice round number.
I wish I made my account while I was still 13...
I wish I made mine before I was 13 lolol. Well I dont know, I would have probably forgotten my account info and not have deposited or anything at that moment, but my sign up date is good for me =P. So if I get EGSC at 14 does that make me the youngest? I wonder how long I will be able to keep it =O.
I better get EGSC before 3/11/07!
Yeah I was away that day.
Meh, oh well, then that means not too much of a loss for you. As noone would have had a lot of B/P points to pass you.
Too late now Wednesday has already passed. If you really wanted it you should've submitted it on the Thursday so you have as much time as possible for people to review it. But theres always next time. =)
Yeah, oh well though hehe. I might try for some award someday but I am fine with not having any for awhile. I find it odd that more people review bad flashes and they should know it will be blammed and not count toward their review count rather than reviewing flashes that will pass =P.
I dont think mine was that bad haha
Who's Hamy_jamy? Or is he just special because his alias sounds similiar to yours? =P
He is lke the 2nd or 4th top reviewer, you can check in the portal statistics. At first I found it odd his alias was almost exactly like mine, well it looks quite alike. He also gave me 10s so props to Hamy_jamy ^-^.
You mean earn it, or cheat like I did? ^_^
I am going to try to earn it myself but I wont stop anyone from co-authoring me =P.
Shit, I'm gonna be more busy then usual next week so this is bad news for my b/p rank. =|
Friday might be a little of a buzz for me, I have a birthday party to go to heh, but the rest of the week should be nice.
Heh that's a pretty interesting theme, you do know after seeing Afro_Studs I'm gonna want one ready for August 29th. ^_^
August 29th - Major_punk day! Swell! I think I might start making birthday falshes for all the kids I know or think are cool. Too bad I missed a couple, off the top of my head I missed Bonus and Mikes.
Going from colonel or whatever rank I am to that level looks great, makes you look like a more "mature" or "professional" user hahaha.
New Top 100 saviors update!!! !!!
Awesome, thanks for the update, it looks great.
As for me I think I am going to pick up skating (skateboarding =P) again. So I may lose a bit in the summer. Also I think I am going to go to a cross-country camp like thing for like 4-5 days sometime in the summer.
But the camp is from 7:30-9:00 am so I will probably be able to actually make more B/P points, before I go and 9:00 is earlier than i would probably wake up normally >_>. I am trying to wake up earlier though, I really want to hahaha.