WTF... I thought I had a blam point for sure..
I mean really?? Where's the value in this. I can do better for crying out loud. This should have a score of 0.8
WTF... I thought I had a blam point for sure..
I mean really?? Where's the value in this. I can do better for crying out loud. This should have a score of 0.8
At 5/2/11 10:09 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: WTF... I thought I had a blam point for sure.. 8932
I mean really?? Where's the value in this. I can do better for crying out loud. This should have a score of 0.8
You know I just realized why this passed. The file size is 5.6 mb. Just goes to prove a lot of people just vote based on the filesize of the flash.
I think the admins should take off the information about how big a flash is, forces people to view it before they vote. I bet it would make a difference.
At 5/2/11 10:19 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:At 5/2/11 10:09 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote: WTF... I thought I had a blam point for sure..You know I just realized why this passed. The file size is 5.6 mb. Just goes to prove a lot of people just vote based on the filesize of the flash. 8932
I mean really?? Where's the value in this. I can do better for crying out loud. This should have a score of 0.8
I think the admins should take off the information about how big a flash is, forces people to view it before they vote. I bet it would make a difference.
It could work, or it could completely backfire as well. It is bad enough that people vote to protect based on filesize and not watching the flash itself. Could you image what could happen if they took that away? For starters the worst case senerio would be that everyone would blindly protect everything that comes in. I say this because the users who are sheep will follow the trend that is going on, and sadly it is the clockday fad in which you vote to protect everything.
At 5/2/11 10:50 PM, LittleWashu wrote: It could work, or it could completely backfire as well. It is bad enough that people vote to protect based on filesize and not watching the flash itself. Could you image what could happen if they took that away? For starters the worst case senerio would be that everyone would blindly protect everything that comes in. I say this because the users who are sheep will follow the trend that is going on, and sadly it is the clockday fad in which you vote to protect everything.
I don't see how this shows it could make things worst. You're trying to say that preventing people from voting based on filesize by eliminating the filesize would make things worst?
Do you not understand that people voting based on the filesize in the first place is just as bad as people who vote to blindly protect things?
This new scenario that you propose isn't something new, it's what's already happening! People are already doing this.
What I'm saying is take away one of their tools that they use to gauge what's good to blam or protect. Then if every flash starts passing, we can implement other things to alter the way people vote.
Either way something needs to be done I think. That's the point I'm getting at.
At 5/1/11 01:33 PM, Lizzardis wrote: Barracks Roster as of May 1st, 2011:
Welcome to the Barracks roster!
How are we all on this fine day?
It's a few days later, but yeah, I'm good.
Lizzy is unemployed!
Join the club.
26) 02,691 | 0,048 | 01.60 | D | +000.00 | Decky Private | --- | C
I alway imagined that my first lot of gain on an EGB roster would be bigger but O' well. It'll get better but for the time being I have to just deal with getting small amounts. Every little helps, I guess.
Total gain for month: 10,348
Thats really good, I think ;).
I'm glad to see everyone active and communicating here. Finally, we have some life in the Barracks.
Lizz: Thanks for the roster update - I didn't realize that MWMike changed his name to Pride, so I had to tweak the database to make that work right. It's ok now. Sorry to hear that you got summarily canned from your source of employment, but fortunately, you're young and strong and (dare I say) good looking so you shouldn't have troubles finding more work. See if Harry and Kate need a live-in student that will help keep their PC - and their mansion - clean and free from bugs. Wouldn't that look good on your resume - "personal technical and etymological assistant to HRH Prince William and Princess Kate"
Spiffy & LittleWashu: You both make good points for your arguments, but IMHO showing the size of the flash - or not - really won't make a difference. The "Blind 5 Voters" won't care. It's going to take some fundamental changes in the way voting is handled - especially for new accounts or accounts that abuse the system - before we see balance again. Right now it's user attitude vs. a generous voting system. We can't change people's minds - but we (that really means Tom, Wade & crew) can change the programming and the logic of the voting process to force a level of fairness. No system is perfect - and hopefully, with the relaunch, some of the voting holes will be closed.
Coop: My friend, I am sure you'll be on top for a while. My activity has dropped somewhat (for my standards) and I have been using my "0"s a bit more now than before. I'm not as lenient as I was on the borderline flashes, either - it's time we get some level of quality back into Newgrounds. Our competition, if any, is certainly friendly. I'm really not in it for the points or the ranking - just keeping busy and trying to do the best I can. I'm just trying to hang onto the top-5 streak, but a lot of the newer members (like Tycrane, Jolly and Cootie) are firing away like Jack Bauer in the middle of an Iranian military base - non stop, unlimited ammo! LOL Glad to see that level of activity - it keeps me on my toes!
SCTE3: You're always welcome to post here. Sorry to hear you're having problems with your website build. I've been doing websites for years, and I'll be happy to give you some tips and ideas if you want some help. As for graduating High School - good for you! Stay focused these next few weeks, keep those grades up and clobber your finals and Regents - end it all on a good note, and then you can look back with pride at what you accomplished. Good luck to you!
Our ever present and illustrious leader, EagleRock: You were doing good there for a few weeks, boss. Made a few posts, did a couple of new-recruit entries, and even tossed in a new chapter of your story. But now, you're quiet again. Guess your vacation week is over and you're back to work. How sad - we do miss you around here..
With that, it's time for me to end my standard WOT (wall o' text) and get back to the business at hand.
Well done, everyone! See you at the front lines!
Oh, before I run off....
*Hands out fresh cookies and milk (soy to Cobra) to everyone*
There, nothing like starting the day with a delicious snack! Go get'em, kids!
At 5/3/11 11:02 AM, byteslinger wrote: I'm glad to see everyone active and communicating here. Finally, we have some life in the Barracks.
Lizz: Thanks for the roster update - I didn't realize that MWMike changed his name to Pride, so I had to tweak the database to make that work right.
Actually, we have TWO Mikes now. Slight correction: The one that is known as Pride is the new recruit BigMike47, who dropped the numbers.
Sigh... I haven't been out of school five days and my dad has already given me a job at his office. Lovely, eh? I wanted a real job with income from outside of the family, but this will have to do.
After my 15-blam performance yesterday (A new personal record, I might say), it looks like I won't be getting much more for a while.
Looks like I did pretty crappy this month. But thats what virus scares and going back to school do to you. College = MOUNTAIN of HW.
Stolen Flash Alert!
Original Links
and d_content.html
Published: January 10th, 2006
True Author: Max Albernethy
This one is pretty obvious as this game was made five years ago and the person who is releasing it now appears to have no affiliation with "yoarcade", so I'd definitely say stolen (also the games dimensions were alittle out of wack when I first saw the menu screen).
Man, it's way too early for thefts lol.
At 5/4/11 12:22 PM, Pride wrote: Stolen Flash Alert!
This one is pretty obvious as this game was made five years ago and the person who is releasing it now appears to have no affiliation with "yoarcade", so I'd definitely say stolen (also the games dimensions were alittle out of wack when I first saw the menu screen).
Man, it's way too early for thefts lol.
Nice catch. I didn't even think twice when I first saw it in the portal and voted after playing for 30 seconds.
*Stolen Flash*
Originally submitted at addicting games: t-game.html
Launch Date: 04/29/11
Authors: Dylan Meville / Shoyah
It looks like a pretty clear indication that this person stole it since his name is Andy and has no prior flash submissions to the portal.
Stolen Flash Alert!
It's just a clip of the Disney movie "Hercules" (except in a different language).
At 5/4/11 07:06 PM, Pride wrote: Stolen Flash Alert! 9082
It's just a clip of the Disney movie "Hercules" (except in a different language).
I don't remember hercules having Grim from the cartoon "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". While it does use a clip from the movie it does use original stuff so I didn't flag it. I didn't think it was portal worthy though.
At 5/4/11 07:14 PM, sixflab wrote: I don't remember hercules having Grim from the cartoon "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". While it does use a clip from the movie it does use original stuff so I didn't flag it. I didn't think it was portal worthy though.
Huh weird I didn't see that part, (for some reason my laptop is acting rather buggy today) all I got was a blank screen after that part. Obviously he didn't make the Hercules part or the clip from the Grim Adventures. Mashing up popular cartoons isn't really that original, but I'll still withdrawl my claim (as I'm unsure if such a compilation as this would still be "whistle worthy")
At 5/4/11 07:36 PM, Pride wrote:At 5/4/11 07:14 PM, sixflab wrote: I don't remember hercules having Grim from the cartoon "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy". While it does use a clip from the movie it does use original stuff so I didn't flag it. I didn't think it was portal worthy though.Huh weird I didn't see that part, (for some reason my laptop is acting rather buggy today) all I got was a blank screen after that part. Obviously he didn't make the Hercules part or the clip from the Grim Adventures. Mashing up popular cartoons isn't really that original, but I'll still withdrawl my claim (as I'm unsure if such a compilation as this would still be "whistle worthy")
Reminds me of my laptop yesterday. Wouldn't load a complete flash for anything. Well it ended up being flagged by enough people for administrative review. It'll probably be removed when they get to it so probably wasn't a bad idea to post. But as you said it's one of those things that you can't be sure of.
Stolen Flash
Giant Gray-ish bars on the top and bottom.. Previous submission was flagged.. Definitely stolen.
Source: h_trick.html
Alot of stolen flashs been reported in the past couple of days, shame that I missed them. Currently sat at a public libary getting as much B/P as I can get, thought I'd catch up with the forums too, so here I am. Still waiting until I can even start to save up for a laptop but Should be on here regular again in the next few months. Just put up with me until then.
The librarian here is really scary, why does she keep looking at me like that.
Flash unsuitable
'Kerbopher' - what a fail poser.
This flash/slideshow may contain copyrighted images that doesn't belong to the author, also the last slide is a real pornographic image probably taken off the internet as well.
Flagged as 'unsuitable'.
I really have to be quicker with flagging these flashes. Whenever I find one on my own, it's either already under review before I can type in my reason or blammed.
At 5/4/11 06:57 PM, sixflab wrote: *Stolen Flash* 9084
Originally submitted at addicting games: t-game.html
Possible Stolen Flash
This guy already has a past record of submitting stolen flashes, and it looks like he just committed another theft. The dimensions on this flash are slightly off, it's buggy, and some of the features on it don't work properly (honestly I highly doubt that this guy is the true author). Unfortunately because I'm unable to find an original link (could be because I'm searching for the wrong "key terms"; this guy could have easily gave this game a new "fake name") I can't call it stolen for sure, but if anyone else finds anything let me know.
At 5/6/11 12:35 AM, Pride wrote:At 5/4/11 06:57 PM, sixflab wrote: *Stolen Flash*Possible Stolen Flash 9084
Originally submitted at addicting games: t-game.html 9176
This guy already has a past record of submitting stolen flashes, and it looks like he just committed another theft. The dimensions on this flash are slightly off, it's buggy, and some of the features on it don't work properly (honestly I highly doubt that this guy is the true author). Unfortunately because I'm unable to find an original link (could be because I'm searching for the wrong "key terms"; this guy could have easily gave this game a new "fake name") I can't call it stolen for sure, but if anyone else finds anything let me know.
Well in the possible stolen flash it has Kemono Club logo in the left corner and it's some sort of asian erotic games site. Unfortunately I don't understand the language and can't find the original swf. file.
At 5/6/11 12:35 AM, Pride wrote: Possible Stolen Flash 9176
I can't call it stolen for sure, but if anyone else finds anything let me know.
I found this, but it doesn't seem to be of much better quality since it's skewed to smaller dimensions, thus making the entire flash look a little grainy. I'm pretty sure this is NOT the original, but it's better than nothing. Also there seems to be a way to download this which would help explain how it got stolen - can't find which . ?photo=33582&title=kemono-club&cat=25
The flash was posted in 2006 apparently. Take it as you will.
According to a user on the page I linked to above, the original could've been seen here (but the link no longer works): rts/flash/dance.html
Happily ETS'd.
At 5/6/11 01:08 AM, TailsPrower wrote: ?photo=33582&title=kemono-club&cat=25
The flash was posted in 2006 apparently. Take it as you will.
According to a user on the page I linked to above, the original could've been seen here (but the link no longer works): rts/flash/dance.html
Honestly, I think the links that you found definitely provide enough condemning evidence to say that this guy most likely stole this the animation. This guy already had a track record of stealing, he couldn't get the "satge size" of the flash correct (which I'm sure the real author could do), he doesn't appear to have any connection to (he didn't state affiliation nor does he have a corresponding email), and since this submission was already made years ago (if this was the true author he should have definitely provided background information) I'm going to whistle this one as stolen.
Thanks for the links btw :D
Glad I could be of help, seems that this old fart's still got it! I'll try to be of more assistance in other reports that require further investigation, I owe it to my position and to the Portal.
Happily ETS'd.
Stolen Flash Alert!
Original Links
(This game was originally created by ArcadeQuest and then it was stolen by another author;
True Author: ArcadeQuest (ArcadeQuest was the first person to publisg this game according to Mochi)
I sincerly hate this kind of bullshit (this game has been ripped so many times it's gotten quite boring; link). Since this author has no affiliationwith arcadequest (even in the author's comments he admits he didn't make the game; though my claim is not solely based on this) and because this game has already been submitted numerous times, I'm a blowin mah whistle!
Guess who is back and is spamming the portal?
I saw two flash movies of his in the portal today. The first one got blammed, but this piece of shit passed. My guess to why this one passed was based on the name of it. Sad part about this is that now that this shit passed the rest of it will get a free pass unless the Admins delete it.
Not to sure who that spammer was LittleWashu a former KK member perhaps? the flash intro rings a bell but I don't remember a spam crew called HH. Still so many spam crews over the years what was he deleted for anyway? Anyway BIOSHOCK 2 is a amazing game I want to get the original also amazing graphics, and gameplay love the fps view. BIOSHOCK INFINITE lacks the feel of Rapture still its has not been released yet. From what I saw the of the trailer for it looks cool but I love playing as a Big Daddy in the second game near the end I think.
Stolen Flash Alert!
Original Link der/bookincook/
This game was essentially just ripped from, which is why it won't work.
How pathetic....
I know it's been a while guys but I'm here to help defend the portal a little bit again. This user took a game right from the deadmau5 website and put it here on NG. Grab this and blow the whistle.
Original Link to the Deadmau5 website
I seem to have forgotten how to link flashes into the bbs, but I'm sure it'll come back to me eventually.
Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.
Hey guys, my laptop died. Which really sucks because I had everything on it (literally everything I used), and I was about to load my work programs on it, too. I've been looking at this external hard drive to buy and back it all up but it's too late now. We're gonna get it fixed but it's a nail biter because they may have to wipe the hard drive to reload Windows on it.
It's a hardware error that stops the thing from booting and I tried everything with no success.
Anyway, I haven't seen any really bad flashes pass lately (No blank screens, nothing too bad) so I'm pleased. Understandably, I won't be able to do much on Newgrounds this next week or so... But I have a job and a source of income now (Even though I'm only working for my dad, it's still a job).
Keep up the good work, guys. I'll be around.