At 1/1/11 09:49 PM, Lizzardis wrote:
Barracks Roster as of January 1st, 2011:
Good evening to you all.
Hi, Lizz! Happy New Year!
To be honest I'd forgotten about this roster, and well yes... It's 2:36am on the 2ND of January over in the UK (Sorry Coop :P), but I decided to post the roster anyway. I hope you are all well and that the Christmas period and new year piss up, has not taken it's toll THAT badly on your body. It's ground hog day for us all now. A New Year? Well yeah, but we're all working to make a living. Another day another dollar as the phrase goes right? ;)
Thanks for the post - you know we all appreciate the great work! I'm doing okay, and I look forward to 2011 being better than 2010. As for working - well, I've been working full time (or more) for many decades now, and I can tell you this: If I ever hit the lottery, I'll NEVER work another day again. I enjoy being a techno-geek, but selling chunks of my life for money just to survive is just demeaning.
Well for me I'm busy working, and wasting my life away instead of revising for my AS-Levels in a week and a half... Ouch. Yeah it's depressing, and yes it's getting me down... But my job is going great, and my girlfriend is doing fabulous. Yet it's just the little things in life which piss you off the most isn't it? Blah. Oh well then.
Don't get depressed - sometimes you have to shovel manure in your garden before you can see the flowers grow. Glad to hear that things are going well with your girlfriend. Treat her right, and everything else will fall into place!
Also, I hope to become a bit more active on NG as of the new year. I've already gained 2 B/P ranks in the past week I think, and a new level, so that's on the upside I guess. Plus I passed 10 Total votes! Muhaha! more power to the people who will use it best, yes? ;)
My minions grow, I mean the EGB grows stronger as you climb the ranks. Feel the power - the power to blam... to control the destiny of helpless flashes. To eradicate works of others at the whim of your desires. Come, join me in the dark know you want to....hehehehe....
Well yeah, I hope all of the EGB has had a wonderful holiday and I wish you ALL the best throughout 2011 and I hope that this year, is what you will all make of it. May it be filled with laughter and excitement with the ones you love. Relationships will be made, bonds will be broken and you'll find those who will stick them back together again... But hey.... That's all a way of life isn't it? Haha.
Same to you, my friend. Nothing but the best!
So, I'll leave you with your roster. I apologise it's a little late Coop. :P
Okay - now stop apologizing already!
Holy crap! Congrats to all who made a mark - nice round of activity there, folks!
Well done and well deserved! *Salutes*
Congrats to all of you!
Entering The List::
Welcome to the EGB! Please leave your sanity at the door. You won't be needing it in here at all!
Leaving The Barracks::
No members retired this month.
Yay! The EGB got a +1 this time. Nice!
Looks like we've all had a busy month. SeeD419 is definitely hammering away, but he has a long way to go to keep pace with Coop and me. Wow. I can't believe I've been in the "repeat" list for 2 years - and next month, Coop will be there as well! Congrats on that, Coop! Nice to see I'm not the only lonely geek in the club!
Overall, a very good month and a very good ending to 2010. Just one little thing, though - has anyone heard from our illustrious and benevolent leader, the ever kind and wise - and now absent - EagleRock? He had NO activity last month, and I haven't seen a post from him in a while. I hope he's okay - if anyone has more details, or has IM'd him recently, I'd love to hear it.
Thanks again, Lizz, for the roster. Happy New Year to all of you - it is an honor and a privilege to serve shoulder-to-shoulder will every one of you!
As you were...