At 7/18/19 11:15 AM, TheReviewTrickster wrote:A Gold Whistle is required for joining, by the way.
Incorrect. While gold is nice, the minimum is bronze (reference).
At 7/18/19 10:58 AM, Dovod wrote:I'm Dovod, Private First Class. I would like to join the Barracks. How can I enter?
Hi there PFC Dovod, I'm the acting Recruiting Officer. I'll lay out what we're looking for and where you fit, and we can see where you're at:
Minimum Requirements for Membership (see that link above)
1. A Blam/Protect rank of "Private" or above (2,500 B/P minimum).
You meet this criteria
2. Advanced Whistle status (Bronze or better).
You currently have not met this criteria, more on that below.
3. Sufficient posting quality (minimal one-liners, intelligent posts that contribute to threads, etc).
You seem to like to contribute to conversations :)
4. Sufficient review quality (helpful and civil, with constructive criticism, regardless of the flash or author).
I find your reviews to be of good quality and tone. It's good to see more than just "Nice", since artists generally like well rounded feedback.
5. No outstanding bans or recent disreputable behavior.
Nothing I've seen
6. No zero-effort flashes (static images, single frames, tiny loops, etc) after 1 January 2009.
None observed
At 7/18/19 11:47 AM, Dovod wrote:Oh, I use the flag that says "Report Abuse". I thought there was a whistle.
Are you filling out the pop up form which asks you to select a category and write a short justification? Our system is human driven on both ends: a user clicks the flag, selects the appropriate category by clicking the image, and writes a short blurb. A mod then reviews the flag and actions it as required.
It's possible you're doing it correctly and just haven't passed the threshold for getting your bronze whistle. If you feel like speeding that process up, there are always things to find in the audio portal's unscouted section.
I'll have a talk to the other staff and see where everyone is at. I'm definitely interested in you sticking around to meet everyone and chit chat in the interim.
If you have any questions, you're more than welcome to ask here or PM me.
At 7/18/19 11:50 AM, Little-Rena wrote:I used to be a member, but I got kicked out for inactivity, now I have issues with authority.
Stick it to the man.