Generic ATV/BMX. Plus a repeat offender.
Unpublished Submission
Generic ATV/BMX. Plus a repeat offender.
Unpublished Submission
It's the "
Ben 10
" in the title that sets me off
Unpublished Submission
At 10/24/12 06:34 AM, Decky wrote: What about this?
Absolutely it's a gamesgrow alt.
And this is the same gamesgrow alt.
Unpublished Submission
At 10/24/12 06:39 AM, gamejunkie wrote: Absolutely it's a gamesgrow alt.
Two in a row, victory cig I think.
Yeah, how about not?
Unpublished Submission
What do we think about this one?
Unpublished Submission
At 10/24/12 09:17 AM, Spretznaz wrote: Yeah, how about not?
At 10/24/12 09:38 AM, gamejunkie wrote: What do we think about this one?
Ha, the website made me laugh. Also gone.
Spot the Difference
I'm getting a 403 error on this one. Is it stolen?
This game was submitted yesterday and deleted by a Portal Mod before I could even post it here. Strange thing is, I'm fairly positive it wasn't submitted under the account that is now submitting it.
Unpublished Submission
and here's yesterdays deleted version
Unpublished Submission
At 10/25/12 06:03 AM, Decky wrote: gamesgrow alt
and again
Unpublished Submission
Think this is one too
Unpublished Submission
Spot the Difference. Plus I think they also uploaded this last night
Unpublished Submission
Stolen from some Russian site. Serial offender!!!
Unpublished Submission
At 10/26/12 02:03 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
here is another one.
What is wrong with this one? It's submitted by the site that made it and it's not plastered with ads and it's a reasonable game. I personally would leave this one alone. I don't feel it falls into the Shovelware category but then again that's just my opinion.
At 10/26/12 03:12 AM, gamejunkie wrote:At 10/26/12 02:03 AM, LittleWashu wrote: is wrong with this one? It's submitted by the site that made it and it's not plastered with ads and it's a reasonable game. I personally would leave this one alone. I don't feel it falls into the Shovelware category but then again that's just my opinion.
here is another one.
It just lit up so many of the old warning flags. Account made on the same day, and posted a new game that had that shoverware feel.
Here you go guys. Unless of course you WANT to play it?
Unpublished Submission
Generic dressup
I especially like the author's comment, "This is a dress-up game. If you dislike dress-ups, DON'T play! No excuses."
At 10/26/12 11:16 AM, Spretznaz wrote: Generic dressup
I especially like the author's comment, "This is a dress-up game. If you dislike dress-ups, DON'T play! No excuses."
Yeah but it's not Shovelware and it's not plastered with ads and the author actually put a fair amount of work into it unlike your bog standard generic dress up games. Again as much as I hate to say it, this one should not be deleted just because it's a dress up game.
I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be in the audio portal...
Unpublished Submission
At 10/26/12 01:31 PM, SFS1313 wrote: I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to be in the audio portal...
This thread does not pertain to audio files. It is probably best to just use the report function on that if you really think it deserves it.
Okay here's some stuff to take care of. Serial Offender.
This just submitted by
is credited to
Unpublished Submission
His other 2 submissions also got through judgement somehow.
Army Boxing which he submitted as Arm Boxing is credited to
Unpublished Submission
and Magnet which is credited to AuroraGames via
Unpublished Submission
When will these idiots learn? (Rhetorical) I know they won't.
This is getting out of hand. No idea what this guy is thinking but these games are Stolen. This one I've seen hundreds of times.
Unpublished Submission
and this one. Well, just check out the credits and original release date, you'll see what I mean.
Unpublished Submission