this guy already got banned from the bbs for 30 days, but made a newspost about it, and this guy LuckyLightTitan, said sorry double comment, after saying "hmm I think your posts are pretty normal." and he said this Shut the fuck up.
You've completely changed personality based on those responses on your shitty newspost. There's something wrong with you and it's really disturbing. (he lied about his personality, he said he was a 16 year old syrian, when he is a 20 year old saudi arabian, I have no idea why)
he also said this, "This site is filled with dumb, circlejerking pieces of shit and mods only ban those who are negative, yet they let waste of space retards like TheGamechanger (who should be fucking shot) shitpost all they want.
Even worse is Vixuzar stalking me thinking people will still believe his act. Some do, but those are the faggots retarded enought to have been friends with him in the first place."
here's the link
could you extend the ban maybe? He is still doing what he was banned for.
*EDIT* He said this to me also "Shut the fuck up."