Pointless demo/WIP
Pointless demo/WIP
And then there's this guy:
Stencyl tutorial today...
And whaddya know, yet another match 3 a couple days ago.
And finally, this one isn't abusive I guess, but goddammit
Stencyl tutorial :
This is a GIF of Mr. T. There's no user generated content here.
As for this one, it's probably a Apr 1 joke:
Yes, Tom is co-authored. It's just a pic of the Under Judgement screen. Not complaining about it, just adding info Spretzy's comment. Although, I don't think it's cool that they say "It seems to take you back to the load screen, so please pass this so it'll stop." Ok joke, but rough as far as begging for passing votes under false pretenses.
At 4/1/13 01:31 PM, gamejunkie wrote: What part of it must be your own original content dont people get? http://cass12.newgrounds.com/
Author Comments.
well guys this game is not all made by me mostly i found file from somwhere and i aranged to be alot better so im not taking any credits for making game so i uploaded here since it not on this web
Simple Shoot was removed, but he's got 2 others. The maze is basely user-designed, as he had to make the path. The Snake game is so similar, it might be a tutorial or free download somewhere. Are those acceptable or...? http://cass12.newgrounds.com/
At 4/1/13 03:36 PM, byteslinger wrote: 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 0100001 !
I could encode my response in binary, but I'm lazy. You know I can, too!
I didn't say it was a HARD brain teaser. Nice work on that string substitution command.
You expected any less from a Linux sysadmin? That'd be like expecting a Windows admin to not know how to reboot...
That would be nice - seeing you around here on a regular basis. You have been missed!
I think my current employment situation affords me the time to jump on the Portal every now and again and make a post or two...especially when I'm working from home! Yes, I did change jobs again. I'm no longer working those 12-hour glass watching monkey shifts...I'm at a job doing real admin work...specing out servers, buildouts, maintenance, the usual data center cage monkey work (crimping custom lengths of CAT6...ugh)...
At least I'm at a company now that hired me as a Linux expert, pays me like a Linux expert, and at while I do the mundane stuff too, I don't have to touch Windows nor do desktop support...win win :-)
Does that mean you're shutting down the bbs (http://egb.eagleworld.net/index.php)? Or did I miss something?
If it were any other day of the year, I would say yes... :-)
At 4/1/13 05:19 PM, Spretznaz wrote: And then there's this guy: http://evilcarnate.newgrounds.com/
Stencyl tutorial today...
And whaddya know, yet another match 3 a couple days ago.
ok so i remade Ez gems from a kit but avoid blocks is 100% from me sprites and all so i dont see Why it got pulled
Pointless demo or from a tutorial:
I remember joining this site and ramagi was the shit when it came to B/Ping. Seems like this site has an entirely new type of users now... What year is the ordinary member born now adays?
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
Non-working, and probably stolen. All his art was stolen, plus his audio as well. All has been removed but these:
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
bianji again
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from 0cc.net and you can't even play it, the Play button is just a link to hopy.com
At 4/3/13 09:39 AM, gamejunkie wrote: bianji again
Stolen from 0cc.net and you can't even play it, the Play button is just a link to hopy.com
Also, today seems to be the day of "submit horrible short and unoriginal flashes". Wow x.x
It's another of those single-picture-slideshow-plus-music submissions.
Oh boy...
Unpublished Submission
Author's comments: "Well it's unofficial... Decompiled the 1st ragdoll avalanche (Not 2nd) and HEAVILY Modded it!"
Brick Block Stencyl tutorial
Shovelware/Easily downloadable from many places. None of the in-game links work, which is common on downloaded games.
Unpublished Submission
At 4/4/13 07:04 AM, jaxxDS wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/614621
How is this realted to newgrounds at all? Are serious student short films being allowed? It's not like this is something like "Metaphors" which was at least much shorter and somewhat funny...
At 4/4/13 06:59 AM, jaxxDS wrote: Another video
Looks like nothing but a test for adobe after effects gun flashes etc.
Any live action work is totally allowed in the portal. Given that it is something that actually has work put into it.
Those two are just fine.
Unpublished Submission
He says in the author comments that he didn't make either the GIF or the song. He just put them together. Not much of a user-generated submission.
Author comments:
"Link to original GIF: http://i.imgur.com/985hj47.gif
And song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5G1FmU-ldg
( I didn't make these, I just put them together.)"
This guy (http://versustvigle.newgrounds.com/movies/) was somehow able to submit 15 things in 3 hours, which doesn't make any sense since there's a cap of 2 submission a day. There's also been some talk on the ones that have passed already about him not being the owner, but I wouldn't know about that. It's just odd that he was able to submit that many movies in 3 hours...
This is a slideshow. It's got effects on the pics like "movie" and fade, and also text effects, but it's still a slideshow. The picture changes about every 8 seconds. The credits are the entire second half, and are just Movie Maker text effects. He had ones removed before as they were also one to two pic slideshows. This one has more pics, but it's basically the same. It's opening text, 9 pictures, then the credits text, then 1 more pic.
At 4/5/13 01:43 AM, artistuknown wrote: This guy (http://versustvigle.newgrounds.com/movies/) was somehow able to submit 15 things in 3 hours, which doesn't make any sense since there's a cap of 2 submission a day. There's also been some talk on the ones that have passed already about him not being the owner, but I wouldn't know about that. It's just odd that he was able to submit that many movies in 3 hours...
I checked with Wade earlier today. They temporarily removed the limit while they were working on some things in the server and forgot to put it back up. It's up now, and per Wade, it's ok.
Unpublished Submission
Nine minutes of ROBLOX playing. There is no user generated content here.
Unpublished Submission
Nothing but gameplay footage. Link to download the game is the only author comments.
Non-working resubmit. Has been submitted multiple times, and has been removed by mods at least twice that I know of.
Also, not his. Author comments has the original info.
At 4/7/13 04:37 PM, jaxxDS wrote: Also, is it just me, or have I seen the third version of this game in a week or so?
The author uploaded it 4 times by now, so it's just not you. And again they are vanishing from the portal and the circle continues. Magic!
Author comments say it's not his, but it's a Stencyl tutorial anyway.
Also a demo/tutorial. You'll know it when you see level 1.