At 10/6/12 03:45 AM, VicariousE wrote: I have yet another question (sorry I'm not a member). Just caught a completely plagiarized review in Tom's "Talk Head" app/game, so I flagged it. Will a review mod catch what I caught? There's NO mod on duty just now...... can mods overrule a previous decision?
Both reviews were on the same page. I don't think would like his hard work as a reviewer being lifted like that.
Tigerkitty was kind enough to straighten this out with a bit of advice: if you flag something that isn't plainly abusive, PM a Review Mod and explain why. Still lost whistle points (haven't tagged a review in some time, and it went to garbage thanks to this incident).
Anyone remember the field that would pop-up when you hit the old abusive button? It had check marks for what in particular was wrong and an optional text field to describe WTF is up. This could be a potential bummer for the mods to wade through, but I really think this feature should be bought back.
Vault 101 I have (LOST) many old and deleted Flash submissions, (you can't) PM me (dammit Tom) the filename, maybe I (godhelpmeonedayIwill) got it.