At 2/17/21 05:56 PM, Little-Rena wrote:Animal Abuse, don't watch.
Jesus dude, what the fuck is wrong with people.
At 2/17/21 05:56 PM, Little-Rena wrote:Animal Abuse, don't watch.
Very glad I didn't see whatever the hell this was. Fucked up man.
(doc·tor pack)
"Nixon had powers including, but not limited to: telekinesis, super speed, superhuman strength, invisibility, and mind control."
I Know im not a recruit,but i just need to report this
this guy named @ChristelJ stole a game named "NEWGROUNDS BLOGGER SIMULATOR" From @Blogsimulator,The Proof that it is stolen is the date of publish,the stolen version was published at 16 of Feb,and the Original was made at 14 of Feb
Here is the link of the games i mentioned here:
Stolen Game(Report it):
This ones suspicious, it came from an account created just today and I can find pictures of it on Google but no real source.
Reupload of Minecraft Tower Defence 2:
Video containing mostly ads for other shows:
Reupload of a MelieConiek video:
At 2/17/21 08:54 PM, ScarfaceOnVHS wrote:This ones suspicious, it came from an account created just today and I can find pictures of it on Google but no real source.
I think that this is the original:
At 2/17/21 09:53 PM, Mikoma wrote:At 2/17/21 08:54 PM, ScarfaceOnVHS wrote:This ones suspicious, it came from an account created just today and I can find pictures of it on Google but no real source.
I think that this is the original:
Guess Is Another Case of Stolen Content,We Should Report it
Reupload of some cat video:
Reupload of somebody's else's gif:
This same person also uploaded some art which I couldn't find on TinEye or Google Image Reverse search, but I have a feeling it's stolen too if they put up a gif that wasn't theirs.
Meme video with copyrighted music:
Guys,I Think This Game is Stolen,The Layout is Made for mobile
Here is the game:
Edit:I Also Found This Game With Wrong Rating:
pettanko rights activist
yo, like, look at my wizards, my dudebrah, they could be cool or something iunno
Can Anyone Confirm What Mathey Said is True?
At 2/18/21 05:54 PM, Gannon09 wrote:Can Anyone Confirm What Mathey Said is True?
It's not enough for any of them to get bumped up a rating. For some reason they like trying to flag movies that got uploaded over twenty years ago.
(doc·tor pack)
"Nixon had powers including, but not limited to: telekinesis, super speed, superhuman strength, invisibility, and mind control."
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Soldiers,I Found This Game That Is Probally Stolen,If you Can,Search This Game on Play Store to Confirm is Stolen
The Stolen Game:
Was the NGPD finally closed and deleted? Or is my browser being odd?
At 2/19/21 06:13 PM, MrAngel wrote:Was the NGPD finally closed and deleted? Or is my browser being odd?
Looks to me like it's still around:
Guys,I Just Found a Movie on the portal that used a voice from this video:,He did not gave credit to the original creator,Meaning he STOLE IT,also,the voice plays on 0:39 ultil 0:43.
Here is the movie who stole the voice:
Although the animation is decent, it still uses a Beach Boys song in the background.
CS - Musician, animator, and nostalgia enthusiast since 2020.
- they/she - 🏳️⚧️
These two entries for the FunkinJam on Newgrounds are stolen from another creator.
You can find original creator upload on this very site:
As well a continuation of the series on the original creator's YouTube channel.
At 2/20/21 10:26 PM, Nabella wrote:These two entries for the FunkinJam on Newgrounds are stolen from another creator.
You can find original creator upload on this very site:
As well a continuation of the series on the original creator's YouTube channel.
As a mere observer of this thread (following this thread simply because it seems smart to stay on top of things like this), knowing that these submissions are just gonna simply be removed I say send the Lemon Demon to eat... err I mean funk up this mess!
At 11/29/05 01:29 PM, EagleRock wrote:Welcome to the Elite Guard Barracks, soldier!
Before you go AWOL without inspecting the barracks, let me take you on a quick tour:
Please note this is NOT just another B/P club. I was debating making this group as I figured either people would make fun of it or accuse me of copying other clubs. Really, this is a place where the NG users can congregate and talk about anything, with the following rules:
- Anyone can post here, as long as they are in the Elite Guard or are genuinely interested in the Elite Guard.
- You must act like you are in the army. If you are not in the EG, act like a potential recruit.
- Respect your superior officers, just like in the army. If you're a private, show respect to a sergeant. You can joke around and everything, but at least keep with the whole theme and act like you are being insubordinate.
- Just have fun! I personally get a kick out of talking about the EG like this and referring to myself as "Sergeant EagleRock", so that's why this is here. Hopefully others will join in the fun. If not, well, I'm sure this thread will fade away soon enough.
Now report in, soldiers!
R-reporting for doody s-sir. I do not know what these ranks are based on! But this seems fun. I have a whistle.
Voice of Pipistrella in Pit People, Riley from Zonestream. Voice of Lily, Aurora and Lenora in Everwing
At 2/21/21 12:31 AM, Piper wrote:R-reporting for doody s-sir. I do not know what these ranks are based on! But this seems fun. I have a whistle.
Hi @Piper! Nice to see you venture out into the world of the Elite Guard!
The ranks are based on your blam/protect points you get from voting on under judgment entries in the Portal.
In order to be a EGB member, you need at least 2,500 points (read more about that here). We also have the ROTC Program that lets less experienced portal users like yourself get started as a trainee. You should also read up on our Manifesto and our Code of Conduct.
Take a look at those pages, and hopefully, you'll get a better idea of who we are and what we do. In the meantime, please feel encouraged to hang out in the thread, help the cause by posting rule-breaking entries, ask questions about us, or anything else that would be helpful.
Once you reach Portal Security level, if you are interested in joining the ROTC, let us know - we'll evaluate you then, and see if you have the right stuff. Thanks for your interest, and we all hope to see you soon fighting for a better Portal!
I'm not interested in joining by any means (plus I know I don't have the right B/P or whistle rank yet), but I have a question out of mere curiosity. How much of your daily lives would you say being part of the EGB takes up, especially if you do it regularly? By that I mean doing the actual duty, not the act of just being a member.
At 2/21/21 10:57 AM, TheGamechanger wrote:I'm not interested in joining by any means (plus I know I don't have the right B/P or whistle rank yet), but I have a question out of mere curiosity. How much of your daily lives would you say being part of the EGB takes up, especially if you do it regularly? By that I mean doing the actual duty, not the act of just being a member.
That is a very good question. We have quite a few folks in various time zones actively monitoring and supporting this forum; some members are on 2-3 hours a day, others maybe an hour, and others pop in every few days. There's no set schedule, and it's definitely a labor of love. I can tell you, as the Chief Barracks Officer, that they all have a very high level of dedication, professionalism and loyalty to the Barracks and the functions the Barracks perform.
It's not so much how much time they spend here - it's the quality of the time spent when they are. I can only answer for myself - I'm constantly checking in to see if anything needs attention, but I may not comment on something if someone else has handled it. I would say I'm on and off the forum about an hour a so a day. I am sure there are others who spend much more time than me here. Based on their activity, I would venture that EGSC @Guthrie , EGSC @Little-Rena, EGSC @Exedor and a few others spend at least an hour a day - or more - here, if I had to guess.
Like anything else, if you like what you're doing, it isn't a job!
Hope this helped.
EGSC byteslinger,
Chief Barracks Officer
Guys,I Found Another stolen movie,this time the guy who stole it stole a video from youtube named "cocoa but it sucks lol",then put it on newgrounds.
here is the original:
and here is the stolen so that we can report it:
At 2/20/21 12:08 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:
No animation.
Still no animation
Audio visualizer and no animation
Literally hosting to run on Newgrounds.
CS - Musician, animator, and nostalgia enthusiast since 2020.
- they/she - 🏳️⚧️