Who wants to shoot some Fish in a barrel?
Who wants to shoot some Fish in a barrel?
At 7/23/15 04:24 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Who wants to shoot some Fish in a barrel?
Fish can roll.
Tooto! Whoo who?? That's not Meet & Fuck's creator. So we'll assume it's stolen. I'm sure we can all agree on this.
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
Unpublished Submission
Construct 2 template
At 7/23/15 09:13 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Tooto! Whoo who?? That's not Meet & Fuck's creator. So we'll assume it's stolen. I'm sure we can all agree on this.
Not sure if all agree but I surely do, so it's gone now.
Yet another 2 shovelwares from our buddies at Enagames1, and what the author describes as, 'delightful point and click type new room escape game'.
!?!?!? It's his 903rd & 904th escape games for goodness sake. New! Pish posh.
At 7/25/15 03:38 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Yet another 2 shovelwares from our buddies at Enagames1
Well, we know how to take care of such things... >:]
This one doesn't seem to play, it just keeps loading and loading for me, anyone else having the same problem?
At 7/25/15 05:38 AM, Radaketor wrote: This one doesn't seem to play, it just keeps loading and loading for me, anyone else having the same problem?
It is a 17 second long animation that plays just fine for me.
At 7/25/15 05:54 AM, Asandir wrote: It is a 17 second long animation that plays just fine for me.
Yeah, sorry about that, it's working for me now but it wasn't loading past the first second earlier. Good thing i didn't vote on it right away or else i would've lowered the score a bit.
Yesterday's daily winner was a fucking trailer. Pretty much lost all hope with NG at this stage
At 7/22/15 05:22 PM, Asandir wrote:At 7/22/15 05:17 PM, Decky wrote: Flappy bird clones get removed right?Yes.
Well here's another.
Just audio, no animation.
Unpublished Submission
"Casper Casino Escape is the 35th point and click escape game from crazy escape games developed by Wendy Cuties"
not quite enagames level of junk, but on the way
Another two from Enagames1
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 7/28/15 10:31 AM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/661301
This is a few second loop.
...and he submitted it twice. Should be good for 2 blam points in about 2 days when it gets enough votes (*pointed sarcasm*). Technically doesn't break any rules, other than maybe the pointless demo/preview one. Still, if they somehow pass, I'll remove them. :)
Looks like girly shovelware crap to me.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
... and again Enagames1
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
He submitted this again.
Unpublished Submission
It was blammed two days ago.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Unpublished Submission
2000+ views and it's still in Judgement. Obviously, it's not winning. Looks like a Unity tutorial. Can we kick this out yet?
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Youtube material and it sounds like the user who made it isn't anywhere near 13 yet.
Mortal Kombat gameplay footage featuring music.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Is it me or wasn't there a guy doing pretty much the same stuff under the name "
"? Where did the "
" come from? Is this some kind of copycat account? It only has the follow two flashes which are going through judgement. Just seems odd to me.
Either it's games2jolly, or someone has real bad taste in what they steal.
At 8/2/15 04:45 AM, Exedor wrote: Either it's games2jolly, or someone has real bad taste in what they steal.
lol. It's been locked into my memory bank. I'll add it to the list, if or when needed.
Barracks Roster as of August 1st, 2015:
From the looks of things, it seems a lot of the EGB is on summer vacation. That's good for them - they deserve some quality time IRL to enjoy the nice days with family and friends. But it does make things scarce around here. This month, almost 95% of all of the points scored by the EGB were done by the top 5 active users - and that was only 2400 points (16 per day per top 5 user). Hopefully, we'll see more activity in the next few months when the weather cools down and people settle in after the summer is over.
On a positive note - I am glad to see that the same steadfast crew continues to do us all proud, and their work is a shining example of how the barracks were meant to be run. Their hard work and dedication is reflected in this month's milestones and promotions (and additional kudos to DefTonesFan665 for reaching Brigadier General!)
With that said, let's take a look at what we accomplished in July:
Asandir - 37K total B/P
byteslinger - 118K total B/P
DefTonesFan665 - 20K total B/P
GameJunkie - 24K blams, 50K saves, 74K total B/P
DefTonesFan665 - Brig. General
The Roster:
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
01) 130,272 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | Coop Sup. Commander | 0 | F
02) 118,446 | 0,522 | 17.40 | C | -003.15 | byteslinger Sup. Commander | 2 | D
03) 80,294 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Phantom Sup. Commander | 0 | F
04) 74,063 | 0,555 | 18.50 | C | +037.72 | GameJunkie Sup. Commander | 44 | A
05) 56,923 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Little-Rena Sup. Commander | 0 | F
06) 55,370 | 0,338 | 11.27 | C | +020.28 | Exedor Sup. Commander | 32 | A
07) 52,653 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | EagleRock Sup. Commander | 0 | F
08) 37,063 | 0,239 | 07.97 | C | -021.64 | Asandir Sup. Commander | 21 | B
09) 36,645 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | Cootie Sup. Commander | 0 | F
10) 31,508 | 0,021 | 00.70 | D | +075.00 | RohantheBarbarian Sup. Commander | 0 | F
11) 25,181 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Gimmick General | 0 | F
12) 21,938 | 0,100 | 03.33 | D | -072.14 | Decky Lt. General | 7 | C
13) 20,141 | 0,746 | 24.87 | B | -014.84 | DefTonesFan665 Brig. General | 23 | B
14) 16,315 | 0,004 | 00.13 | D | -020.00 | BrokenDeck Major | 0 | F
15) 14,330 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Chrausner Captain | 0 | F
16) 10,413 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | Archonic Sgt. Major | 0 | F
17) 10,063 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | SeeD419 Sgt. Major | 0 | F
18) 7,626 | 0,008 | 00.27 | D | -055.56 | ZJ Master Sergeant | 0 | F
19) 7,403 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | phantomlassuk Master Sergeant | 0 | F
20) 6,632 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | HeavenDuff Staff Sergeant | 0 | F
21) 6,535 | 0,002 | 00.07 | D | -033.33 | Ronald-McDonald-Lol Staff Sergeant | 0 | F
22) 6,415 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | SpiffyMasta Staff Sergeant | 0 | F
23) 6,201 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | BenwaHakubi Staff Sergeant | 0 | F
24) 5,148 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | Jackho Sergeant | 0 | F
25) 3,939 | 0,001 | 00.03 | D | +000.00 | Sectus Pvt. First Class | 0 | F
26) 2,716 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | ForNoReason Private | 0 | F
27) 0 | 0,000 | 00.00 | X| +000.00 | Andrea364 Private|0|X
Top 5 Gainers::
DefTonesFan665 - 746 (29.42% of total)
GameJunkie - 555 (21.88% of total)
byteslinger - 522 (20.58% of total)
Exedor - 338 (13.33% of total)
Asandir - 239 (9.42% of total)
Top 5 users accounted for 94.64% of B/P points (2,400 total)
Top gainers, repeat appearances::
byteslinger (30)
Asandir (28)
DefTonesFan665 (20)
GameJunkie (17)
Total gain for month: 2,536 (11 Active Members)
That's 84.53 per day, or 7.68 per day per active member.
Keep up the good work - and if you know another member IRL that seems to have fallen off the radar, do me a favor and reach out to them, and see if they'll be back any time soon. I'd love to see a month where EVERYONE had at least a little activity. (a woman can dream, can't she?)
See you all at the front lines!