At 4/22/11 02:55 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote: Shame that I/we cannot change the way he votes, shame on him, I guess.
This is coming from the same person that got kicked out of the Barracks because of his voting habits. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Even if your evidence did in fact point to him being the one that saved it (which it doesn't), what exactly do you plan on doing about it? Bringing it up here does not solve anything. All it has done is state that someone saved the Flash when it should have not been saved in your opinion.
Personally, I don't feel it necessary for you to cry wolf in here about every instance of savewhoring that you come across. It certainly isn't telling us something we didn't know. TooCool100 has not made it a secret that he only saves movies. So frankly, we've accomplished nothing.
Let's not forget that you were dishonorably discharged, DoD. One of the main reasons for it was your voting habits, which you declared to be against what the Barracks stands for. You stated you would not change your voting habits back then, and since your whole focus on Newgrounds is still statwhoring, I don't believe your voting habits have changed now. If I were you, I'd worry about how you vote, not how others vote.
If you have a serious reason for posting here, DoD, I'm all ears. Otherwise, I ask you to refrain from doing so. Thanks.