At 12/24/15 04:54 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
This is not portal worthy.
It is what it is but it does not break any rules and should not be reported.
Edit. LOL! you beat me by seconds there Jolly.
At 12/24/15 04:54 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
This is not portal worthy.
It is what it is but it does not break any rules and should not be reported.
Edit. LOL! you beat me by seconds there Jolly.
At 12/24/15 04:54 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
This is not portal worthy.
Well, yes it is. It's an animation that someone created themselves. it's not stolen, malicious, or containing inappropriate material, so it's right where it should be. Now, whether it's good enough to [ass Judgement is another thing, but as for this, there's no need to report it. Vote however you will, tho. ;)
Gameplay footage :
Author Comments :
" ... an insanely chopped playthrough of the 1997 "Twisted Christmas" mod for Quake, recorded in FRAPS and ... "
And more escape shovelware from Eightgames :
Unpublished Submission
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 12/24/15 08:13 AM, gamejunkie wrote: If you wish to become members of the EGB you need to apply to be a member. It's like the Armed Forces, you don't just get accepted, you need to go through a recruitment process.
Thanks for the info gamejunkie,I'm working hard on raising that B/P rank!
Attention EGB Troops.
I just thought I'd drop by and let you guys know I'm not going AWOL. I'm heading up to Darwin for 10 glorious days of Fishing. A friend will be taking care of my depositing, etc while I'm away. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you all have a fabulous New Year. Enjoy.
At 12/25/15 11:57 PM, gamejunkie wrote: ... A friend will be taking care of my depositing, etc while I'm away...
Say, what?! How am I ever supposed to pass you when you cheat like this!! >:O
EGB EGSC 4IC and cheater-man!!
Merry Christmas! ;)
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 12/26/15 05:37 AM, LexaHergon wrote: Shovelware :
I'm sure the second will come anytime soon
That IS the second one. The first one died earlier today, somehow.
At 12/25/15 11:57 PM, gamejunkie wrote: Attention EGB Troops.
I just thought I'd drop by and let you guys know I'm not going AWOL. I'm heading up to Darwin for 10 glorious days of Fishing. A friend will be taking care of my depositing, etc while I'm away. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you all have a fabulous New Year. Enjoy.
Sounds wonderful! Hope you have a great time. And, of course, may you and your family have a very happy Christmas, and that 2016 bring you all peace, prosperity and health.
Enjoy your R&R, soldier - you certainly earned it!
"Super Sonic Adventures Update
Alpha release.
Next version: Beta 1.0"
Previously has which he claims to be in alpha. There certainly used to be rules about uploading continual updates of shitty previews. If there isn't any more, there should be
At 12/24/15 05:23 PM, Jolly wrote:
How many times do I have to say to you that this isn't a blam club?
Well what the fuck is it then? Nothing whatsoever happens to anyone that's breaking rules, so this thread has little purpose outside of posting stuff that should be blammed.
At 12/27/15 03:08 PM, jonthomson wrote:
"Super Sonic Adventures Update
Alpha release.
Next version: Beta 1.0"
Im here because I saw the same game...
A really quick question (I am quite a noob here), If somebody uploads a game about sonic or Mario etc, is it legal?
At 12/27/15 03:09 PM, jonthomson wrote:At 12/24/15 05:23 PM, Jolly wrote:How many times do I have to say to you that this isn't a blam club?Well what the fuck is it then? Nothing whatsoever happens to anyone that's breaking rules, so this thread has little purpose outside of posting stuff that should be blammed.
Them not being banned != Nothing happening
There used to be a blam club (which you and DoctorStrongbad should remember, considering how long you've both been on NG) and it was locked. If the EGB turns into that, which it slowly seems to be doing, then it might meet the same fate.
As you clearly know the point of this thread, at least in its current form, is to report rule breaking submissions and have them removed.
At 12/27/15 03:22 PM, Leon-ex wrote:At 12/27/15 03:08 PM, jonthomson wrote: here because I saw the same game...
"Super Sonic Adventures Update
Alpha release.
Next version: Beta 1.0"
A really quick question (I am quite a noob here), If somebody uploads a game about sonic or Mario etc, is it legal?
Legal, yes. Mario submissions (using Mario sprites) however are against the rules due to threats from Nintendo. (Unless it's very high quality, e.g. Super Mario Crossover)
At 12/27/15 03:09 PM, jonthomson wrote:At 12/24/15 05:23 PM, Jolly wrote:How many times do I have to say to you that this isn't a blam club?Well what the fuck is it then? Nothing whatsoever happens to anyone that's breaking rules, so this thread has little purpose outside of posting stuff that should be blammed.
As the highest ranking active member of the EGB, let me clear the air about this once and for all: The EGB never was, and never will be, a blam club. There is a difference between a RULE BREAKING submission and one that is just undesirable.
The rules are set by Newgrounds; we monitor the portal entries and alert the mods to those submissions that are in violation of those rules, such as stolen flashes, copyrighted content, resubmitted blammed entries, shovelware, etc. These submissions truly have no business on Newgrounds.
If a flash does NOT violate any of the rules, it is solely up to EACH INDIVIDUAL user to weigh the submission and vote based on their own observations and opinions.
This is NOT the place to post your feelings on a crappy flash - and yes, there are a lot coming in - UNLESS it breaks the rules for being legitimate. I don't want to see posts like "hey, this flash is piece of shit, why hasn't it been blammed?". Save that stuff for the general forums.
So, I respectfully request that from this point forward, we all stick to posting rule-breaking flashes here, please. I will do whatever I need to do to protect the EGB and this forum thread, and I hope that those who read this now understand what we are trying to do here.
Thank you.
EGSC byteslinger
YouTube material for the most part.
Unpublished Submission
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/25/15 11:57 PM, gamejunkie wrote: Attention EGB Troops.
I just thought I'd drop by and let you guys know I'm not going AWOL. I'm heading up to Darwin for 10 glorious days of Fishing. A friend will be taking care of my depositing, etc while I'm away. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that you all have a fabulous New Year. Enjoy.
The Vikings gave us a late Christmas present, haha. I hope you were able to watch the game.
Also, I hope you have a great New Year, too. Catch some big ones!
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/27/15 05:21 PM, byteslinger wrote:
So, I respectfully request that from this point forward, we all stick to posting rule-breaking flashes here, please. I will do whatever I need to do to protect the EGB and this forum thread, and I hope that those who read this now understand what we are trying to do here.
Well I won't bother posting on this thread then, I'm sure someone else can post all the daily shovelware.
At 12/28/15 06:35 AM, jonthomson wrote:At 12/27/15 05:21 PM, byteslinger wrote:So, I respectfully request that from this point forward, we all stick to posting rule-breaking flashes here, please. I will do whatever I need to do to protect the EGB and this forum thread, and I hope that those who read this now understand what we are trying to do here.Well I won't bother posting on this thread then, I'm sure someone else can post all the daily shovelware.
Shovelware is part of the rule breakers. You're doing fine. This message was not directed at you.
At 12/28/15 08:21 AM, byteslinger wrote:At 12/28/15 06:35 AM, jonthomson wrote:Shovelware is part of the rule breakers. You're doing fine.At 12/27/15 05:21 PM, byteslinger wrote:So, I respectfully request that from this point forward, we all stick to posting rule-breaking flashes here, please. I will do whatever I need to do to protect the EGB and this forum thread, and I hope that those who read this now understand what we are trying to do here.Well I won't bother posting on this thread then, I'm sure someone else can post all the daily shovelware.
I've ceased to be interested in letting mods know that someone has uploaded "shit escape game 420" if they're free to upload "shit escape game 421" the day after. It's incredibly easy to fix, but the mods/admins show no interest in doing so. I'm more interested in eliminating the tests, previews, speedpaints, intros, crappy stick animations, crappy madness animations, pong version 8394768, but hey, if they don't explicitly break the rules, that's ok, right? This thread has run its course.
At 12/28/15 03:16 PM, Pirelot wrote:
i remember finding this on /f/ a few weeks ago
Agreed, based on the quality of his artwork. I need a link to the stolen one, tho. If something's stolen, always include a link. ;)
Unpublished Submission
Should be on YouTube, not here.
At 12/28/15 06:16 PM, Pirelot wrote:At 12/28/15 04:35 PM, Exedor wrote:i'd find it and link, but it came from /f/, and files usually get deleted after a day, i think i have a better luck finding it on swfchanAt 12/28/15 03:16 PM, Pirelot wrote:, based on the quality of his artwork. I need a link to the stolen one, tho. If something's stolen, always include a link. ;)
i remember finding this on /f/ a few weeks ago
I'll save you the trouble. It's also on e621.
e621 link (NSFW)
Copyright-- guy stole this from Eddsworld
Copy video-
Original video-
At 12/28/15 11:26 PM, StarDoge wrote: Copyright-- guy stole this from Eddsworld
Copy video-
Original video-
That's allowed.
At 12/28/15 11:26 PM, StarDoge wrote: Copyright-- guy stole this from Eddsworld
Close. They're not exactly the same, so it's not stolen. He copied the idea for entire thing, but his version is a copy he created and has his own work in it. Close, but not stolen. ;)
At 12/28/15 06:30 PM, TheGamechanger wrote:At 12/28/15 06:16 PM, Pirelot wrote:I'll save you the trouble. It's also on e621.
e621 link (NSFW)
Dat's what I needed. Thanks, gentlemen. :)
At 12/28/15 03:42 PM, jonthomson wrote: I've ceased to be interested in letting mods know that someone has uploaded "shit escape game 420" if they're free to upload "shit escape game 421" the day after. It's incredibly easy to fix, but the mods/admins show no interest in doing so. I'm more interested in eliminating the tests, previews, speedpaints, intros, crappy stick animations, crappy madness animations, pong version 8394768, but hey, if they don't explicitly break the rules, that's ok, right? This thread has run its course.
I hear your frustration - you are certainly trying to keep a quality level of flashes on Newgrounds, and as I said before, you really are quite helpful in doing so. I am curious- you say "it's easy to fix" the uploads of sequential uploads and other flashes - would you please tell me what you had in mind? As a programmer (and one who deals with Newgrounds data on various log and stat sites) I really am interested in your solution - and if it's workable, I could help by working with the developers here to possibly implement some of the changes. I am all for eliminating manual work, and trying to make the portal entry and upload process more selective (intelligent?) . I personally would like to see more bots - like a "k-bot" - it checks entries after submission, and if it's a dupe / numbered one (as you pointed out) automatically kill it - and if a user does this to many times, lock the account - and eventually block the IP if too many accounts are created to shovel the crap.
I don't think this thread has run it's course - I think we're all trying to do the right thing, but we no longer have the tools to do it. But I do think it may be part of a bigger problem - the general decline in the activity on Newgrounds. It's no longer the "go-to" place for all of the Flash developers; there aren't any more "crews" that really use the site. The young kids who lived on this site 5-7 years ago have grown up and gone off to deal with real life. We have a handful of old folks (like me) who are in it for the long haul - and then mostly middle-to-high school age kids who visit us and do whatever they want.
Newgrounds, like any other organism, needs to evolve - or die. They've tried a few changes and reboots - with mixed results. The big questions to ask are:
1) Where are all of the flash developers these days?
2) How do we entice them to visit us and upload quality work to the site?
3) How do we keep them interested in staying?
Maybe if we had monthly (quarterly?) flash challenge contests, with nominal cash prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd (example: challenge this month: present a flash that runs at least 5 minutes that shows someone/something encountering an obstacle/problem and how they resolve it - with no spoken words, just simple sound effects or music.) There would be standing rules, such as no loops, no use of copyrighted images or material, no resubmission of any prior work, etc. The point is to give the developers an incentive to submit some of their work and maybe win a few bucks and see your name in lights on a website as a winner.
Please don't be dissuaded by your frustrations - you're not the only one who feels this way. Wade, Tom and all the other fine folks in charge need to know what the user community really feels - and hopefully, make some positive changes to keep things on an even keel.
Unpublished Submission
Stolen. Author comments indicate he doesn't know when it was created?
"This was made 11 months ago according to youtube."
I think a real author would know when they created something.
Unpublished Submission
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 montage....should be on YouTube